Part 12: Escape

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You continue to cover the door for a while. Having noticed that the camera in Ela's room was turned off, you start to feel a bit less tense, as you think that no one should be coming there. If you were being held in the same place that you and Ela were tasked to do recon on, then you should have a pretty good idea of where to go from your studying of the blueprints. Ela then comes back and places her hand on your shoulder letting you know that she is ready to proceed. You peek out of the doorway to check if the coast is clear. The hallway was quiet and empty, just as before you had entered Ela's cell. You move out and down the hallway. It was quite long and narrow, something resembling a cellar. You were again quite uncomfortable at the lack of cover it provided if someone were to come down the hall from the other end. You two carefully move through the hallway coming up to the end where the last patrol to come by came from. The hallway continued around a sharp left bend. You remember the patrol talking to somebody, so you carefully and slowly peek your head around the corner to check if it was clear. There was one guard placed outside a solid steel door. This could be the command centre. Or something more important. Whatever it was, it was something for the cops to deal with. You had to get out alive. There was no way you could see of getting behind that guard without being seen. You had to lure him to you. You remember the keys that you have in your pocket. You take them out and throw them on the ground in the middle of the hallway. They landed with a loud 'clunk' on the concrete floor. You wait a couple of seconds, motioning to Ela to stay quiet and low. You then hear the guard approach the keys. As he stands over them confused as why they were there, you swing out from around the corner and stab him the the neck with your scalpel. "This thing is coming in quite handy" you thought to yourself. You drag the body behind the corner and place him against the wall. You hoped that there weren't any other patrols that would come by as you couldn't hide the body in one of the cells because of the cameras. You then proceed around the corner and past the large steel door. Maybe your computer was in there, but you didn't have time for that. You continue down this hall until you come to a right turn in it which leads to some stairs. "We must be close." you think to yourself. You motion for Ela to hold the corner as you approach the stairs to make sure that it's clear. You see that these stairs just lead to another level. You're not sure of what to expect when you get up there. Based on the size of the prison, and sophistication of it, you estimate that there is probably a considerable white mask force up there. You need something to give you the advantage in sneaking past them. Your mind then turns back to the door that you dismissed from before. Maybe there was something useful in there. You head back around the corner to Ela. "Let's head back to that room we passed. There might be something we can use in there." you whisper to her. She nods and begins to follow you back to the room. You can't hear anything on the other side of the door. It's times like this that make you miss your drones. You slowly open the door and realize that it is empty. It is a large room with breaker box to your left on the wall and a small maintenance door on your right. You head into the room moving for the breaker box.

As you approach the breaker box, the maintenance door to your right opens, revealing two white masks. They were both armed with M590 shotguns. Their eyes widen as they see you. You reach down to grab the scalpel. As you do this however, you hear 4 shots come from behind you. You look over and see some smoke coming from Ela's gun as the two white masks fall to the ground with new holes in their heads. You close your eyes for a second, regretting that you had not been more careful. Your escape plan had just gotten much more difficult. Stealth was now out the window. You two were going to have to fight. Your mind then kicks back into gear as you lunge for the breaker. Ela moves into a defensive position around the door covering your back. You flip the large switch on the main breaker and the lights go out. There is very little visibility down in the room. The door is the only source of light for a small time before the emergency lights kick in. You hear a lot of movement outside the door. You take up a defensive position behind the maintenance door, setting up a crossfire zone with Ela. You signal for her to wait until they enter the room. She nods again. You two then wait. A couple of seconds later, something is thrown into the room. A small tube from what you could see. You instantly recognize what it was. It was a flashbang. You quickly turn away from the grenade and cover your ears. The detonation still impaired your hearing quite a bit but at least your vision was safe. Ela was not so lucky, she was dazed and confused unable to react in time. You realize you lost your crossfire zone. Just as you set back up 5 white masks enter the room guns drawn. You raise your Sig and double tap all of them. They were not expecting you to be able to fight, so they were taken by surprise. You then move over to Ela, who was still recovering from the flashbang. You help her up, and move out of the room into the hallway. The hallway was quite dark as there were no emergency lights. You move back to the stairs and watch for any reinforcements coming down. 2 white masks head down the stairs where you quickly dispatch them. Ela was now able to fight again as the flashbang had started to lose its effects. You move with her up the stairs to a large doorway. You both stack up and change magazines. Unsure of what will be on the other side, you signal to Ela with a nod to breach the room.

You open the door to a large open chamber. It looked almost like a factory. There were assembly lines and machines everywhere. You then notice some people in the back behind some glass on the second story. They were wearing hazmat suits. The big picture came and hit you like a freight train. Chemical warfare. This made your skin crawl. You also signaled to Ela to be careful with her shots. You didn't want to shoot something that could be incredibly dangerous. You two move out from the doorway and take cover behind one of the conveyor belts. Almost immediately after moving to your new cover, you are taking fire from above and in front of you. You and Ela prioritize the enemies above you first. In the midst of the gun fire, Ela manages to tell you that she wants to move along the conveyor belt to get a better position. You nod and she begins to crawl close to the conveyor belt in order to stay hidden. You begin to suppress the enemies on the second floor by shooting their cover. You look back at Ela and see that she has moved about 25 meters behind a machine. You continue to suppress fire when Ela opens fire on the white masks on the first floor. After eliminating 4 on the ground floor she continues to crawl along the belt until she comes to some stairs. She looks back and signals that she is going to flank the now increasing size of white masks on the second floor. You again nod as you change magazines. You pull the bolt back and begin to continue to draw fire from the enemies on the second floor. You then decide to crawl along for some more cover and duck into a side room that connects to a large hallway. You feel someone hit you from behind. You swing around and pull out your scalpel. You are face to face with the one who interrogated you before. You two begin hand to hand. You had done quite a bit in special forces, but you opponent was quite skilled as well. You two traded blows back and forth. You got some cuts in on his arms and chest. But just then you slip up. You misjudge an attack and your opponent is able to land some serious blows on your chest and head. Your wound from your last op was hurting immensely. You back up, regrouping from the previous assault. You two continue to trade some more minor blows. The gunfire from before had ceased and it had gone quiet in the factory. You two continued your brawl when suddenly he collapsed. His knees had been kicked out by someone. You look up and see Ela, had managed to sneak around and get behind your opponent. You then take advantage of your now downed opponent and place him in a choke hold where you then swiftly break his neck. His lifeless body falls to the ground with a thud, and then, silence. You then see Ela's hand extended. You reach up and take it. "Do you really need me by your side to protect you Y/N?" she asked sarcastically. "Very funny, thanks for the help though." you two then see the door open and several uniformed officers storm the building. You and Ela drop your weapons and place your hands above your heads. You were finally going home.  

(Hey thanks for reading the chapter! I want to open this up to you guys as I know that there are a lot of following now. The next couple of chapters will be a lot slower and less action packed. That being said I want to focus on Ela and Y/N's relationship some more. So I would like to know if you guys want a lemon in this book at all. Keep in mind, that I have never written one before, and the story can proceed without one. I Just want to know what you guys think. Thanks for your continued support and reading thus far! Have a good one!)

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