Part 28: Progress

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You and Zofia, after wandering the parking lot for sometime, found her husband. He was almost as tall as you, well built with dark brown hair. He was quite polite and friendly with you, offering a solid handshake and a smile. He seemed like a pretty good guy. You drove down some of the old streets of Wroclaw for some time. You eventually got out of the city center and and into a more residential part of the city. There you pulled up to a relatively small shop with a sign that you cannot read. Zofia and her husband share some words, and then he turned back to you. "Coffee?" he asked. His thick eastern European accent was much more prevalent than Zofia's or Ela's. "Uh, sure. Thanks." you replied while exiting the car. You went in and Zofia ordered for all of you. The coffee was exactly what you needed. Your head was still spinning from the events on the plane. It not only frustrated you that it was happening, it also confused you. Zofia's husband noted this, "Are you alright my friend? You look bothered." he said to you with a concerned look in his eyes. "Yeah, I'm alright. Just a rough night. This is exactly what I needed thanks." you reply holding the coffee cup to him. He returned a smile. Zofia held your gaze for a while, when something else caught her attention. As she looked away and smiled at the person who had come behind you, you felt two arms wrap around your neck. You look down and notice it was a familiar sweater. You look up and see Ela standing above you with a big smile on her face. You return the smile, and you all talk for some time before leaving the coffee shop and heading for Zofia's place.

You drove for another 20 minutes. Before you pulled up in front of a relatively large, brick and wood house. There was a small garden to the right of the door, and a small stone path that led up to the porch. The house was quite dark. There were dark shades drawn across the windows and the bricks were a dark brown color, that gave the house a very old feel. As you all stepped out of the car, you turned to Ela. She was looked quite pale and nervous. You grabbed her hand and leaned in close to her. "Everything's going to be fine." you whispered to her. She looked up at you and gave an unsure smile. "I'm nervous about meeting her." she replied. "You remembered then what Zofia had told you on the platform in America so long ago. She had a daughter, which made Ela an aunt. "Just be cool with her. I guarantee that she's very excited to meet her aunt for the first time." you reassured her. "Easy for you to say you're much better with people than I am." she whispered to you. "It's like drawing, just take your time and go easy, and great things will come." you added before a voice called you two from the porch. You nudged her on up the wood steps of the porch and up to the door. You two entered the foyer, and were greeted by the sound of running feet from above you. You see a small girl, no older than 3, peek her head out from behind the railings on the stairs. She stayed up near the top of the stairs, and just watched you two with her big blue eyes. Zofia then entered the foyer and spotted her daughter at the top of the stairs. "Come on, come meet auntie Ela." she said excitedly. Reluctantly the child stood and began to walk down the stairs. She had long brown hair, and was wearing a long pink dress. As she reached the bottom, Zofia picked up and held her in her arms. "Say hi to auntie Ela." she said to her. Turning herself so that Ela could be seen easily by her. However the child just buried her head into her mother's shoulder. "Aww. she's shy." you said with a smile. Ela however, looked disheartened. "Don't worry about her. She's always like this around new people." Zofia said bringing her upstairs. "Hey don't worry about it." you said pulling her into your arms. "She doesn't like me." she said to you. "Don't be silly. Most kids are quite shy. Just be friendly and make sure you offer to play with her." you replied. She didn't have anything to add, so she remained silent. "Why don't you go upstairs and play with her for a bit. Let her get to know her aunt, and she'll open up." you added. "Alright. I guess it can't hurt to try." she added heading up the stairs.

You headed off in a different direction towards the kitchen. Zofia's husband was in there preparing some food. "How'd the meeting go?" he asked after noticing that you had joined him. "A bit rough, but both of them are just shy." you replied. You two chatted about various things, like interests, and some operations. He seemed to be quite the decorated soldier from what he told you. During some conversation, he accidentally pushed a plate off the edge of the counter, where it feel to the ground and smashed. The noise again triggered some intense memories of the warehouse. You closed your eyes and rubbed your head in pain. After you opened your eyes, both him and Ela were looking at you concerned. But you recovered with a smile, part to reassure everyone and part surprise to see that Ela had returned with a small guest in her arms. Zofia's daughter had started to open up to her. You look at the time and see that almost 3 hours have passed since Ela went upstairs. It seemed like she had started to enjoy spending time with her. After eating dinner and watching some of the news, which you still couldn't understand, you all decided to part for the night. Zofia led you and Ela to a spare bedroom. It was quite large with the door, and window facing the east. There was a bed on the south side facing the north, that was not too large, but large enough to fit two people somewhat comfortably. You set your things down, go about your evening routine and get into bed. After some time, Ela sits next to you. "Y/N, why did the plate hurt you so much?" she asked. "It didn't, why do you ask?" you counter. "Don't lie to me Y/N. Zofia told me what happened on the plane." she replied. You knew that she would find out. "Please tell me what's going on." she asked desperately. You let out a long sigh before explaining the situation to her. "I'm fine, It's quite rare and I'm perfectly healthy now." you said to her. "Please don't hold something like this from me again." she replied before the lights went out and you fell into a sleep.

You were awoken in the night by your phone vibrating, you quickly pick it up and look at it. It was from your laptop. That was plugged in on the floor next to the bed. It had found a key for the file names that were taken from the white mask servers. You stared at the screen, frozen by what it had just said. "This could be the brake we need." you thought to yourself. You wanted to get up and get right at it, but your body had different ideas, as your eyes grew heavy again, and you drifted back of into sleep. 

(I'm sorry that these last few chapters have been quite slow and maybe not interesting, but I want to transition into the next action piece and I think that I have now almost all the pieces in place. This should be the last boring chapter for a while. The next will be back to action again, so keep reading and thanks for continuing to read! Have a good one!)

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