Pathetic {DamianWaynexReader} Pt. 1

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You casually walk down an alley way on your way to the manor in Gotham. You hear footsteps behind you, but choose to ignore them since you're not one to get paranoid. Suddenly the footsteps speed up and before you know what's happening a cloth is placed over your mouth and nose, it's held there while you kick, scream, and punch but it's no use. You black out.


"A girl has gone missing. Robin, you're on the case. Here's the file." Batman says.

"Thank you father, I've been looking for something to do." I say as I take the file from his hands. I casually walk to my room and sit down at my desk, I place the file and nervously glance at it. 

"This better not be who I think it is..." I mumble to myself as I open the file. I face palm and drag my hand down my face.

"You've got to be kidding me." I grumble. I shrug my hood on and leave the manor. 

"Y/N I swear to god if you've already escaped again by the time I get there you're making up for lost time."


You wake up on a cold metal surface, prepared to use your powers to escape. You're pulled into focus by hysterical laughter and you smirk.

"Long time no see, Joke."

"Please dearie, call me by my full name." He smiled.

"What have you done this time?" You shrug while adjusting your spot on, what you presumed to be, the table. While he begins to talk you try to vibrate your molecules to escape but to your disadvantage you find your powers aren't working. You fearfully whip your head towards the Joker and he grins.

"Well, as you can see, your speed was helping you escape your death sentence so I simply removed it!" He laughs. You start to shake in attempts to loosen the bands that bound you to the table.

"Pathetic!" He smiles.

"The only pathetic one here is you!" You spit. He tuts and strides closer to you. 

"Now Now, Y/N, you should know better than to insult me like that." He says, ending with a wicked grin. Your eyes water at the bright light above you, he leans over, casting a shadow between the light and your eyes.

"Don't start crying yet, the fun hasn't even begun."


I near the warehouse and hear screams. I start to panic, what's going on in there, she's usually out by now. I hop off my motorcycle and sprint towards the building. I take down a few of Joker's goons and burst through the door where the screams are coming from. I glance around the room but once my eyes land on a voice recorder I knew I was in the wrong place. I scanned the box which the screams were coming from and found a glowing green light. This is live feed. This is real time. 

"Y/N!" I yell into the box, "Can you hear me?"

"R..Robin! AGH" She yells back. I bring the box with me and start to dash out of the building.

"Robin, d..don't come...." She starts, she interrupts herself with a scream of agony, "It's a trap!" she manages to get out.

"I don't care, I'm coming to get you anyways!" I retort. She continues to scream and it only infuriates me more. I request back up and head to the location that's printed on the box. 


"Hey baby bird, what's the sitch'?" Grayson asks.

"Y/N, let's go." I reply. As soon as I say her name Dick's facial expressions change from happy to serious in less than a second.

"I'm on my way." He states. I hang up and reach my destination. I was informed not to go in without reinforcements, and as much as I hate to wait while Y/N could be in there, dying, it's a trap. I have to wait for Grayson and the others.


Drake was the first to arrive, usually I would scoff at him but this is too much of an emergency.

"Can we go in?" I ask, he ignores me, while typing on his wrist computer, "Tim!"

"What? Oh yeah, so I've tracked Y/N signal and she appears to be in the basement, but she's not alone." 

Suddenly a scream rattles our ears, making us give our full attention.

"If they don't get here in 2 seconds I'm going in." I growl. Tim nods in agreement and we start to find a way in, as we reach an entrance Dick and Jason arrive.

"About time." I say as we fall down the chute.

"Hey, I had to get Jason, it's his daughter, after all." Dick says, I roll my eyes and gracefully land on the floor.

"Where is this son of a-" Jason starts but he's soon cut off by a shrilled scream of torture. The fire in his eyes electrifies and he races towards the sound on pure infuriation. We beat past guards, goons, and Harley, soon it's just the Joker separating us from Y/N, him and a one-way mirror. We beat on the mirror and the Joker whips his head around, he stares beside us.

"Obviously I have no idea where you are, but of course you can see your poor little daughter, right Jason? Well here, let me put on a show." He laughs. Y/N's eyes fill with fear and her already pale face becomes whiter. Jason, Dick and Tim bang on the glass attempting to break it while I lean against it, watching in horror. Y/N's cheeks are drenched in tears when the Joker nears her.

"This won't hurt me a bit." The Joker smiles, he breaks out into a hysterical laugh and casually wipes his hand across a table of torture devices. He looks towards the window and smiles. 

"Jason," He sang, "this one's for you."

Joker grabbed the crowbar from the table and Jason's eyes widened. 

"NO!" He screamed. Jason filled with panic and rage cracked the glass. Just a small crack, but it counts. The Joker smiles and pulls the crowbar above his head.


You watch as the Joker pulls the crowbar above his head, ready to strike down on you. Your eyes poured tears and you hurt all over. You looked towards the mirror and saw the smallest crack. You looked back to the Joker as he slammed the crowbar into your body, a sickening crack sounded, you knew he had broken your collarbone. You screamed and slumped against the wall. The mirror cracked again, a little bit bigger this time and you used the time you had while the Joker was cleaning your blood off his crowbar to dash over to the mirror. Joker smiled and grabbed your wrist, he tightened his grip and pulled on your arm, you yelped and pulled, with all the strength you had to touch the glass.

"Daddy!" You screamed with tears falling down your cheeks, "Daddy, help, it hurts so much..." You managed to get out.

"Pathetic." Joker snarled. You turned around and spit blood into his face. That seemed to trigger a psychotic response. He threw you across the room and your body slammed into the wall. He picked the crowbar up again and positioned it above your head. You were too weak to do anything now. You felt dizzy, and started to see black.


"Daddy!" Y/N screamed. The tears were falling down her face, I look towards Jason and see the same falling down his cheeks. "Daddy, help, it hurts so much..."

"I know baby, daddy's gonna get you out of there.." Jason says, barely above a whisper. He backs up and readies himself to go full force at the glass, Dick, Tim and I do the same. 

"On three." Jason says. We see the Joker throw Y/N across the room. Jason's brows furrow.

"Three." He says. We all rush into the glass, shattering it. Jason goes straight to the Joker and holds him by the neck.

"I should've killed you when I had the chance, because now... now it's just personal." Jason snarls. He points his gun at Joker's head and pulls the trigger. I dash to Y/N's side and gently pick her up. Jason comes up beside me, and takes her. I would argue, but it's his daughter, only my girlfriend. He holds her gently and strokes her bloody hair.

"It's okay baby, daddy's got you."

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