|| ONE ||

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It was currently 1 am in the morning and everyone had left my house while my parents had a 'meeting' with certain people in dads private 'office' .

Never been in there , Never want to , probably reeks of more than expensive cigars that he only smokes to feel important.

Don't get me wrong I love my parents and all they do for me but I just can't wrap my head around the fact the two highly respected lawyers secretly indulge in the 'low life'. It just worries me.

I held those black pumps that were killing me all night in between my fingers and walked back to my side of the house.

Opening the big mahogany doors I threw the shoes to the other corner and stripped the dress off.

"Tonight is the night that you are going to see what cheap booze and shitty customer service feels like"

Fae sat up from her laying position in my bed, her hair was no longer in a tight bun and now sat on her shoulders not looking as stiff or firm anymore .

Her outfit didn't consist of a black dress and white apron that wrapped around her torso twice because of how petite she was , instead a pair of black ripped jeans and a maroon bandeau wrapped around her so effortlessly

And those ugly black non slip granny shoes she wore were no where in sight and a black pair of converse chucks covered her feet.

"I'm sure looking forward to it"

I sighed slipping on a pair of dark wash ripped jeans that had a huge square cut out of the thigh part.

"It'll be fun , we can get drunk and let loose  , and you won't be trapped in a castle  for once in your life"

I shrugged on a black halter crop top that had roses embroidered across the chest part and pulled out the hundreds of bobby pins that almost morphed into my skull, letting my long black hair shake loose.

"It's barely a castle"

"Yeah your right , a palace then"

I rolled my eyes at her , tying my last lace to my black vans as she got up and grabbed a grey zip up jacket from beside her before sliding it on and zipping it up to the neck, chucking me a darker shaded one .

I copied her actions before grabbing anything I needed you know necessities like wallet , house key , phone , rape whistle and hand sanitiser before following her out the room.

Quickly running across the marvel floors without making a sound , we slipped past my fathers office door with ease . Rushing down the stairs Fae and I bolted for the door but I stopped in my direction when I heard the sound of a quiet crash and hushing voices followed by giggling.

The sound led into the dining room , I couldn't help but feel curious about what was happening . Telling Fae to stop I stalked towards the door that was slightly cracked open a little light shown through.

Closing one eye and staring through the crack of space my face instantly paled and at this moment I wanted to puke , wanted to barf all the contents of my stomach and empty it out right on the floor .

"Minjae we really have to go before someone comes down"

I ignored her warning and watched what was happening unfold hoping that my mind was playing tricks on me before the sound of a door open shocked myself and the pair in the kitchen .

Snapping myself out of the trance I placed myself in , I shook my head and quickly grabbed Faes hand before booting out the door and closing it shut before anyone else could see me .


This was it , I have never been more speechless in my life than I am right now , I wanted to cry but laugh and yell but not say anything, I wanted to feel sad and not surprised , I wanted to feel anything.

"Minjae what in the hell did you see , that has left you so shocked that you won't even drink free alcohol?"

I opened my mouth to say something but closed it after a couple seconds and then repeated the action a couple more times before I could even piece together a sentence .

"I saw mom"

"You saw Jisoo? Your mother ok and?"

"She was on her knees?"

"What was she doing on her knees?"

"Praying for goodness sake , what the fuck do you think she was doing"

Fae furrowed her eyebrows before thinking about it for a second , a gasp left her mouth before her hand clasped over her face .

"But your dad was the one who walked out of his office that moment we left"

"That's what I'm fucking saying. He seemed young too , like your age young, maybe even younger"

"Mrs P got game"

I glared at Fae before downing the drink she had bought me whole and cringing , she wasn't wrong about the shitty booze,

"Ok wow I'm sorry that was bad , wait so what are you going to do?"

"Tonight I am going to forget that my mother is cheating on my father and I'm going to let loose and deal with the adult world tomorrow, I just turned 18 and I don't know what being black out wasted feels like"

Fae lifted her drink to that and the sound of two glasses clinking together was the sound I focused on all night.

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