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This will be done in a first person POV

I position myself on the rooftop while aiming my sniper at Lex Luthor. He was visiting Starling City on business and I wasn't going to let my chance of revenge slip between my fingers. I was about to pull the trigger when an arrow was shot at me. I expertly dodged the shot and looked over towards my attacker. 

"Hello, Roy." I growled. Roy came out of the shadows wielding an arrow in his bow. 

"Long time, no see, sis." He said, "I was beginning to think you left town." 

I got up from my position and pulled on my own quiver. I stretched over and grabbed my bow, placing an arrow in it.

"Never left, just ran away." I replied, "I'm beginning to think my best option is leaving though. You, and dad keep finding me."

He shook his head and lowered his bow. I shot right beside him and he gave me a shocked expression. I ran past him and onto the line my arrow gave. He cursed and attempted to chase me, but by the time he turned around, I was gone. I watched Roy hop down from the building and continue his search for me. I'm sorry, Roy, but I can't go home.


I've finally reached Gotham, it's dark out and I am currently scaling the rooftops of the city. I hear a thump beside me, I pull an arrow into my bow and point it towards the sound.

"Y/S/N, come with me." Batman spoke.


"Y/N Queen. Come with me." He ordered. I started to run off of the building but as I jumped a rope wrapped itself around my ankle. I did what Jason had taught me, a long time ago, and quickly reached up to cut it. My knife sliced straight through the wire, leaving a shocked Bruce.

"Y/S/N! Get back here!" He called out. I smirked.

"Catch me if you can!"


"Red Hood!" I called out, he told me he would be here somewhere.

"Y/S/N, over here." Jason said. I made my way towards him but felt something was off.

"Red, why don't you come to me..." I asked. I heard chuckling from behind the crate and Jason was thrown towards me. I caught him the best I could and quickly took out an arrow, hiding Jay behind me.

"Clever girl.." Someone taunted.

"Show yourself." I demanded.

"I'm hurt you don't recognize my voice." They say. I furrow my brows. Suddenly it clicks into my mind.

"Lex." I growl.

"That's right. Now, you're probably wondering what I needed with Red Hood. Well, I knew you and him were dear old friends, which only made sense that you would meet him here without any questions asked." He went on. "You should have asked yourself, 'if I haven't seen him in so long, why does he want to meet up?' but you didn't. You were too selfish, you lacked intelligence, you let your feelings get the better of you. Perhaps you're... lonely?" Lex questioned.

"Shut up!" I called. I shot the arrow at Lex but it went right through him, "You're a.. hologram?" I asked dumbfounded.

"Disappointed?" Another Lex asked from behind me. I turned around and shot an aroow at him, but again, it went right through him.

"You coward!" I scolded. Instantly, many life-like holograms surrounded Jason and I. I dropped to my knees and guarded Jason. I gently shook him.

"Don't bother, he's out cold. Now, you're going to have to choose. Since you like playing God so much, I am going to give you the power to control life. So choose. Who will live... and who will die?" Lex said. I looked at the holograms with tears clouding my vision.

"What do you mean?" I asked quietly.

"You, or Jason." He said, "Who's going to live?" Lex asked. I shook my head.

"Jason. Jason's going to live." I immediatly said. Lex chuchkled.

"Sacrifice. Because that's the only way you can deem yourself a hero, isn't it?" 

"I am a hero!" I counter. The holograms shake their heads.

"You're no hero! You're an unloyal, untrustworthy, evil.." He started. I cut him off by screaming out. 

"Stop! I know I'm not a hero! I know I deserve this! But, please, let me say goodbye!" I cried. Lex looked at me with pity.

"Very well." He said. I turned to Jason and shook him.

"Jason." I said, "Jason, I really need you to wake up right now. I have to leave, and I won't be back. I really need you to wake up and say goodbye to me, like how I couldn't when you died. The night you died, ripped me apart. It made me into Y/S/N. It made me a killer. I was driven into Lex's care and I don't want to recall what I was put through. I learned things I wish I never knew.  I'm no hero, Jason. But let me be one for you." I said. I closed my eyes, tears pouring out of them. I felt something on my cheek and when I opened my eyes Jason was wiping my tears with his thumb.

"You are a hero Y/N, I know you've killed, but so have I." He said, his voice strained, "Please, you don't have to die. Live your life, I deserve it more anyways."

I shook my head and dropped onto him, hugging him. I let more tears out and Jason wrapped him arms around me. I reached up and kissed him. We shared a long kiss, while clinging to each other, for the last time. 

"Y/N Queen, please don't go. Don't leave me." Jason pleaded. I shook my head and brought him in for one last kiss.

"I'm sorry Jay. Please don't forget me." I said. I kissed his forehead and stood up, he tried to grab me but he was bound to the floor with the injuries he had. Which meant he couldn't go after me. I looked at him again before turning back, and nodding at Lex's hologram. The hologram turned to the side and I followed it. I saw Jason crawling towards me out of the corner of my eye.

"No weapons." Lex said. I threw my quiver, arrows, and bow over and walked towards the real Lex Luthor.

"Don't lay a finger on him while I'm gone." I threat. Lex puts his right hand over his heart.

"I do solemnly swear." He said, and even though he's evil, I know that Lex would never dare break this promise. What Lex and I had, well, let's just say I wasn't exactly born a Queen. I got down on my knees and Lex pressed a gun to my forehead.

"Y/N! No!" Jason cried out. He started to stand up and make his way over to me. Tears escaped and started running down both our cheeks.

"Do it." I instructed. And that's what Lex did. The last thing I heard was the sound of a gunshot, then I slipped into complete darkness.

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