Protector {JasonToddxReader}

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Character Ages:

Jason Todd~ 19
You~ 18

You shivered as you ran your hands up and down your arms, trying to provide warmth against the cool air of Gotham. You knew you should have brought your sweater. It didn't help that you fell asleep at the library and now it was dark out. Gotham is not the place you wanna be at night. You jumped over a puddle but never landed on the other side of it. Instead someone grabbed you and pulled you inside of an alleyway. You try to scream but a filthy hand was clapped over your mouth.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you." He slurred. You shook your head as tears fell down your face. You didn't feel like being raped, drugged, robbed, or worse. You just wanted to go home to your empty apartment and watch movies. You stopped crying and decided you had to do something. Closing your eyes you leaned into the wall and used it to place your feet on the man and push. Of course you fell after that but it didn't matter. He was off of you.

"You're gonna wish you hadn't done that." He growled. He lunged at you with a knife and slashed your stomach from your left rib to your right hip. You screamed in pain.

"And you're gonna wish you hadn't done that." An anonymous voice said. You slumped down to the ground and held your wound. A gun shot went off and the man who cut you cursed and yelled. Someone grabbed your shoulder and you flinched, you looked up and eased your muscles. It was only the red hood.

"Hey kid, you ok?" He asked.

"I.. I'm not a kid. I'm 18." You shakily smiled. Silently laughing at your own joke.

"Yeah well I'm 19 so you're still a kid to me." He answered.

"I got.. scraped." You said while removing your hand from your stomach to show him the blood.

"It's not that bad... you don't have to worry." You said quickly not wanting to bother the busy vigilante with your problems.

"Kid. You gotta be more specific. Can you stand up so I can see?" He asked. You nodded hesitantly and scooted up the wall, you then removed both your hand from the wound and his eyes widened.

"C'mon kid, we've got to get you fixed up." He said while picking you up, careful not to move you around too much.

"Go to my apartment." You whispered. He reluctantly agreed and you directed him to the Linley apartment you call home. When you got inside he laid you down on the rug and blushed.

"Uhh... kid you've gotta take your shirt off..." he said.

"Right, right." You said while struggling to take it off, wincing as the fabric peeled off of the cut.

"Holy mother of... this is really bad.." he cursed while taking out the first aid kit. He stitched you up and soon you were finished.

"So.. what's your name?" You asked. He took his helmet off and a red domino mask was still covering his eyes.

"Well what's your name?" He repeated.

"Y/N." you said.

"Hmm.. my names Jason." He said while peeling off his mask. You looked into his sea green eyes and lost yourself.

"See something you like?" He asked while smirking. You blushed.

"No... I mean yeah.. I mean... hey shut it!" You stuttered. He was currently on the floor laughing.

"Y'know what.. I think I like you." He said as he jumped out your window. For the rest of the night you couldn't get that smile off your face.

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