I've Got You {TimDrakexReader}

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"Tim, we have to go!" I yell over the sounds of the collapsing building.

"But, Y/N, the evidence! We have to take it to Bruce!" Tim calls back. I groan and quickly make my way over to Tim. I grab the evidence in one hand, with another USB in my other that will act as a diversion just in case someone else finds Tim and I. I scurry, trying to get the two USB's into my belt while Tim hisses in pain. I turn towards him and see a fallen beam on his leg.

"You have got to be kidding me." I say under my breath while pulling the burning beam off of him. The building rumbles and my eyes go wide. I quickly shove Tim underneath into a crevice of the basement. I then crawl under myself while shielding Tim the best I could.

"I'm sorry, Y/N."

"Tim, it's not your fault."

"No, I should've went when you told me to."

"You know what. It's okay. We're going to be okay."

The building creaks and I close my eyes. When I open them Tim is closer to me. I hug him and bury my face into his neck.

"In case I don't see you again...."

I gently bring my lips to his and interlock them. He smiles into the kiss and we go back to being serious about the situation. The building tumbles and ultimately falls over. I obtain many injuries and notice that Tim had blacked out by the time the building stopped crushing us. I push some of the debris off of us and start dragging Tim out.

Third Person POV

Bruce, Dick, Jason, and Damian watch as Tim and their youngest sister are crushed beneath the building.

"I told you we shouldn't have let them go!" Dick yells at Bruce. The building finished collapsing and the brothers and father stand there shocked.

"What just happened???" Damian questioned, not believing what had just happened.

"Shouldn't we be looking for them?" Jason asked. Bruce shook his head lightly.

"No, we don't want to disturb the foundation." Bruce answered. The boys sighed.

- 10 min later -

The boys whipped their heads towards the building when they heard the wood moving. They gasped when they saw Y/N carrying Tim out of the wreckage and limping towards them. They ran into action and heard faint murmurs.

"Don't worry Tim, I've got you." She was saying over and over again, "you're gonna be okay."

They quickly took Tim from Y/N's arms and Dick picked her up.

"N/N, are you ok?" Dick questioned. She smiled faintly and unknowingly took out the wrong USB from her belt, handing it to him. Dick laughed and carefully grabbed the evidence from Y/N she smiled and leaned into Dick's chest, slowly she fell unconscious. Dick hugged Y/N tight to his chest while clutching the fake evidence-filled USB in his hand.

"Bruce!" Dick called to his adopted father, "Bruce, Y/N got it!" He exclaimed. Bruce quickly glided to the scene with his cowl in a frown.

"Is that it?" He asked skeptically, Bruce sighed and grabbed the USB from Dick. Dick raised and eyebrow but silently got angry at Bruce for being so rude.

- 4 hours later -

Y/N and Tim were in separate rooms recovering, Tim was not badly injured, he was only in shock, while Y/N.. well they had no idea when or if she was going to wake up. Y/N was in critical condition but her heart was still beating and that gave the boys hope. While Damian, Jason, and Dick were visiting and watching over Y/N and Tim, Bruce was busy plugging the USB into the computer. It loaded and he clicked on it. His eyebrows furrowed and he stood up abruptly, slamming his hands down onto the keyboard and sliding the chair aggressively back.

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