Twins {BatFamilyxReader}

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You are Damian's twin. Talia (your mother) kept you a secret from Bruce and you and Damian were separated at birth.

I sprint on the rooftops. My mother had sent me on a mission, track down Damian Wayne. She gave me a picture of him and the resemblance between us makes me shudder. The quicker I track him down, the quicker I can go home. My silent footsteps are masked entirely from all the sounds of Gotham city. I spot a black haired boy gazing over the streets. A woman screams and he jumps down towards the sound. I jump off the building, landing gracefully on the ground without a sound.

"Hey douchebag. If I were you I'd walk away right now." The boy had said. The man he was talking to grunted.

"Yeah? What're you gonna do bout it, boy?" The man slurred. I heard a couple thuds and grunts. I rounded the corner, unnoticed and observed the boy beating the man. The way he moved seemed very familiar. It was oddly similar to Al Ghul technique. My brows furrowed as I continued to watch him. He tied the man up and grappled to the top of the roof. I scaled the wall and met him at the top.

"Damian Wayne." I said, flatly. He spun around, his mask wide.

"How do you know my name?" He questioned, pulling his sword out and aiming it at my throat. I pushed it away with two fingers. He got a good look at me and lowered his weapon.

"My mother sent you." He said. I shook my head.

"No. My mother sent me. Tell me, who is your mother?" I questioned, curious as to if his mother was an old alliance to mine. Talia never did tell me why I was sent to locate Damian.

"Talia Al Ghul." He responded. I looked at him with a shocked expression.

"That's not possible. Talia is my mother." I said. We circled each other.

"Tt. Mother never told me I had a sister." He stated.

"She never told me I had a brother." I deadpanned, "هل تتحدث العربية؟" (Do you speak Arabic?)

"بالطبع افعل. هل ستتبعني لاختبار الحمض النووي الخاص بنا؟"
(Of course I do. Will you follow me to test our DNA?) He questioned me. I thought for a moment.

"Yes. I would very much like to know if this is for real or not. Considering, we do show similarities." I answer, fully aware that this could be a trap. It doesn't matter to me though, if it were a trap I would get away very easily. I followed Damian towards a massive mansion, I never stayed with mother in the base. She told me it was for safety reasons, although I am very much capable of handling myself. Regardless, I obeyed her orders. We entered the manor and he brought me to a grandfather clock, he turned the handles and it opened to reveal steps, leading down to a cave. I knew all about Batman, and the rest.

"Hey little D! Who's this." His brother, Dick Grayson asked. I had read some files on him, he was quite a character.

"I am Y/N Al Ghul." I answered for him. Dick gave Damian a questioning look.

"She may be my sister, one I never knew about." Damian answered. I nodded my head solemnly. He took a couple tests and ran them through the computer. Our DNA matched but there was something about it that made it too similar.

"Damian Wayne Al Ghul, when is your birthday?" I asked him.

"August 9,----" (Damian does not yet have a canon birthday)He answered. My heart pinged.

"داميان نحن توأمان." (Damian we are twins.) I told him. He circled around me, observing.

"هذا من شأنه أن يفسر الكثير في الواقع" (That would explain quite a lot actually) I was mad at my mother, how could she have never told me, and how could she have kept me away. I could tell Damian was feeling the same way as his brows furrowed in confusion and frustration. Although I did look like Damian my features were a lot more feminine and some things were different about me. (ie freckles, hair colour, body size, eye colour. Make it what you want, it is you after all)

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