Y/N Todd {DamianWaynexReader}

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You're Jason's Little Sister
Character Ages:

Jason Todd~ 22
Damian Wayne~ 16
You~ 16

You ran to the manor with tears in your eyes and a huge slap mark across your face you ran into the doors and hit something. You fell on your butt and slowly looked up to see Damian with his hand out stretched.

"I apologize." You said while using his hand to help you up. He gasped when you came face to face and he reached up to touch the mark. You flinched your head away when he touched it and that made him jump back.

"Y/N.. who did this to you?" He asked. You shook your head. It was your now ex-boyfriend {insert ex boyfriend} but you didn't want to tell him that.

"Where's my brother?" You asked.

"Todd? He should be in the library." He said. You nodded your head and thanked him, then you rushed past concerned Dick and Tim and made your way into the library. When you got there Jason stood up, immediately knowing something was wrong.

"Who the hell did that to you?" He asked sternly while pulling you in for a hug. You clung onto him and cried.

"{ex boyfriend's name}." You said while crying. Jason visibly tensed and picked you up. He carried you back to where Dick, Tim, and Damian were. He set you down on Dick's lap and you hugged Dick. Dick hugged you back and rocked you. He stroked your hair while rubbing your back.

"Watch her." Jason ordered. All three boys nodded their heads and you buried your face in Dick's chest. You waited until Jason was gone then you pulled away from Dick.

"N/N, what happened?" Dick asked softly.

"{ex boyfriend's name} hit me." You sobbed and gestured to your face. By now it wasn't just a red mark it was bruised. Damian's jaw clenched.

"I'm going to find Todd." He said then walked out. Tim got off his stool and made a coffee. He slid it over to you and you smiled. Tim's coffee always made you smile. You took a sip and followed the brothers when they suggested a movie. So there you were two hours later asleep while cuddling with Dick and Tim. The tv was playing in the background when Jason and Damian enter the room. Jason smiles and picks you up leaving Tim and Dick to sleep on the sofa themselves. Damian followed you and Jason to your room.

"How do you think she'll react when we tell her {Ex Boyfriend's Name} is no longer a problem." Damian asked.

"I suggest we don't tell her." Jason whispered and set you down on your bed. He tucked you in and left the room. When he was sure Jason had left Damian leaned down and kissed your forehead.

"Sweet dreams Todd #2" he whispered. You smiled as Damian left the room knowing you wouldn't be short a boyfriend for long.

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