Part 20: Security

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You and Zofia were standing on a platform overlooking the generators of the tent and the air filtration system. There was a vast amount of wires and cable running from the generators, over a fence and to the tent. You two were tasked with keeping watch over these systems. The area was quite secure with the heavy military presence, but the white masks were quite crafty. They also still had your quantum computer. For this reason you and Zofia tried to hold a radio silence for security, and only report the most vital of information. "How you holding up?" you ask Zofia, trying to make the scanning of the area bearable. "A bit shaken." she replied. This was not the reply you were expecting. Zofia has always portrayed this super tough person, and has rarely let her emotions get to her, especially on a mission as serious as this. "I have a family, you know." she added. "Seeing these small kids reminds me of my daughter, and that it could be her in one of those beds." she said to you. You saw the reflection of some tears forming in her eyes from the orange light of the setting sun. "I can't know how difficult it is for you, but I can say that we will take them down. So don't be afraid, because when you're afraid of what they can do, you're giving them a victory." you said placing your hand on her shoulder. She simply nodded and you two continued your watch as the sun drenched the tents and the buildings in a soft orange light. You had about a half hour left before sundown. At which time, a group of U.S. Delta Force guys would take your position for you. There had been several hotspots that the C.O. had told you to watch out for. They were the main breaker panel for the generators, and the air filtration system. The air filtration system mixed a small amount of chlorine in the air to kill any bacteria and essentially make the tent safe from outside bacteria and germs. This could be a primary target for another chemical attack on the medical tent. On the buildings that surrounded the university, there was a lot of military presence. Mainly SOCOM snipers, helping you with your watch over the systems, and watching the checkpoints by the university gates.

All was calm and quiet as it had been for the previous 5 hours. You could hear the crickets beginning to chirp in the warm September evening in America. You were told that you had 10 minutes left on your shift before the Delta guys took over. You were doing your normal scan of the area, when you notice that something was different. There was a quick but sudden dash for cover behind one of the generators. "Hey Zo." you call to her to get her attention. "I think I saw something move down by the generators. Can you send someone to go check it out?" you ask her. She nods in approval. You watch the area for a bit longer. The sun had passed below the tent and had shrouded the generators in darkness. You notice the shadows move again. It was almost like someone had peeked out to get a look at you and Zofia. As Zofia was calling in for one of the guys on the ground to go investigate, you see a sharp movement again. This time it was not near the generators. You see a sharp turn from the roof of the 3 story, red brick building across from your platform. The turn was then accompanied by a loud crack. A shot had just been fired from one of the sniper teams. As soon as the crack registered in your mind as a gunshot, you see Zofia get knocked off her feet. She had been hit, hard. You immediately take cover after you realize what is going on. "This lima 2-1, we are being engaged by a sniper on the roof of the red brick building to our immediate 12 o'clock! Zofia is hit! We need immediate cover and a medevac here immediately!" you yell into the radio. The sniper shot the metal plate you were using for cover. The shot landed not an inch above your head. Zofia was lying on the ground, motionless. She was bleeding out from her shoulder. The shot had missed her body armor and gone straight through her. You take a breath to calm yourself. You then pop up and begin to suppress the sniper with bursts from you vector. You move over to the metal plate closest to Zofia and take cover. She was still out in the open in full view of the sniper. Another shot from the sniper hit the cover you were using, sending out a loud "clanck". You had to get Zofia behind some cover. You calm yourself again, and take a deep breath. You pop up again and move while spraying in bursts, to where Zofia lay, still motionless. You grab the strap on the back of her vest, near her neck and pull her behind a metal plate. You sniper was now no concern of yours. Your focus shifted to the unconscious, bleeding Bosak sister next to you. You pull out a field trauma kit from your pack and begin to apply pressure to her wound. It was bleeding profusely. The bullet had done some serious damage. By your guess it was a hollow point. Zofia's shoulder was torn up quite badly. It would be a miracle if her brachial artery was still intact. The sniper had gone quiet. In fact there was almost zero noise. A couple of seconds pass and there is noise from the top of the red brick building. There was a lot of yelling. The Delta guys must have got the sniper. "This is Lima 2-1, I need immediate medical assistance on my position!" you yell again into your radio. "Copy Lima 2-1, Medical assistance is on the way." the radio replied. No matter what you did, the bleeding wouldn't stop. It kept bleeding through the bandages. "Delta 1-1, primary suspect in custody." you hear from the radio. "At least they got the bastard." you say to Zofia, who was still unconscious. A couple of seconds later, Doc and some other medical staff reached your position. Zofia was immediately stretchered and take off back to the tent.

You remained at your post for a little longer waiting for someone to relieve you. 2 Delta guys came up shortly after Zofia was taken away. "What the fuck happened?" one of them asked you. "Hell if I know." you say back to him. "I was doing my scans when, I saw something moving near the generators. Right after that my partner was shot from the roof." you explain. "Holy shit." one said. "How did we let this happen?" the other asks. "You ever dealt with these bastards before?" the first asked. "Unfortunately. They are something completely different from any other terrorist organization." you tell them. "I heard you actually caught him alive." you say to them. "Yeah, you must have shot him up good. He was lying there crying like a bitch." one said. "You hit his arm twice and his shoulder once." the other added. "I'll have to pay the fucker a visit." you say to them gathering your stuff to head inside the tent. "Well I'll leave you gentlemen to your work." you say heading for the ramp down. "Hey, you guys mind sending someone to check the systems. I think I saw someone down there, and it doesn't make much sense to attack some sentries unless you're trying to get their attention." you say turning around. "Will do. We'll be incredibly thorough." the one said. "Go get some rest." the other said. You made your way to another tent near the front of the medical tent.

Everyone had their own little quarters, which included a single bed, a dresser, desk with a small chair, and a weapons cabinet. You placed your Vector in the cabinet after a thorough cleaning and begin unpacking your bags. You start to play over the events of the evening. "Why would a sniper attack some sentries?" you ask yourself. It doesn't make sense. You two were not incredibly important or vital to the project in any means. "Maybe they knew we were Rainbow?" you think to yourself. That would make you targets for the white masks. They also no doubt had your face everywhere after your escape with Ela. "But that doesn't explain the shadows by the generators." you remind yourself. You still had no idea what that was. "Maybe the sniper was just a distraction for them to get in and do something more harmful." you think to yourself. You decided to give the C.O. a call to report to him on what actually happened. You explain to him the same way you explained it to the Delta guys. You then go on and ask for all of the air filtration systems to be checked thoroughly for chemical or biological weapons and the generators be checked for explosives. He agreed with you and told you that the crews would be dispatched immediately. This was to your satisfaction. At least Zofia's injuries wouldn't be in vain. You lay down on your bed and just stare at the top of the tent, exploring your mind.

You got lost in your mind, just thinking about the day and what you saw. You didn't even notice Ela at the opening to your tent. You just followed the path that your mind led you down. The thing that derailed your thought was Ela sitting down next to your head. "Hey I didn't hear you come in." you say to her. You get no response. You get up from your lying position and sit next to her. She looked drained. It was almost as if everything had been sucked out of her. "You alright?" you ask putting your arm around her. She was clearly in emotional turmoil. Her eyes were red, and her breathing showed that she had recently been crying. She didn't say anything to you, but wrapped her arms around your neck and began to cry into your shoulder. You respond by wrapping your arms around her chest. You slowly rock her back and forth to try to calm her down. "There there, everything is going to be alright." you say to her. Your words seem to have no effect on her though. She continues to let her emotions vent into your shoulder. She eventually cried herself out and just continued to hold onto your neck. She found comfort in your embrace. "You need some rest." you whisper to her. She didn't react. You take your one arm away from her chest and place it under her knees. You keep your other arm on her back, near her shoulders. You stand up from the bed, picking her up in the process. She kept her head in your chest and tightened her grip on your neck. You moved out of the tent and into the next one over, where Ela had her bags. You move over to the single bed and slowly place her down in the middle of it. You remove your arms from her back and under her knees and start to get up to head back to your tent. Ela however clearly had different plans. She refused to break her grip on your neck, instead only tightened it. "Please stay." she whispered from your chest. You think about how you're going to spend the night with her in a single bed. It was certain to be quite the experience. Ela moves over as much as she can on the bed, prompting you to lay next to her. You squeeze onto the bed as much as you can, your left shoulder is hanging off the edge and along with your left leg. Ela's grip then shifts from your neck to your chest. She places her right leg over yours and creates some more space for you to move over, which you gladly accept. She then rests her green haired head on your chest, looking for some form of comfort. You place your arm around her back and pull her towards you. "First thing tomorrow we go see Zo." you tell her. She just nods and keeps her head down. You felt incredibly upset. The pain that seeing your girlfriend in distress caused, was immense. The fact that you were powerless to do anything about it, made it all the worse. 

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