Part 39: Together

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The blast, had severely disoriented you. You were not wearing your helmet when the bomb went off, and because of the impact you sustained when you were thrown against the wall, you were sure you had a concussion. But before the throbbing pain in your head subsided, you heard the gunshots amidst the raging fire. There was return fire from what was left of your team against an unknown number of hostiles. You stood, grabbed the decryptor and shoved it in your bag. You unfolded the stock of your Vector and pulled the bolt back. "Spread out and search the room. We need that package." you head one say. You presumed he was the leader. You were able to see nothing but shadows through the thick clouds of black smoke that were now filling the room. However, those shadows you could see were coming towards you. You didn't know how many of your team survived the initial explosion and the assault from the white masks. You saw Kevin lying next to you, he was just starting to regain his consciousness. "Man we've got to get going." you said trying to get him awake and alert. "What the hell happened" he said as he rubbed the back of his head. "Bomb went of. White masks are now here." you said to him. "I need you to get back and secure that can we confiscated. They're after it now." you said to him. He was much more alert and on his feet now. "I'll stay here and buy you some time." you added. He then scrambled to his feet and left to go retrieve the bio-weapon. "Ela to Cipher, what the hell happened!" she exclaimed. "Cipher to all, bomb went off at our site. Unknown number of casualties. White masks looking for the bio-weapon we confiscated. Unknown number of white masks. Get CBRN and Delta here ASAP." you said into the radios. "Buck to Cipher, we've come under heavy fire, unable to send backup." he said to you. You could hear the bullets whizzing by him as he talked. "Rook to Cipher, we've come under attack here as well." he stated. The fighting didn't sound as intense. However the other squads commanded by Maverick, Ela and Kapkan, were silent. You decided to think nothing of it for the time being. You peaked your head up again and saw the shadows moving closer and closer. You pulled your Vector into your shoulder, and fired a burst at the closest one. He dropped to the ground with a thud. The one accompanying him, pulled his weapon up to face you and fired back, forcing you into cover. While he was firing bursts at you, you activated the decryptor to find out some information on the force that was attacking you. Soon after you activated the decryptor, the firing stopped. You peaked your head up and saw nothing again. The white masks, however, were very active and closing in on your position. There were several who were quite close to the ladder which allowed them to get to the catwalk. You gathered that their force numbered about 20 left alive. There was a lot of chatter about climbing the ladder, you look around for something to prevent this. You looked through your vest and found a hand grenade. It was something an old squad mate had given you way back before you joined Rainbow. Today it found a purpose. You pulled the pin but you held the lug held down. You popped your head up and saw at least 4 around the ladder, you tossed the nade down towards the group, hearing the lug pop off and ping off the catwalk. 5 seconds later, another large explosion, and several screams rang out over the fire. Smoke was continually filling the room, the longer you fought, the more dangerous it would become. You could already feel yourself starting to choke on the air.

More suppressing fire came from the now 16 strong white mask force. Kevin suddenly appeared next you. You hadn't heard him approach over the gunshots and the fire. "I got it boss." he said holding the can up to you. "Great work, now grab your gun." you said, taking the can and putting it in your backpack. "How many we got sir?" he asked. "About 16 left." you said to him. He seemed worried by that number. "Don't worry man, we'll get out of this." you said to him. You both moved along the sheet metal railings, which were now quite warm. You moved to a flank position, and began firing on anything moving down below you all. You had eliminated another 8 together, and the other 8 were beginning to get desperate. You heard a loud clank next you, and you could see the shape of what appeared to be a grenade. Before you could dive for cover, you were pushed out of the way, by Kevin who was next you. You looked back up, and saw him, throw himself onto the grenade. The explosion killed him instantly, shredding his body armor and his internal organs. The push he gave you however, disoriented you as you still had the concussion from the initial bomb going off. The sound of footsteps could be heard beneath you as the white masks approached the ladder to the catwalk. But then, another firefight broke out. A high rate of fire weapon was able to quickly dispatch the hostiles from the flank position. "Y/N!' you heard Ela call. You quickly moved down the ladder. The room was quickly filling with smoke. "Thank God you're ok." she said pulling you toward the door. To get out of the room. "Why are you here?" you asked her. "You should be with your team." you added. "My second in command has been in the armed forces longer than I've been alive. I think he can handle them for a while." she replied. You didn't like the idea but you didn't really have a choice at this point. "Everyone here is dead." you replied. It was time to leave this area. You still had the bio-weapon that they were looking for. "We need to head to Buck's squad. They're under heavy fire and I don't think that they can last much longer." you said to her. She nodded and you stepped out into the hallway that was now starting to fill with smoke.

As you two stepped out into the hallway, a hail of automatic fire came from down the tight corridor. Ela recoiled back into the room as she was the first to step out. You popped out and emptied a magazine from your Vector into the halls, killing at least 3. "Motherfucker." you heard Ela say from under her breath. You looked over at her and saw her slumbed down on the wall, holding her right side. She lifted her hand, revealing a bullet hole with blood beginning to pour out. You quickly crouched down beside her. "Keep pressure on it." you said to her before standing up and resuming your position at the door. The firing had stopped and the sounds of footsteps could be heard advancing towards your door. You again popped out and emptied another magazine from your Vector, this time taking down another 5. You searched your vest for another magazine, and came up with only 1. This was your last mag before you were out of ammo, and had to use your secondary. You frowned, realizing the situation was beginning to look grim. The footsteps had stopped for the time being. You took the time to tend to Ela's wound. You ripped part of the sleeve of your BDU off, so that she could use it to absorb some of the blood. "Stay with me here. I can't lose you too." you said to her. Her wound was continuing to bleed. "Cipher to all, who has a medic in their squad?" you asked frantically over the radio. "I've got one." Maverick said over the radio. You hoped that someone else would have one, as Maverick was the farthest from your position. "Ela is hit and needs immediate medical assistance. We're pinned down in the corridor still. Are you able to advance on my position?" you asked beginning to panic. "Negative sir, we're heavily engaged at this point." he replied. You closed your eyes and rested your head on the door frame. "Just leave me." Ela muttered. Her condition was deteriorating fast. She was looking as if she was about to pass out. "I'm not leaving you." you responded immediately. "If you don't we both die." she replied. "Then so be it." you replied before peaking back out into the hallway and tapping 2 more white masks. From your count there were at least 5 left watching the door. You peaked again and got another 2, but as you went to hit the third one, a click from your Vector, along with the shattering of the concrete blocks next to your head, forced you back into cover. "Shit!" you yelled seeing the bolt locked back on your Vector. You pulled out your G-18 and pulled the slide back. The fire was continuing to spread the entire room was almost engulfed. You had to move. You pulled Ela to her feet, which was met with screams of pain, and pulled her arm over your shoulders. "There's 3 left out there. We can take them." you said holding up your G-18. "Trade you." she muttered with a smile, holding her Scorpion Evo out to you. You graciously took the weapon, pulled the bolt back to check if there was a round in the chamber, and released the bolt back into the firing position. "This is suicide Y/N." she said to you. "At least we go down with a fight." you said to her. "Together?" you asked her, raising your new weapon, and shoring up your grip on her left side. "Together." she said raising your G-18. You took a deep breath before charging fate, head first.

(Happy New Year guys!!! I wanted to thank you all for helping me discover something new that I thoroughly enjoy doing. Without all of the support on this story, weather it be in a comment, a vote, or just a view, all contributed to this story getting as far as it has. I want to thank you guys for continuing to read and helping me discover a passion that I would have never found otherwise. I look forward to many more chapters and stories in 2019. Thanks again and have a great New Year!)

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