Wanted {BatFamilyxReader}

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It's been 3 months since I ran away, it's been really hard but I'm not going to stay somewhere I'm not wanted. I've had enough of Bruce's training to know how to protect myself but I'm better at solving cases than fighting. I'm surprised they haven't found me yet, although they probably aren't looking. Maybe they didn't even realize I left. I kept my head down as I walked past crates to enter the small shed I've called home for the past couple of weeks. I push the door open and a shaky breath escapes my lips. I plop myself down onto a dusty beanbag chair and relax. My stomach growls and I wince. I haven't eaten in 6 days, only small things like granola bars I managed to steal. It felt wrong taking things, I really do want to pay for them, I understand some of the criminals we've arrested now. A knock on the broken door jolts me back to reality. I stand up, in a ready position and inch towards the door. I quickly open in only to find no one there. I step out into the night.

"Hello?" I whisper. A bag was thrown over my head and I started to panic. I cried out for help, but no one was listening. The attacker elbowed my in the head, causing me to lose consciousness and fade out.

Dick's POV

My eyes stung from how long I've been staring at this screen. 3 months and still no progress in Y/N's case. I've searched her room at least a thousand times, looking for any clues today was the first time I actually found something. A carefully folded letter with her neat handwriting on it. It was addressed to me. I clutched onto the paper, afraid to look at it, I didn't want to read what ever was written in dread it was what I thought it was. I shakily opened the folded piece of paper and began reading.

Dear Dick,

You tell me all the time how much this family loves me, but these past couple of months have not been the greatest for me. I don't really expect you to understand but I can try to explain to you why. It all started on that one mission to Venezuela. Do you remember what happened? I screwed the entire mission up. I caused all of you guys to get hurt. I am not fit to wear this suit Dick, I only cause harm to the ones I love. And ever since that mission everyone has treated me different, even you. Although, I understand. No amount of apologizing will even come close to making up for what happened. But I really am sorry. I love you and everyone else. I hope you'll be able to get more done without me there to mess it up.

Love, Y/N

P.s. I don't need saving.

I felt the warm tears flow down my cheeks. Y/N ran away. I knew we were being too hard on her. I crush the note in my hand and run it up to everyone else. Bruce is the first to read it and his expression, although stern flickers to a concerned one.

"She can manage right? She's strong." Tim suggests, but we all know he's just trying to calm everyone's nerves. A buzzing distracted me, and I saw everyone else got the notification too.

"Oh shit." Jason swore, I noticed he had just read the news. I looked at my phone and my eyes went wide.

"Time to go, boys." Bruce announced.

Your POV

I felt dizzy and sick to my stomach as I regained consciousness. I attempted to rub my eyes but my hands were clasped together behind my back. I tugged on them, unable to move. When I finally realized that a bag was still over my head my heart rate began to increase. I slowed my breathing, gripping onto the fact that I am still alive. The sack was pulled over my head and my eyes adjusted to the light.

"Hello girly. What're ya doin all alone on the dangerous streets of Gotham?" Joker asked me. His lips were cracked and bright red, hair greener than summer grass. I had to keep myself from gagging at the odour of his strong cologne.

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