Family Matters

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Chapter 8: Family Matters
Astrid POV:
*RING RING RING* my alarm went off and I rolled over to my side. I looked at my phone and got the text that my sergeant needed me in for work today. I groaned. It had been 2 months since Blake had left me and Freya, and she had slept with me every single night since he left. We really needed each other, it was so hard for the both of us. I shook her awake, and she blinked her little eyes open. "Morning sweet pea. Mommy has work today so I have to figure out who's going to watch you."
She nods and rolls back around to go back to sleep. I went to my bathroom and did my makeup and my hair. Then I came back out and grabbed my jeans and shirt and my phone.
I closed my bedroom door and walked down the stairs. I grabbed my coat and purse and then it on my chair. I took out my phone and dialed Heathers number. "Hey I've been called into a case today, so can do me one and come watch Freya?" I ask. "Of course! I need to see my god-daughter! Over in 10!" She exclaims and she hangs up.
Hiccup and I still aren't friends. I had still been furious with how we ended things when we were 18, and how he just vanished. I wish he would just tell me why he left, and maybe that would make things better, but it's not possible, I can't forgive him anymore. We can't be friends and we will never be together again. I have an amazing husband, and a daughter, it's all I could ever need.
Hiccup POV:
I rolled over onto my side. I'm never up this early, tossing and turning. I haven't slept all night, which is bad because I needed to get ready for work today, since I got my teaching job a few weeks ago, since it was the beginning of the school year, I was teaching 4th grade now.
I was stuck thinking about Astrid. I knew I couldn't have her back, because she had an amazing husband, and a beautiful little girl. She had the perfect life, and I didn't deserve her for what I had did. Maybe it's the end, but I was doing my best not to think that. But, family matters, and Astrid is family whether she want me to be or not.
I curved my eyebrows in determination, I was going to go see her.
Because I love her.
Astrid POV:
I slammed my car door shut after a hard day as a cop. I rubbed the back of my neck and opened the door to my fancy brick home. Heather texted me and said she left 10 minutes ago for an appointment, and that Freya was taking a nap, since it was a Saturday.
I tossed my keys onto the table, and sighed. I put my hands into the table, but lifted them to rub my temple. I was beyond exhausted, and Freya still needed dinner since it was almost 6:30.
"Hmm." I say, but I could finish my sentence because my phone buzzed.
I pulled it out of my back pocket and looked at the unknown called ID.
I slid the green button, to hear a mans voice.
"Is this Mrs. Henry?" Someone says. "This is she." I sigh, thinking it was another stupid phone bill call. "I'm calling about your husband, Blake." The man says and I gasped, and my eyes widened in fear.
"Omg?! Is he ok?!" I exclaim worriedly into the phone. "Mrs. Henry, there is no easy way to say this, but your husband had died at 16:30 in the field of battle. He died saving a little boy...he died a hero." The man says.

The 5 Year SurpriseOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora