Chapter 1

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Listening to the music blasting through my earbuds, I continue throwing punch after punch at the punching bag in front of me. I can feel the sweat beading and dripping down the sides of my head. Not having any sense of my surroundings as I'm lost in my training, I don't have a clue of anything going on around me except for the punching bag directly in front of me.

I only stop with punching and kicking it when I feel a towel suddenly get wrapped around my shoulders along with the arms wrapped around me on the other side of the towel. Dropping my fight stance, I catch my breath as I look down, spotting an ocean blue towel on me. Taking a deep breath, I pull my earbuds out and let them fall to my neck. I don't have to look behind me, knowing who the colored towel belongs to.

"What is it?" I ask, not bothering to look back at him.

"Yoongi's called a meeting for us. It's supposed to start in a few minutes. I've already grabbed your jacket." Jimin tells me softly. I simply nod my head as he retracts his arms from me, wrapping the towel around my neck as I step away from him.

"What's it about?" I ask as we walk towards the stairs that'll lead us up to the third floor where the department is located. Jimin just shrugs though, as we start up the stairs.

"He didn't say. I have no idea." He answers. I merely nod my head, taking one end of the towel and dabbing my sweaty face with it.

As we reach the floor we're looking for, I can already see it's empty. I merely shrug it off though, not thinking anything of it since Jimin had mentioned there'd been a meeting called. Instead, we just walk straight across the floor to the back right corner where the conference room is. Immediately, I spot Jungkook and Yongjun sat at the long dark oakwood table that's stood in the center of the room. I don't bother questioning where Nam is, assuming he's probably out making his rounds in the district rather than sitting around in his office like usual.

"Aye! There's our girl! You beating the hell out of that punching bag again?" Jungkook cheers as Jimin and I enter through the door. I merely roll my eyes, taking my seat across from Jungkook at the table as Jimin sits down beside me. Seconds later, Yoongi walks in, closing the door behind him before heading straight to the head of the table.

"Thank you for making sure everyone was here and on time." Yoongi starts, glancing around at all of us. It's no secret that he's talking about me, but I don't really care. It's nothing new for people to have to come get me from the gym so that I'm not missing meetings if they aren't set up during my normal shifts.

"What's going on, hyung?" Jungkook asks curiously as we all keep our attention on the oldest member of our department, one we all look to as more of a boss than a colleague.

"As we all know, I've been working with the other departments to get clearance to take a closer look into the Kim gang. I can finally inform you all that we now have that clearance. We're finally able to send someone undercover to get a closer look at their operations and try to bring them down." Yoongi announces.

"Who are we sending in?" Jimin asks excitedly. I don't bother speaking up or taking any interest in the conversation, simply staring down at the table in front of me.

"That's what I wanted to discuss with all of you. I want us all to be in agreement of who we send in, and I want it to be the person we all think is going to be the best." Yoongi answers calmly.

"We could send Sunmi in! She'd do really well." Jungkook suggests with a grin, looking over at me. I glance up at him with a tiny smile, rolling my eyes.

"No, I'm not sending my sister in." Yoongi responds almost instantly. I glance over at him but don't say anything.

"Why not? She'd do really well, hyung. She's the strongest out of all of us and she'd be able to keep up with them easily compared to the rest of us." Jimin points out. I just bite my lip, averting my gaze back to the table in front of me.

"I said no, damn it! I'm not sending my fucking baby sister to undercover in the most dangerous gang in all of fucking South Korea!" My brother snaps, slamming his hands down on the table.

"Hyung, she really is the strongest out of us though. What would be so wrong about sending her in?" Yongjun questions curiously. Yoongi sighs, running a hand through his hair as he averts his gaze over to me.

"She's the strongest out of all of us physically. And that's as far as that goes. She's not strong enough mentally and I'm not putting her into a position where she's going to have to take more shit than what she's already taken. She's not fucking going in, and that's final." Yoongi answers with a firm but gentle tone.

"We can send Jimin in. I can teach him how to fight and basic self defense. I've been keeping an eye out for them and they've been looking for something. I don't know what the hell they've been looking for, but they've been coming to the street fights for a while now. If we send Jimin into the street fights, we can try to get them to take the bait." I speak up finally, still not looking up at them.

"I'm okay with that idea if you are, Jimin?" Yoongi responds, glancing between the two of us.

"If you guys really think that I can manage it, then I'm all for it."

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