Part 11: Reunited

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By your best estimates, a couple of hours had gone by since you gave up the key for the computer. The white masks were probably hard at work figuring out the UI and it's full capabilities. You start to think over the decision. You start to question your choice. Was giving you enemies such a combat advantage really such a good idea? You decide to put those thoughts to rest as you tell yourself that you saved the love of your life. Now you had to rescue her. She was no doubt being held close so that they could quickly bring her to you so you could witness her torture. You had managed to slowly cut through your restraints. They had used zip ties but, thankfully, the scalpel was quite sharp. You kept your hands behind the chair for the camera so that they had no idea you had gotten out. Just then, the lights go out. Not only do the lights go out but it seems that there was a power outage as the light on the camera had gone off as well. A couple seconds later, the emergency lights had turned on, giving some illumination to the room. You take the opportunity to cut the camera power wire so that it would stay off permanently. This, you thought, could be risky. They might have a command station set up where they monitor all the prisoner's cams, or it could just be closed loop. If the former was true, than it would lure someone in to check it out. That is when you could make your move. You quickly sit back down in you chair and return your hands to where they would have been in the restraints. A couple of minutes later, the power returns and you patiently wait to see if your plan would be set into motion.

You sit and wait for what felt like an hour, as you went over what could possibly happen after you open that door. You don't think that there will be other cameras outside, as the white masks probably think that no one unauthorized will be able to get in to the prison. If this is true than it makes things a lot easier. Your train of thought is interrupted by two men entering to check out the camera. One comes up and stands over you, while the other turns his back to start to look at the camera. You look up at the person and see that he is holding a Sig 552 assault rifle. You look him in the eyes and smile. He did not like this very much as he punched you. As you recovered from the punch, you quickly stood up and thrusted the scalpel into his neck, right into one of his carotid arteries that supply blood to the brain. He was caught by surprise and didn't react at all before he bled to death. As you pulled the scalpel out of his neck the other turned around, hearing the blood of his friend hit the ground. You threw the scalpel as hard as you could into his neck. This caused him to bleed out quite fast as well. You take the Sig from your first kill and move over to the second, where you grab the scalpel. You then carefully open the door a small bit, just enough to see out in front of you. You look around and notice that the hallway is empty. You also notice that you are underground. You breathe a sigh of relief as you check for cameras and your search comes up negative. You're then struck with the realization that you have no idea where to go. You then see a single patrol down at the end of the hall with his back to you, talking to someone while walking backwards. You dive back into your cell, leaving the door open a bit so you can see out. He comes to the door, and begins to open it. You swing out and put the person in a choke hold. "The green haired girl. Where is she?" you asked tightening your grip. "Fuck you." he replied. You kept your right arm around his throat and took out the scalpel. You started to cut along the back of his left ear, causing immense pain. His screams were muffled by your arm around his throat. "Last cell..... On the right..." he said in between screams. "Thank you." you whisper to him before snapping his neck. You look out into the hall again and notice that it is empty. Before you head out you check the last white mask for anything useful. You find a cell phone on him. Something you can use to call 911. You also find some keys on him. You pocket the phone and keys and head down the hall.

Moving down the hall made you quite uncomfortable because of the lack of cover it provided. There were several keys on the chain that you took from the last white mask. You moved up to the door and begin to try the keys. As you try the keys one by one, you hear struggling from inside the room. This made you furious. You began to move quicker until the key you put in the lock, turned without problem. You open the door slowly and your eyes widen in horror. You see Ela. bruised and beaten, tied to a chair with a gag on her mouth. You then see a lone white mask standing behind the chair grabbing her breasts. The anger that surfaced in you was something else. You had never knew that you could be so angry. You pushed open the door, causing the white mask to look up at you. You threw the scalpel so hard the it dug 2 inches into his neck, almost going out the other side. He quickly recoiled grabbing his neck. You then lunge at him, knocking him over. You grab the scalpel and stab him several times in the chest. Until he remains motionless, in a pool of blood on the floor. As you calm down a bit, your attention turns to Ela, who, thankfully wasn't able to see what you did. You run over to her and cut her zip ties and take the gag out of her mouth. She jumps out of her chair and into your arms. As she jumps onto you, she locks her lips onto yours for a kiss. As she pulls out the kiss, tears begin to form in her eyes as she begins to cry still hugging you. You comfort her for a while trying to calm her down. She eventually stops crying and begins to regain her mission composure. "We need to get out of here." you say to her, handing her the Aug A3 you had picked from the terrorist in her cell. "I want you to call 911 and tell them to run a trace on the phone. I want you to tell them to meet us outside with SWAT and EMTs." you explain to her, handing her the phone. "I'm going to cover the door." you say bringing up the Sig you had covering the hallway. You escape had so far been unnoticed, but you thought that getting out the same way, would be a whole different bridge to cross.

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