Part 7: Recovery

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You awake in a hospital of some sorts. You look around, but no one is with you in the room. You then notice that you are hooked up to an IV. "probably a morphine drip." you think to yourself. You then try to look for anything that would give a clue as to where you were. You look out your window and notice the mountains. You then pick up the clipboard at the end of your bed and notice that it is all in french. "Still in France." you think. You then sit up in your bed. Despite the morphine drip. The wound still hurt immensely. You then turn your attention the the bed table. You notice something that doesn't quite belong in a hospital room, but you recognize it instantly. It's one of Ela's mines. "She must have stayed with me while I was out" you think to yourself. Just then your Doctor walks in. "Ah, You're finally awake." he says going over to your morphine drip. "How long was I out?" you ask concerned. "About 2 days." he replies. "You're lucky you pulled through at all. That round did some serious damage to your lung and your liver." he said. "Still hurts like a bitch." you say. "When will I be able to leave?' you ask. "We can get you on the next flight back home but you have to rest for at least 2 months. Try to stay as inactive as possible." he explains and gives you some drugs to take back at Hereford to make the pain bearable. "Thanks for everything doc." you say extending your hand for a handshake. "No problem monsieur." he replies shaking your hand. As your doing this you notice a figure appear at the door. You look over and you're happy to see that it's Ela. "She has barely left your side while you were out. I'll leave you two alone." he says walking out of the room.

As you look back up at Ela, you notice tears forming in her eyes. She then quickly comes over to embrace you in a hug. She grabs onto your chest and begins to squeeze. This causes you to grunt in pain due to your wound. " Ow." you state causing her to back off on the hug. "Sorry, I was just worried that you wouldn't pull through." she says wiping away tears. "Well I was right about one thing." you say. "What's that?" she questions. "You are much more than I bargained for." this caused her to laugh as she leans back in to give you a much gentler hug. She hugs you for quite some time before finally sitting down in the chair next to you. "So what exactly happened after I passed out?" you ask trying to fill in the gaps in your memory. "Well Cav, moved out on the sniper to take him down. Doc, Echo and I tried to keep you alive until MEDEVAC came to take you here." she explained. "I see. But why are you here with me instead of being back at Hereford?" you question. "I volunteered to be part of your 'security detail' to keep watch over you while you were out. And I.." she paused for a bit. "I.. couldn't leave you by yourself after what you did for me." she says again with tears forming in her eyes. "You saved my life Y/N" she says while giving you another hug. "Hey, you know what they say. There is no greater love than to lay down your life for a friend." you say while consoling her. This causes a silence between you two for a bit. She then lets go of you and sits back down. You two get talking a lot more about your backgrounds, something that the two of you never talked about before. You learn that Ela's father had been the leader of the GROM in Poland for some time and recently took his own life. This was hard for Ela to explain to you without crying. You see tears forming in her eyes and hear her voice cracking. You decide to get out of bed and go sit next to her. She leans up against your shoulder as she did on the plane, but this time you decide to put your arm around her. She nestles into your chest and seems to calm down. Just then you notice the view from the spot you were sitting. You had a perfect view of the alps from the window. You look over and see a sketchpad that you hadn't noticed before. You pick it up and look at the most recent page. It is a near perfect drawing of the alps from your window. "Did you draw this?" you look down a Ela, holding out the sketchbook. "Yeah. I used to draw a lot as a kid and actually tried to pursue it as a career before joining the GROM." she said grabbing the book. "It's incredible" you state making her blush a bit. You two sat together in relative silence until the doctor told you that they were ready to transport you to the airport. He removes the morphine drip from your right arm and you change into some more comfortable clothes. Ela then helps you walk as much as she can. Your much bigger than her so she can't do too much. You get on the 747 and decide to do some reading. "Shall we continue?" you look down a Ela who had taken the seat next to you. "Sure." she says nestling into your chest again. You again put your arm around her and begin to read from where you left off.

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