The Scars Can Hurt {DamianWaynexReader}

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Character Ages:

Dick Grayson~ 21
Jason Todd~ 20
Tim Drake~ 18
Damian Wayne~ 15
You~ 15

You sat alone in the alleyway your parents dumped you in. You wondered how Damian would react if he found out. You felt around and found a shattered bottle. You placed one of the broken pieces over your arms artery. You could end it all right now. All it took was one cut. You pushed down on your skin piercing it, and let out a quiet sob. You dragged the glass down your arm until you were satisfied. You let the blood ooze out of your arm while clamping a hand over your mouth as to not scream in pain. You soon dropped your hand and closed your eyes smiling. After all, it'll all be over soon.

"Hey, kid. What're you doing here?" You heard a voice say. You put your arm up against your stomach so they couldn't see it.

"My parents decided they didn't want me anymore.." you said truthfully. They came into the light and you recognized them as red hood, you've seen him before. He took his helmet off and you were met with a red domino mask.

"Look Kid, you can't stay in the alleyway forever..." he started. He got a little closer and tilted his head in confusion.

"Can you stand up?" He asked.

"" You answered.

"Why not?" He questioned.

"Because I can't. Alright?" You stated.

"Alright." He said then he picked you up.

"Hey! Put me down!" You thrashed. He gasped then set you down lightly. You started getting lightheaded from the amount of blood you were losing, but you weren't losing it fast enough... you should've cut deeper.

"'re bleeding!" He said.

"Really? Didn't.... notice..." you said sarcastically as you lost your footing due to blood loss. He caught you and you started closing your eyes.

"Y/N, stay with me." He pleaded.

"How...?" You started but stopped mid sentence. You started drifting off but before you did you heard him whisper to himself:

"Aw man demon's gonna kill me!"

You woke up on a cold surface and when you opened your eyes they were met with a bright light. You sat up and noticed no one was in the room with you. You looked down at your arm to see stitches and needles. You ripped out the needles and stepped off the bed. You still had on the clothes from before, they were blood stained and dirty. All you wanted right now was new clothes and a shower. You opened the door slightly to see if anyone was there and luckily no one was. You stepped out of the room and made your way down a hall. When you got to the end of the hall there was a giant opening, you tip toed towards it and almost fainted. You were in the bat cave. Your lips broke into a smile and you ran down the corridors towards the main room. You froze in your spot when you heard footsteps you easily scaled the walls and hid yourself in an alcove in the cave. You listened to their conversation without them knowing you're there.

"Father, we have to do something! I refuse to just sit around while she's in pain!" Robin yelled.

"Damian, there's nothing you can do right now. Besides, she's sleeping, she can't be in pain." Batman said. Your jaw dropped when you realized what was so obvious. Damian was Robin. Bruce was Batman. That must mean Dick was Nightwing, since he's the eldest. Jason must be red hood, easy to determine by his attitude. That leaves Tim to be Red Robin. How could you be so blind?

"Maybe not physically but mentally!" Damian argued.

"Uhh guys, she's not in her room..." Dick announced.

"What!?" Damian roared, "Drake! Did you do this!?"

"What? Why do you blame everything on me? Of course I didn't!" Tim defended.

"Ah young love." Jason cooed sarcastically. Damian rolled his eyes and started looking around the room. You peeked out of the alcove and jumped towards a pipe in the ceiling. You grabbed the pipe and pulled yourself up so you were standing on it. You sat down and let your feet dangle. You had no idea how they hadn't noticed you yet.

"What are you looking for Master Damian?" Alfred asked while handing Bruce some tea.

"I'm looking for Y/N." Damian said while crouching to look under the batmobile. Alfred looked up at you and you put a finger to your lips. He nodded and looked back down.

"I know where she is." Alfred said.

"Where?" All three boys said at once.

"I cannot tell you as I am sworn to secrecy." He said. Bruce chuckled and the boys let out a groan. Alfred walked out and you laughed, it echoed off the cave walls and they circled the cave looking for you. After about 20 minutes of them looking you became tired and decided to show yourself. You cartwheeled across the pipe and heard laughing so you stopped and looked down. Dick was looking up at you and laughing uncontrollably. You shrugged and continued doing gymnastics on the pipe until everyone else noticed. Soon everyone but Damian knew where you were, he realized everyone else was looking up so he changed his gaze to look towards the ceiling.

"L/N! What on earth are you doing! You're ripping the stitches out!" Damian scolded. You rolled your eyes and slid down poles and the walls to get to the ground.

"It's not like I asked you to stitch it up." You said plainly.

"Tt. You should've come to me." He said. You rolled your eyes and left the way you saw Alfred leave. You made your way to the room you stay in when you get kicked out of the house. You grabbed a pair of clean clothes and stepped into the shower. You washed your body and hair then stood there letting the warm water wash away your problems. You stepped out and pulled on shorts and a tank top. You wrapped your stitches in gauze because it was still bleeding due to the actions you were doing. You dried your hair, slipped on some socks and made your way back downstairs. You were about to walk into the living room to watch a movie when you felt someone grab your shoulder. You turned around and were face to face with Damian.

"Look Damian I don't want to..." you got cut off by Damian pulling you into a hug. You melted into it and hugged him back. It was rare for Damian to show his affection this way and you were grateful. He carefully picked you up and brought you to the couch. He sat you on his lap and you two cuddled with each other while a movie played in the background.

"Come to me whenever you feel sad." He whispered.


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