Part 6: First Op

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You awake early the next morning, but not by your alarm, but rather by someone knocking at your door. You sluggishly get out of bed, still groggy from being pulled out of REM sleep. You open the door and to you surprise, it's Ela. "Good morning and all, but why are you here so early?" you question. "I just wanted to thank you for the help last night." she said again avoiding your eyes. "Glad I could help." you reply. "Coffee?" you ask gesturing to the inside of your room. "Sure." she answers. You start making coffee for two. You were quite thankful that you decided to go get groceries yesterday. You drank what little coffee the small coffee maker could make while talking about her mines and how they can be improved. "You know what would make this conversation better?" you ask. "What?' she replied raising an eyebrow. "Food. I'm absolutely starving. Why don't we continue this in the cafeteria?" you propose. "Alright. I'll meet you down there." she says with a slight smile before leaving the room. You then take a quick shower, brush your teeth and then change into your BDU in case you got called into action. You then take your laptop and head for the cafeteria. "Did I ask her out?" you thought to yourself as you made your way the cafeteria.

It was early, so there weren't many people up yet. You grab the breakfast for today. An omelette with ham, cheese, and pepper, along with a glass of milk. You notice Ela sitting in the corner by herself. You sit down in front of her and begin to eat. You continue talking about her mines and what you did. "Well let me show you. I brought what I was able to do before midnight." you say pulling out your laptop. You show her the changes you made to the sound wave emitter. You explain that you were able to make the sound waves more powerful over a shorter area and changed the frequency of the waves to make the effect last longer. You then explain you want to do some more research into this topic to see if there is a better combination of intensity and frequency. "This is more than I could have asked for Y/N. Thank you so much." she said, looking right into your eyes this time. This caused you to blush a bit, knowing that her gratitude was sincere. You then start to go and do some research when the taller of the two siblings came over to the table and started talking to Ela again in another language. You just continued to work on Ela's mines when you heard the older one switch to English. "And who is this Ela?" she questioned. "A friend. Now go away Zofia!" Ela snapped. "I'd like to talk to your 'friend' later" Zofia said staring right at you. "Fine by me." you said calmly. She then walked off, leaving you and Ela alone again. You looked at her and could tell that she was furious about something, so you decided not to inquire further. Just then over the loudspeaker, you heard Six. "Ela, Cipher, Doc, Echo, and Caveira report to the briefing room immediately. You look up at Ela and shrug. You pack up and head for the briefing room together.

You enter the briefing room and notice that Echo and Doc are already there. You take a seat next to Echo as you wait for Caveira. "You look like shit." you say to Echo as you see that he is drained and is almost falling asleep in the chair. "I was doing another op yesterday. I've had 4 hours of sleep in the last 2 days." he says slightly slurred from his drowsiness. "Ain't no rest for the wicked." you say prompting a smile from him. Just then Caveira enters and quickly takes a seat. You've heard about her and her "methods". Even the sight of her sends a chill down your spine. "Alright people. Listen up." Six states, getting everyone's attention. "We have a hostage situation in France. White masks have taken 3 hostages in a house out in the alps. The French government has given us clearance to deal with the situation. The local PD have not been able to set up a strong perimeter due to the location. This means that once the hostages are secure, you'll have to signal to get evac on the way. You'll go in by helicopter and will be placed outside the police perimeter. Doc will have field command of this operation. Understood?" "Yes ma'am." you all replied with a salute. "Good. the helicopter leaves for the airport in 15 mins. Dismissed." you all get up and quickly leave the room to go and get your stuff.

You decide to pack a book for the plane to give yourself something to calm you before the mission begins. You browse your collection before deciding on "The Hunt for Red October". You get on the C-130 and sit by yourself as to not be disturbed so you can read your novel in peace. You sit down and start reading when Ela climbs aboard and sits next to you. "What are you reading?" She inquires. "The Hunt for Red October." you say showing her the cover. "What's it about?" she asks looking at the book. "It's about a Russian sub that defects to the United States, however the US does not this and is scared of an Attack from the sub." you explain. As you do this, you notice that she placed her head on your shoulder. This causes a smile from Echo along with him mimicking the words "Run" before he drifts off to sleep. Cav and Doc are busy looking at blueprints of the place. "Read it to me?" she asks looking up at you. This is when you notice that the other side to her has come out again, the warmer more open side of her. "Sure." you say looking down at her, where your eyes meet for a brief moment. "Chapter 1.." you begin. You read to her for awhile before you notice that she drifted off to sleep, head still on your shoulder. You place the bookmark in, for fear of her hurting you for reading ahead. You then decide to catch some shut eye as well. You look down at Ela one last time, before drifting off to sleep.

You're awoken by the wheels of the plane touching down in some airport in the alps that you didn't know the name of. You look down and notice that Ela is still asleep on your shoulder. "Ela, wake up. We've landed." you whisper while gently shaking her. "Hmm." she replies looking up at you with a smile. "Time to get going." you say. You grab your bag and jump off the plane when door opens, moving to a police helicopter that will take you to where you needed to be. Doc then closes the back door and begins to layout the plan. "Cipher and Echo will enter from the top floor and relay information to the rest of us using their gadgets. The rest of us will wait for their signal outside the second story library. Once Cipher and Echo are in position we'll breach from all areas taking them by surprise." he states. You all nod in agreement. Just then the helicopter lands and you all move in your groups towards the house.

"So when did you and Ela become and thing?" Echo asks with a smile, while you two were walking towards your entry point. "Huh, we're not a thing, Echo." you say sternly. "Whatever you say Cipher. But there's one thing I know for sure, and that is that she is a completely different person when you're around. None of us have ever seen her like the way she was on the plane." he says. You take some time to process this information on the rest of your walk to the entry point. You put it in the back of your mind for the moment. "It's go time." you think to yourself. You and Echo approach the second story window that would be your breaching point. "I'll activate the decryptor." you say to Echo, who approves with a nod. From the sounds of it there's only one person in the bedroom adjacent to this room you tell Echo. You and him carefully dismantle the barricade, as to not give away your position just yet. You enter the room first. You then move towards the doorway to get a visual on the hostile that was in the bedroom. You notice that he is looking out towards the hall. You gesture to Echo, telling him that he is your kill. He again nods as you carefully and silently approach the unsuspecting hostile. You take out your knife and cut the white masks throat while covering his mouth. You then drag the body back into the bathroom. Echo then sends out his drone and gives the signal that the hallway is all clear. You move into the hallway carefully watching the stairs to your right, as you and Echo advance towards the library on the other side of the house. You then activate the decryptor again and gather that there are a total of 20 hostiles left. 5 of which were with the hostages. The rest were scattered around on the first floor and the basement. You peek around the corner into another hallway and notice one patrol. As you approach he turns around suddenly and notices you creeping towards him. His eyes go wide as he begins to raise his Aug A3 at you. Just then you notice that he had 2 new holes in his head. You catch the body and look back at Echo, who had used his suppressed MP5 to take out the hostile. You share a nod before moving to your breach spot. You radio Doc, letting him know that 2 hostiles are down and that you are in position with 5 hostiles in the room. "Ready, in 3...2...1.." you detonate your breaching charges simultaneously with the others blowing down your door. You then flash the room and everyone moves in. you hit the terrorists like a hurricane. In less than 2 seconds, all 5 are on the ground with new holes in their heads. You instantly take up defensive positions around the room, except for Cav who runs out to go and hide and jump out to become the enemies worst nightmare. You hear the movement of the other 15 terrorists below you. You decide to activate the decryptor again. You gather that they split into two teams one coming from the west stairs and the other coming from the south-east stairs. You relay this info to the rest of your team. You set up watching those entrances. Ela placed her new and improved and mines along the doors and set back up watching the west stairs with you. You hear her mines go off outside the west stairs and you and Ela move out to take advantage of the disoriented enemies. As your about to enter the hallway, you hear Ela's other mine go off and notice Doc and Echo moving out as well. You and Ela swing out into the hallway and take down the 7 that came up with ease, performing some facial reconstruction surgery on them. You hear Doc and Echo state "Clear!" into the radio. "Clear" you and Ela both state. Your walking back to the hostage room, and that is where you saw it. A single red dot. Right on Ela's chest. Your instincts kick in and you push Ela down and out of the way. However this came at a cost. You pushed her just as the sniper fired. The .300 magnum round shredded your body armor and dug its way into your chest right under your lung, shattering some of your ribs. You collapse to the ground and you feel yourself losing consciousness. You hear Doc yell "Get down!" and you feel yourself being dragged by someone out of the line of fire. The last thing you hear is Ela. "Stay with me Y/N!" she pleads holding you. You then drift out of consciousness from the blood loss

(I'm not sure how but we've already got #21 in r6. So thanks for continuing to read! I have a couple of slower chapters planned. However I have some big plans for some of the later ones. Stay tuned and thanks again for reading!)

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