Part 3: Strange Encounters

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You look down at your watch and realize that it is almost 7:45. About the time you and Echo are supposed to meet in the cafeteria. You hear your stomach rumble again and decide to pack up a few things to bring to show Echo and his friends. You place your laptop in your backpack along with the decryptor you've been working on. You head out the door towards the cafeteria. On the way you pass two women arguing in a foreign language that you can't quite make out. The taller one is wearing brown fatigues and a beret along with sunglasses, indoors. Odd choice you think. The shorter one really caught your attention though. She had green hair and was wearing a hoodie and green and black yoga pants. You assume that they are sisters from how much the look alike with each other. As you get closer to them the taller one leaves, leaving the shorter one by herself. As you were about to pass her, she made a sudden spin around to face you, bumping into you and spilling her coffee all over the both of you. She looked just about as shocked as you. "I'm so sorry, I didn't hear you coming up behind me" she said to you. "No worries, not the first time it's happened. This shirt needed a bit of colour anyways." you say jokingly, helping her to clean up the puddle of coffee now on the floor. "Sorry, but I'm kind of new here, my name is Y/N, or you could call me Cipher. I'm trying to meet everyone here, so what's your name?" you ask the woman. "Ela" she replies avoids your gaze though. And once done cleaning up the mess she thanks you for your help apologizes one more time and rushes off. It was an odd exchange for sure, but there was something about her that captivated you, although you can't quite put your finger on it. You thought about her for the rest of your walk to the cafeteria.

Once you arrive you grab yourself some of the leftover food from the table which consisted of mashed potatoes, some chicken and some greens. You then notice Echo sitting in the corner with 3 other people. You approach and he waves you over to sit down. You take the seat next to him and start to introduce yourself to the other operators at the table. "Hey guys." you say enthusiastically "I'm new here so let me introduce myself. My name is Y/N, but you can always call me Cipher." you say. The first person to introduce herself reach out a hand said "Nice to meet you Cipher, my name is Grace, but you can call me Dokkaebi if you want to." "Nice to meet you Dokkaebi" you replied. The last two both reached out their hands and said "A pleasure to meet you monsieur Cipher" and then introduced themselves as Twitch and Lion but didn't give their real names for some reason. You took a seat and started to chat with the others about past operations as you ate your meal. After you were finished eating, Dokkaebi spoke up and said "Hey Cipher, Echo here says that you have some cool new decrypter that we might get to use." "He speaks true then. I have it with me right now if you all want to take a look." you reply. This was met by unanimous agreement. So you placed what looked like a small metal box outside of your backpack on the table. "So how does it work?" Twitch asked. "Well it is basically a very powerful quantum computer that is able to take advantage of superposition to store and process information millions of times faster than that of a normal computer. It can break a code that would take a normal computer thousands of years to break in couple of seconds. From this ability to break codes I can temporarily get into enemy com channels to get information on their whereabouts" you explain. "Incredible." Dokkaebi said in amazement. "But why can't you always be in the enemy com channels though?" Echo asked. "It's one of the flaws that I need to work out still. The CPU gets too hot to sustain the superconductors and the power of it is gone. I need to find someway to keep the CPU near absolute zero without carrying around a ton of liquid Helium." you explained. "If you can get a stable quantum computer in that small a box, you need a nobel prize and I think there is a bright future ahead of you after you leave here." Lion said.

You just then notice Ela standing in the opposite corner watching and listening to what you were talking about. She still had that cold look on her face. You hadn't noticed before but you could not tell a single thing about her from looking at her. You look down at your watch and realize that it is almost 10:00. You excuse yourself from the table, placing the decryptor back into your bag, and head for your room to get some rest for the big day tomorrow. You pass by Ela on the way out who grabs your arm to stop you. "I'm impressed Cipher. You seem to know quite a lot about tech." she says "Thanks. A lot of experience. Was there something I can help you with, as I assume that you didn't stop to just give me a compliment" you replied. You see a small grin form across her face "You're clever Cipher. Can you come and help me tomorrow sometime with my mines? something doesn't seem to be right with them." she asked while avoiding your eyes. It almost seemed to hurt her to ask for help. "Of course, but it might be later in the day. I have a hostage rescue tomorrow to prove that I should be here." you state "Alright Cipher. I'll be watching tomorrow." she said as she walked off again. You got this feeling again that you had before. Something that captivated you, but again, you couldn't put your finger on it. She filled your mind as you got back to your place and went to bed. 

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