Keep Quiet (DickGraysonxReader)

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I pound on the glass as it starts filling up with water, desperate to get out. It fails to break and my mind is panicking but my body is stiff from the cold water being pumped into the tank. The water stopped once it reached my neck and I tried my best to control my breathing so I wouldn't hyperventilate. I saw the green fabric of Riddler's costume and I sneered.

"What belongs to you but is used by others, hmm?" He asks me. I shake my head, my body shivering and my teeth chattering uncontrollably.

"Answer the riddle." He says sternly, placing his hands on the pump, ready to flood the tank.

"My name." I say harshly. He laughs and begins to turn the valve.

"And what might that be?" He questioned. I shook my head. I wasn't going to answer.

"Fine. What about your friends' name?" He pressed. I knew he was talking about Dick. I kept my lips shut while I shook to stay warm. He growled and turned the valve causing water to fill up the tank. It rose fast, I swallowed lots of it, and when it got near the top I pushed my face against the ceiling to inhale the last bit of air. Now all that was left in the tank was ice cold water. I let myself sink to the bottom, I was too cold and too exhausted to do anything. I guess this is how I die. My legs hit the bottom and the rest of my body sinks down. My H/C hair floats around me and I feel the darkness pulling me closer with each breath I let out. Eventually there is no more air in my lungs. I refuse to inhale, I know how painful it is to drown. But I'm going down like this anyways. My heart beats loud in my ears, I know these are my final moments, cold and alone. I close my eyes one last time and let the darkness consume me.

Dick's POV

I run through the doors. Immediately, I spot
Y/N, and she's not moving. I rush towards her, but I'm stopped by Riddler, who shoves his cane in my direction.

"What have you done!" I growl. He laughs and I lunge at him, it wasn't smart of him to stay alone. As I'm charging he yelps and starts to run. Before I can get any farther a batarang is thrown in his direction, I look up and see Damian. Good, they're here. I forget riddler and let them deal with him. I run towards Y/N and touch the glass. It's ice cold, I know she could be dead already but I still have to get her out of there. I scale the glass and reach the top, Jason lands beside me.

"Want me to blow it?" He questions. I nod my head.

"Yeah, just nothing that could hurt her." I say. He nods his head and placed a small bomb on top of the tank. We cover our ears and it explodes. I instantly dive into the water. My muscles tense at the freezing temperature. I push through the sting of the cold and swim quickly to the bottom. I grab Y/N's arms and lift her up, handing her to Jason. He lifts her out of the water.

"Damn, that's cold. She's going to have hypothermia." He points out. He lays her down on the top of the tank and starts CPR as I climb out of the water. I activate heat in my suit and feel bad that Bruce didn't install it onto hers. As Jason does CPR I notice she's still not moving.

"Jason, move." I tell him, he listens and allows me to do it. I count the pumps and then give mouth to mouth. After about a minute I begin to lose hope, I see out of the corner of my eyes Bruce, Damian, Tim and Jason are all watching me with sorrow filled eyes. I refuse to give up and continue pumping. Suddenly she coughs aggressively and sits up shaking. She looks around quickly, once her eyes land on me she tackles me to the ground.

"Dick! You came!" She exclaims, hugging me, probably enjoying the warmth. I hug her tightly.

"Of course I did." I state. She smiles and placed a gentle kiss on my lips.

"Thank you." She says. I smile back at her.

"Anytime, darling." I say as I give her another kiss.

"That's so cheesy." I hear Damian whisper as he walks away. We laugh and follow them home, wrapping Y/N up in many blankets and letting her ride in the batmobile with Bruce. Now all I need to do is figure out why Riddler wanted Y/N in the first place.

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