I'd Kill For You {JasonToddxReader}

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Character Ages:

Bruce Wayne~ 35
Jason Todd~ 15
You~ 15

You passed Bruce on your motorcycle, there was no way you were going to let Jason die. You got to the building and started running in, when you got to the door you noticed it was locked.

"Jason!" You called.

"Y/N?" He said weakly from the other side of the door.

"Jason! Move away from the door!" You instructed. You heard shifting and you went to kick the door open but you were blown back by a tremendous amount of force from a bomb on the inside. You scrambled to your feet and sprinted towards the rubble. When you found Jason you sank to your knees, you clutched him and held him to your chest while crying. Bruce came beside you and put a hand on your shoulder. You shrugged it off and put Jason's body down gently.

"It's all my fault." You whispered, "I wasn't fast enough."

"It wasn't your fault." Bruce assured.

"You're right," you agreed, "its Joker's fault! He's going to pay! I'm going to kill that son of a..."

"Y/N. We don't kill." Bruce interrupted.

"Yeah. We don't kill but they do! You've had countless times to kill him yet you never have. You think you're saving lives Bruce, but you're only saving his." You snapped. Bruce opened his mouth to speak but quickly closed it. You laughed and walked away.

"The next time you'll see me is at Jason's funeral. I'm not coming home." You stated.


You finally found where Joker was hiding, after all these years you were finally going to kill him. You snuck into the building and kicked open a closet door. He was sitting in there tied up. You frowned knowing someone else got to do the fun part. You cocked your gun and he looked up.

"Oh hello!" He said with a bloody smile. You growled and pointed your gun to his head. You were about to pull the trigger when you heard crashing come from the other room. You took out your other gun and pointed it towards the sound. Suddenly Bruce and some other guy burst through the wall. Bruce was probably trying to save the Joker again. They both looked up and noticed you. You put the gun facing them back into its holster and turned your attention towards the Joker.

"Y/N, don't do it. You've held back for 5 years, you need to keep holding." Bruce warned.

"You think I've been holding back?" You laugh, "the only reason this piece of shit isn't dead yet is because you kept him off the grid away from me. Why won't you let me avenge Jason? I loved him. And he's the reason Jason's gone." You choked.

"Y/N..." the man said.

"Who the hell are you and how do you know my name!?" You yelled.

"Y/N, it's me. Jason." He said. You dropped the gun and backed away.

"No... Jason's dead. This can't happen again." You stuttered while clutching your head, "you're just in my mind! You're not really here!" You yelled. You fell to the floor and 'Jason' ran towards you. You looked up at him and he peeled away the mask he was wearing.

"J..Jason? Is it really you? Are you really here?" You cried.

"N/N, it's me. I'm really here!" He smiled. You jumped up and hugged him. You squeezed him as tight as you could because you were afraid of you let go you would lose him again.

"I'm sorry I wasn't fast enough." You whispered.

"It doesn't matter," he said, "you're the only one who really cared anyways."

"Jason..." you said quietly, "I love you."

"I love you too N/N."

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