Part 31: The Stakes are Raised

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Every operator had a body cam for this operation so that you could see what was going on. They had been distributed before you left Hereford to allow the commanding officers to better understand the situations the operators are in and thus make better tactical decisions. The cams were rigged to a large group of monitors in the map room in which you were standing. Each monitor had an operator name taped on it, and all feeds were broadcasting clearly. You went back out to the Humvee to get your bag and bring it into the staging area. As you were walking in the dark towards the vehicle, you looked to the house, which was completely silent and dark. You knew that there were people in there but you did not know how many there were or where they would be held up inside. You grabbed your gear and headed for the staging area, so that you could get ready in case anything happened that required your presence. You entered the staging area which had two tables on either side of the tent and one at the far back. Everyone was doing final checks of their gear in complete silence. This was not something new to these operators, and they showed no concern or fear for what lay ahead. You placed your gear on the back table and began to get ready.

After about 10 minutes, the team left the staging area and waited for the green light to push towards the house. You were still getting ready when they left, and although this was nothing new to you either, it still made your stomach churn at the thought of what was at stake here. As you exited the tent, the green light was given and the team began their advance towards the house. Montagne deployed his shield and the rest of the squad followed close behind. They moved quickly through the clearing to the front door where they stopped and stacked up. You quickly went back to the map room, where you saw on the monitors, that they had droned the main entrance and determined there was no one there. They then carefully dismantled the barricade on the main entrance. The room had a set of stairs leading to an upper floor to the right of the door and a small classroom like room, to the right. There were also stairs that led down into a basement underneath the other flight of stairs. There was also a large door that was directly ahead of the team as they entered. They moved upstairs and cleared a small armory room up near the right of the landing. The house was chillingly quiet. The only sounds that could be heard were the footsteps of the operators and the faint whine of the climate control system. As Montagne moved around the corridor that turned to the left, several shots from automatic weapons rang out into the house. Montagne held his ground, yelling into his headset, where the shots were coming from. Kapkan quickly swung behind Montagne, and signaled for him to push up to the room that the shots were coming from. Montagne slowly approached the door, as the rest of the team covered various angles. Once they reached the door, Kapkan pulled a flshbang out from under his camera and threw it deep into the room. Both operators hid behind the wall before the incredibly bright flash filled the room. As they heard the explosion, Montagne lowered his shield and swung, in unison, with Kapkan into the room, clearing 5 white masks. The element of surprise was gone. The team now had to move fast, as the hostages were now in much greater danger.

As Montagne extended his shield again to push further down the hallway, shots rang out from the stairs, Twitch and Doc had engaged hostiles that had tried to push up from the main lobby. The team agreed to split up, for the time being. Doc, and Kapkan would hold the stairs while the rest pushed through, and cleared the rest of the floor. The team was swift in clearing the floor, making use of all of their gadgets and utilities. Once the final rooms on the floor were clear, Montagne signaled to Doc and Kapkan to regroup of them. They quickly got up from their positions and moved down the hall. As they passed a wooden wall, both their cams went dark, and an explosion could be heard on the other cameras. Someone had blown out the wall exposing a tunnel in between the second floor and the tower at the back of the building. Both Doc and Kapkan were incapacitated instantly. Kapkan was thrown back on the floor, where he lay, motionless. Doc was directly in front of the blast, and was thrown through the soft wall into a bedroom. Montagne quickly deployed his shield, blocking the oncoming fire from the hostiles that had now flooded the second floor. Both Twitch and Lion were heavily engaged, trying to hold back the attack. They continued to take down white masks but more kept coming. Lion went to activate his EE-ONE-D to try to figure out how many more on the way. When he brought his arm up, to use the controller on his wrist, a group of white masks pushed up from the stairs to his right. He barely had time to pull his weapon up, when a bullet ripped through his left arm and another through his right shoulder. Twitch swung over and took down the three that had pushed but was pinned and unable to move. Suddenly, a loud blast of sound could be heard from the ceiling, Montagne was forced to drop his shield due to the discomfort, where he was then shot in the right shin and fell to the ground. Twitch was also hit with the blast that seemed to disorient her, which similarly led to her being shot twice in the right arm. On her body cam, as she fell, you could see the faint outline of a drone stuck to the ceiling. The white masks then surrounded the operators and one by one the cams went dark.

A sinking feeling fell over you as you knew what had to happen next. The military was not equipped for hostage rescue, at this time. You were the only one who could go in, and the situation just went from bad to horrible. You quickly went over what you knew from the body cams in your mind. There was a large force that came from a tunnel into the second floor. "This must mean there is a large concentration of them in the tower." you thought. As your many years of experience have taught you, this meant that there was something valuable in the tower which, in this case, meant your parents. You then quickly exited the tent, and went towards the staging area. The military that was there were scrambling to figure out what to do next. You moved your way around them and went to the table on which you gun case sat. you opened it, shoved your G-18 into its holster after sliding in a hi-cap magazine into it. You then grabbed your vector and pushed a magazine of .45 ACP into it and pulled back the bolt, and upon hearing the familiar, click, you turned around and exited the tent. As you approached the clearing, you stopped as someone had called for you. "Where do you think you're going soldier?" they asked. You turned around and looked him dead in the eyes and replied "To finish the job." You then paused and pushed your emotions deep down inside you, so that they would not impair your judgement. You took a deep breath and ran as fast as you could, into the clearing, and to the cover of the house. The tower was your main objective, and you made for it. In all your time in the special forces, you had never had to complete such an insurmountable task, but they had taken not only your parents but now your friends as well. This motivation created an anger in you that you prepared to use. As you climbed down into a tunnel near a construction site, you felt the eerie quiet again that had fallen over the building and the night. You moved up down the hall and entered the building. It was up to you to complete Red Wings, and although you had doubts, you knew that nothing would stop you. 

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