Transformation {BatFamilyxReader} Pt 2

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"Okay, Y/N. Pick who you want to stay home with you." Dick cooed. The boys were seated in a circle with Y/N in the middle. She started crawling towards Dick and he smiled. Jason made a noise which intrigued Y/N, she moved towards him.

"Hey! No fair!" Dick protested.

"'Tt. Stop bickering." Damian ordered, which caused Y/N to turn in his direction. He frowned, and she started crying.

"Great, Demon. Your face scared her." Tim said while scooping up the crying baby.

"My face could not possibly scare her more than your unglorified personality." Damian snapped back. Y/N started to calm down as Tim cradled her.

"If we can't decide —" Jason started.

"We'll have to take shifts." Dick finished. Jason rolled his eyes.

"Who is taking the first shift?" Damian asked. The other three boys looked at eachother and smirked.

"You are." Tim said, he handed Y/N over to Damian and he awkwardly held her. Dick fixed the way he was cradling her and they soon left Damian alone with her.

"What am I going to do with you..?" Damian asked. Y/N giggled and grabbed Damian's nose. He smiled slightly and carried her to the living room to watch sesame street. Damian quickly realized how boring the show was and turned it off. He went to pick her up, only to find she had fallen asleep. He smiled down at her and carefully scooped her up.

"Y/N, I can not lie. You are adorable." He admitted. 


The next night it was Jason's turn to watch Y/N. Once the boys left she started crying. Jason ran into the kitchen, grabbed her bottle, and handed it to her. She squealed and took it from him. Jason sat down with a huff, but once he was comfortable Y/N started crying again. 

"What is it, N/N?" Jason cooed. He picked her up and cradled her. Jason took out one of his guns, unloaded it, and handed it to Y/N. She immediatly stopped crying.

"Jay!" She laughed. Jason's face shone with excitment.

"Yes! That's my name! Your first word was my name!" Jason exclaimed. Y/N smiled, while playing with his gun, "Just wait until I tell the others."


The night after that it was Tim's turn to watch Y/N. He was a little disappointed her first, and only, word was 'Jay'. But he was actually more upset that he missed her saying it. 

"C'mon N/N, just say something." Tim urged. Y/N looked at him with her big E/C eyes. He was hopeful that she would say something, but instead she just closed her eyes and fell asleep on Tim's shoulder. He didn't mind though.


It was finally Dick's turn to watch Y/N. He waved at the boys as they left, and Y/N copied him. Being the eldest, Dick was determind to get Y/N to love him the most. He did everything she wanted. He also played with her the most. When Y/N was 13, she did not like Dick very much, she said that he was always too protective of her. This was his chance to get Y/N to love him. He only wanted her to realize how much he loved her, and how much he cared for her, he just wanted her safe. But she never understood.

"Y/N, I promise to be the best big brother ever!" He would tell her, before she went to sleep, "I love you." 


These rutines went on for 2 months, until Alfred finally came back from vacation. He was beyond shocked when he learned the baby Richard was carrying, was Y/N.

"I say, how long has Miss Y/N been like this?" Alfred asked.

"About 2 months." Dick explained what had happened, and Alfred hushed him, telling Dick he knew how to take care of a child.

"Master Bruce does not get back from the mission for another couple of months, she is going to be stuck like this until then, or perhaps even longer." Alfred said. The boys agreed they would take care of her for however long they needed to.

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