Part 23: Action

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Your group split up into the groups that you had pre-arranged in planning. You and Ela moved towards a small overhang, from which you could enter the second floor window. You two set up your harnesses to rappel over the old rusted exterior of what was almost certainly the center of so much pain and suffering. You and Ela climbed up the side of the building until the overhang was at eye level. There was a single window that you trained your Vector on. The window was not barricaded and thus it was two way. Your main asset was stealth. Once things went loud, everything was much more difficult. Thus, all members of your team, had equipped silencers on their weapons. The window was open a small bit. You took advantage of this and sent in a drone. The drone revealed that inside there was a small platform with doors on either side. There were offices to the right, most likely for gathering intel, and a large office that contained a large wood desk. The offices were full of white masks, but the room on your left became your primary target. It was much more furnished than the offices, which lead you to believe that it was the office of some person in a position of authority. You climb up onto the overhang and disconnect the rope from your harness. Ela then follows suit and you both stack up on either side of the window. You indicate to Ela, that you plan to go left, she nods and prepares to watch the right room. "Team 1-1, preparing to breach." you said over the radio, telling Doc that you were about to get inside. "Copy Team 1-1, Team 1-2 standing by for mark." Doc replied. You nod to Ela as you slowly inch open the window, and climb stealthily inside.

The place was incredibly different than the blueprints indicated. There was a large area in front of the catwalk that you were on, that was filled with storage crates, white mask patrols and another chemical weapons factory. There was also a small ladder at the other end of the catwalk that led up to the roof. You pressed forward to the office. You open the door and swing in, checking the corners for anyone hiding. You signal Ela to enter via the radio, while you cover her approach to the office. 'Team 1-1, in the building, beginning intel search." you say over the radio to Doc. "Copy Team 1-2, moving in to bottom floor." he replied. You begin by looking through the large desk in the middle of the room. You find nothing but pens and paper clips in one drawer. But in the drawer below that on the right side, you found a laptop, and a note indicating that something in a server had to be fixed. "Team 1-2, how copy?" you ask. "Team 1-2, solid copy." Doc replied. "Be advised Team 1-2 that there appears to be a server room somewhere on the bottom floors. Keep a lookout." you whispered over the radio. "Copy Team 1-1." was the reply. You continue looking for physical intel, in the drawers when you're interrupted by the sound of footsteps on the metal catwalk outside the room. You duck behind the desk for cover, before the door opens. Ela hid in the corner of the room in the shadows. The person entered the room, and shut the door behind him. A grave mistake on his part. As the latch on the door clicked, 3 puffs came from the corner of the room, followed by a loud thud. Ela's Scorpion made almost no noise when suppressed. You move over to the corpse, and search for any identification. There was of course not any, but the white mask must have been pretty high ranking. His clothes were different than all the other white mask uniforms that you had seen. After hiding the body, you and Ela decided to make your way over to the office room that you had spotted on your drone. You give a hand signal to Ela to move out to the other room. She takes point across the catwalk. While following close behind her, you spot Team 1-2 moving through the crates. To your dismay, you also sport a lone white mask patrol approaching their lane between the shipping crates. You stop and wait for him to stand more in the open. The shot must have been about 100 meters, a difficult shot with a holographic sight. You see him turn the corner, and turn to face your team. No one was watching their flank. The white mask raised his assault rifle preparing to fire, when a burst of .45 acp hit him in the chest. He immediately collapsed to the ground. Team 1-2 swung back to face the noise of the fallen terrorist. They then looked up and gave you a thumbs up. You nodded your head and joined Ela to stack up outside the office room.

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