Part 14: Leave

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You woke up early the next morning by the light of day cracking through your window. You turn your head over and look at the clock. It's 9:00 in the morning. "I slept for about 14 hours." you think to yourself. You look to your left and see that there is no one next to you. Ela must already be up. You slowly get up and go to the bathroom to take a shower and get dressed. After a nice refreshing shower to wake you up, you head on over to the kitchen for some coffee and food. To your surprise Ela wasn't there either. She was nowhere to be found. "Odd. She should be here." you think to yourself. As you were making coffee out of the little grounds you had left, you remember. "Oh shit!" you think to yourself. You start moving rapidly for the door as you realize that Ela had her operation right about now to fix her ribs and drain some of the water in her lungs. You grab a sweater and bolt out the door. As you turn the corner you run into someone, almost knocking you down. "Sorry about that." you say instinctively. You then look up and see Zofia standing at eye level with you. "Hey Zofia, I kinda have to go to the infirmary, Ela's getting her ribs fixed today." you explain to her. "What happened on your recon." she asked firmly, looking you square in the eyes. Her seriousness caught you off guard. She was now quite the intimidating person. "I don't know if I can tell you." you said to her. She was visibly furious. "What do you mean! I have a right to know what happened to my sister!" she screamed at you. She had a good point. You decide that you owe it to her to tell her. You pull her into your room and close the door. You turn off all electronic devices in the room. "I need you to turn off your phone." you tell her. Unlike Six, she didn't question you on why she had to do this, she simply followed your orders. "I feel like I owe it to you to tell you what happened over there." you start. "This is very serious stuff. I need you to promise that not a word is said of this outside of this room." you say firmly to her. "You have my word." Zofia said. "It started when Ela and I went out to go and eat. I spotted what I now believe was a surveillance van. I didn't think much of it at the time, but then we got back to the room. It was there that I found 2 bugs in the room. I was able to trace them to the white masks. It was there that we got into a cop car and were being escorted to the police station when a car hit us in the intersection and we were taken to the white mask facility." you explained. She watched you intently as you told the story. "I was then informed that they had my decryptor, and that I had to give them the key. I refused, naturally, but then...." you pause for a second. The memory was quite tough. "Ela was tortured in front of me. They waterboarded her." you stop, trying to regain your composure. "I had to give them the key. To save her." you add. Zofia clearly saw how difficult the retelling was and came over and gave you a hug. "It's because of this that I believe that there is an intelligence leak inside Rainbow. And the white masks are now more dangerous than ever." you say to her. "Thank you for saving her again. And thank you for telling me this." she said to you after breaking her embrace. "I feel that you, Ela and Six are the only people I can trust right now." you said to her. She seemed pleased at this statement. "Thank you for trusting me Y/N" she said to you. "Ela and I plan to go away for some time. To try to recover and get from all of this." you say to her. This caught her attention. "Where are you taking her?" she asked. "I'm bringing her to my home country for a bit." you whisper to her. "I need you to look into who this mole could be for me while I'm gone." you say to her with incredible seriousness on your face. "I'll do some digging. It's the least I can do." she said to you with a smile. "Thanks. This means a lot to me Zo." you say to her. "If you'll excuse me I need to go and see Ela." you say leading her to the door. "Let's together. It'll be good if both of us are there." she said. You thought about it for a minute and then nodded your head in approval.

Ela's operation went quite well. She was a bit sore after, but she was ok to walk. Doc was quite happy with the results and said that she should be fully healed in a couple of weeks. Ela was quite happy that you and Zofia were there when she woke up. Her and Zofia talked a bit in Polish. You couldn't follow along, but the tone of the discussion was quite different than the previous ones you witnessed. They even shared a laugh once. After the drugs had lost their effect on her, you helped her out of bed and began to walk to Six's office to talk to her about you two leaving for a couple of weeks. The conversation went well. Ela brought up the fact that some people might be trying to look for us, and sending us away will let things simmer down a bit. Six agreed and you and Ela got 2 weeks of leave in your home country. You and Ela were both ecstatic at the news. Just the two of you, for 2 whole weeks. You carried Ela back to the room where you two packed your stuff and booked and flight around 4:00 in the afternoon. "I'm so excited!" she said jumping on top you, giving you a kiss. "It'll be interesting for you to meet my parents." you said smiling to her. "We got some time to kill." she said to you. "Pokemon?" you ask. "Sounds like a plan." she said smiling back to you. You two played for a couple of hours. You manage to train most of your pokemon to level 70 and catch a Legendary Pokemon. Around 2:00 you two decide to go and call a cab to get you to Heathrow in time. You gather your stuff and head out. The airport was quite busy at that time. Good thing you two decided to leave early. Security took a long time, but you two managed to get through with about a half hour to spare. You waited outside the gate for a couple of minutes before your flight was called. You and Ela quickly got up and were one of the first on the plane. It was different not having your Glock on your hip but it was a good different. It made you feel like you were free again, like you weren't fighting. You and Ela got settled into your seats and got ready for the flight back home. This was going to be a great 2 weeks, you thought as the plane lifted off from the runway.

(Hey guys. I just wanted to thank you guys again. We hit 500 views today! I never expected this story to be as successful as it is. Thanks a lot for continuing to read! Anyways I wanted to remind you guys of something. As I stated before, The next chapters focus a lot on Ela and Y/N's relationship. That being said, I would like to know if more of you want a lemon in this book at all. Please let me know in the comments what you guys think! Thanks again for 500 and have a great day!)

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