Get Your Own {JasonToddxReader}

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You walked down the street towards the manor. You were limping because previously that night you had gotten in a fight with a not-so-friendly stranger who attempted to do unspeakable things with you. Of course you beat him up, just not before he slashed your thigh with a switch blade. You had no idea how deep the cut was, but you knew you needed to get to Alfred. 

"Excuse me, miss?"

You heard someone call from behind you. You spun around, prepared to meet a friendly face, instead you were met with a bag being pulled over your head. You were flipped, while spinning around you smacked your head off the pavement and blacked out.


"Alfred has Y/N come home yet?" I nervously ask the aging butler. 

"I am afraid not, master Jason. Perhaps you should ring her." He suggests. I nod my head and walk to the batcave. I turn my comm on, while putting on my suit.

"Y/N?" I test. Nothing. 

"Y/N.... I'm tracking your co-ordinates." I hesitantly say. No answer. I get on my bike and track her. 

"That's weird.." I say to myself as I head off to where she's located. Dick's apartment. She's not cheating on me, is she?? No, Dick would never do that to me. I pull out my phone and call Dick.

"Hello?" Dick asks, out of breath.

"...why're you out of breath?" I reluctantly ask.

"Jason, I'm fighting right now." He says, I don't believe him at first but after I hear grunts, smacks, and shouting from the men he's fighting I know he's telling the truth.

"So, do you know why Y/N is at your place?" I ask him.

"She's not, I just left there." He retorts. I bite my lip.

"Does the building, by any chance, have a basement?" I question.

"Yeah, actually, it does. Why? ....oh no. I'm on my way." Dick says. I hang up, and speed up my bike. I'm coming Y/N.


You groaned while lifting your head up. It's been 3 days since the night you were kidnapped and you hoped with everything you had that Jason got jealous and came to find you. You scanned the now empty torture room they keep you in. You have gashes all over your body, and bruises everywhere. The long cut in your leg from a couple nights ago is infected and still bleeding. The hemoglobins needed to clot your blood had been infused with something they injected you with during your torture hours that eliminated their abilities for awhile. You tried to stand up but ended up falling due to the harsh conditions they kept you in. Suddenly your door slammed open and Penguin walked in.

"Hi sweety!" Penguin chimed, "are you ready to be mine?" He asked while fluttering his eyelashes.

"Go to hell!" I yelled at him while pulling on the shackles that kept me linked to a pole in the ceiling. Like previous nights Penguin spun you around and started taking your clothes off. You whimpered.

~~ Sorry but I'm definetly not writing that lol ~~

The penguin left you to put your clothes back on, which left you 5 minutes without your shackles on. You pulled your shorts back up and pulled your shirt on. You sat in the corner of your room with your knees pulled to your chest. You felt tears glide out of your eyes like a waterfall. You heard gunshots coming from the hallway and you straightened up. You stood up once the door opened but sank back when you noticed Penguin enter the room.

"Come on Girly, quick." He ordered. You slumped slowly to where he was which earned you his umbrella to your ribs. You grunted and he jabbed you with the end of it. Penguin quickly shackled you back up and ran out of the room.

"Where the fuck is she!?" Someone yelled. You flinched at the sound and tried to back up.

"Jason, remain calm. She's here somewhere." 

You perked up and tugged on your shackles.

"Jason!" You cried, "JASON!" 

*Jason's POV*

"Where the fuck is she!?" I yelled. I started throwing tables and kicking the goons on the ground.

"Jason, remain calm. She's here somewhere." Dick said from beside me, while putting his hand on my back. I was about to turn around and yell at him until I heard chains rattle. I turned my head to a thick metal door and listened.

"Jason!" Y/N cried, "JASON!" 

I sprinted into action and started pounding on the door.

*Y/N's POV*

Jason started pounding on the door and I shook my shackles.

"Y/N?" He yelled.

"Jason! Help me!" You sobbed. You started feeling tears stream down your face. You wanted to stay strong for Jason, but you couldn't.

"I'm gonna get you out Y/N, I promise!" He called back. You heard him yelling at Dick until there was a click heard from the door. Jason ran in, with Dick following behind him. Jason hugged you tight while Dick picked your locks. Once your hands were free you jumped onto Jason, wrapping your arms and legs around him. He caught you, and effortlessly carried you out of the building to his apartment.


Jason walked into your shared apartment, while holding you, he turned around, locked the door, and brought you to the bedroom. He set you down and you stood infront of the connected bathroom  while Jason ran you a warm shower. He came back out and brought you into the bathroom. He helped you undress and the memory of the Penguin popped into your mind. Your eyes started to water again and Jason finished taking your last sock off. Before you stepped into the shower he hooked his elbow with yours.

"Y/N are you okay?" He asked. You nodded your head and stepped into the shower. Jason undressed and stepped in with you. He washed your hair and body, along with his own. Jason then dried you off and redressed you in spandex shorts and a loose fitting shirt that hung off your small frame. You crawled into bed and Jason climbed in next to you. He wrapped his arms around you and you caved in. You started crying. Jason noticed and sat up, he pulled you into his lap.

"Y/N, it's okay, I'm here. He can't hurt you anymore." Jason cooed. You shook your head and gently pulled his head down to your level so you could whisper in his ear. You told him what Penguin had done to you. Jason's jaw clenched and he squeezed you tighter. You wept while he rocked you, and you eventually slept since you haven't had sleep since you'd been taken.

*Jason's POV*

Y/N told me what the Penguin did to her. I couldn't believe what I was hearing. He invaded my girl's space and he is about to find out what's coming to him. As soon as my baby fell asleep I tucked her in and got my red hood outfit out from the clothes dryer. I put it on and kissed Y/N's forehead. I shut the bedroom door and walked around the house collecting my weapons. Once I was finished I left the apartment, after making sure all the windows and the door was locked. 


I pulled up on my motorcycle to where Tim had told me Penguin was. I told Bruce, and all my brothers what had happened to Y/N but I made them promise to never bring it up to her, or tell her I told them. I walked straight to the warehouse door, ignoring stealth, and kicked the door open. There were at least a dozen goons on each side of me. I kept walking straight, shooting the goons as I go until I reached a locked metal door. I shoved my body into it, ripping it from its hinges while I recover I hear a laugh. I look up and Penguin is infront of me. I furrow my brows and growl at him.

"Hey 'Jaybird'" Penguin sang. 

"Who the fuck do you think you are? You think you can kidnap my girl and then rape her!?" I shout at him. He shakes his head no and smiles.

"She will learn to love me." He says. Now its my turn to laugh.

"She's mine Oswald. Get your own." I say. 

"I want Y/N." He answers.

"Well, so do I." I say as I point a gun at him. He puts his hands up in defense, "I will never forgive you." I say as I pull the trigger.

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