Part 18: Unsettling

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On your way to Dokkaebi's room, you bump into Echo heading for the shooting range. "It's been a while Y/N." he said, quite happy to see you. "It's nice to see you again." you reply. "Hey how was home?" he asked. This question came as a shock. The only people who knew where you and Ela went off to, were Zofia and Six. you look around a little bit before continuing. "How'd you know I went home?" you ask, unsettled. "I only told a couple of people before we had to leave for the plane." you add. "Well where else do you go after you've been captured and tortured?" he said. He had a point, but alarm bells were still ringing inside you. "Alright, anyways I got to go, see you tomorrow for our flight out." you say turning around. "See ya." he replied. On your walk over to Dokkaebi's you decided that it would be best to stop over at Zofia's to see if she has uncovered anything. The events with Echo were quite chilling to you. Zofia's room was in the same hallway as Dokkaebi's. You knock on the door, and a couple of seconds later, Zofia emerges wearing a black tank top shirt and her brown BDU bottoms. "To what do I owe the pleasure." she said with a smile. "I thought I'd stop by to see how things were going." you said with a serious face. "I see, please come in." she said opening the door fully. You quickly went inside the room. The place was the same as yours. However, unlike her sister, she kept her room quite spotless. Everything had its place and nothing was out of order. "You look like you've seen a ghost." she said, noticing that you had gone quite pale. "Something odd just happened to me in the hallway." you start. "I bumped into Echo, which in itself is quite normal. But he knew that Ela and I went back to my home." you say. This caused her to raise an eyebrow. "It might just be a coincidence, but we can't really ignore coincidences can we? I decided to drop by and see if you've uncovered anything." you add. "This is quite interesting." she said moving over to write some of this down. "I haven't been able to find much." she said to your disappointment. "I have some people who might be behind it but I don't have the expertise to find out." she said. "Who are the suspects?" you ask. "Well I've been thinking that since only you and Ela were briefed on the mission details, someone must have been able to access those mission files on Six's computer right? So that narrows it down to anyone with some serious technological experience." she said to her. "Makes sense." you say with a nod of approval. "I think that it could be anyone in your group of friends that you met on your first day. Echo, Dokkaebi, Twitch and Lion." she said. "But other than that list, I've got nothing else." she added. "You've been more help than I could have asked for. Thanks Zofia." you said to her. "Think of it as paying you back for saving Ela." she said. "You don't owe me for that. If you ever need anything, don't hesitate to come by." you say, heading for the door. "I'll keep that in mind." she said. "I've got to go and help Dokkaebi with something. I'll stop by afterwards and let you know if I find anything." you say opening the door. "Fine by me." she said as you closed the door behind you.

You walk to the end of the hall and knock on Dokkaebi's door. What Zofia had said to you resonated in your mind. She definitely knew her way around a computer. The door then suddenly opened, revealing the small Korean woman. "You're finally here!" she said with eyes wide. "As promised." you reply before she lets you into the room. Her room had some different furniture in it. Mainly it had 2 more desks in the bedroom than your room. One desk had a very powerful computer on it with 3 monitors. As she led you to that desk, you passed the other one. You slowed down to examine its contents. It was quite a mess. There were capacitors and resistors strewn about, along with various gauges of wires, and some small circuit boards. Underneath one of the circuit boards was a small black box, with an antenna on it. It was strikingly similar to the one you found in your hotel room. "How come you have bugs here?" you ask holding it up to her. "That's why you're here. I've been working on something that can scramble frequencies to stop bugs from transmitting." she said. This calmed you a bit. However coincidences can't be ignored in this business. This was something to report to Zofia. "After I heard what happened to you and Ela on your recon, I decided to start this so that it makes things a bit safer for the recon people." she said. "That's very altruistic of you." you say. "So what exactly is the problem?" you ask. "Well, the scanner doesn't function the way I want it to and the digital scrambling is not as effective as I would like it to be." she said. You sat down in front of her computer and began to read over the code. She still had some very cryptic commenting and some odd statements. You helped her to clean up her code so that it made it a bit more efficient. But there was still the problem of understanding the code. "You should make sure that you comment a bit more clearly, because some parts are a bit confusing." you say to her. With her help you were able to wrap your head around the program. You went through the code and noticed that you could fix the scrambling problem in a few lines and expand the frequencies it covered to unencrypted radios. You helped her to make the scanner a bit more accurate in displaying what signals were being transmitted and at what frequency. You were able to use some of the code from the scanner on your old quantum computer. It was a bit of a challenge as quantum programming and regular programming require completely different mindsets. After a couple of hours, you two were finally able to get the thing working. You were able to scramble unencrypted frequencies almost all the way across the spectrum. "Yes!" Dokkaebi said spinning in her chair from the results on screen. "Finally this damn thing works." you say to her. "Hey!" she says with a small chuckle. "Sorry, It's just that it was quite frustrating doing all that trial and error shit." you say to her. "Anyways I've got to get going." you said standing up and beginning to pack up your things. "Aww, that was fun Y/N. I like doing this with you." she said. "I do too. But I promised Ela you know..." you said moving for the door. As you opened the door you felt a hug from behind you. "Thanks for the help." Dokkaebi said. "Any time." you said before heading out into the hallway to go to Zofia's room to report your findings.

"So Dokkaebi has the same bugs that were used your hotel room?" she asked. "Correct." you say. " I know she said that she was using it for her jammer but, it's just another coincidence." you add. "I agree, but we need more than that to go on." she said to you. You remained silent for a bit trying to think of ways that you could gather information. "I think I have a plan." you say breaking the silence. "I'm all ears." she replied. "I think that I can make a little computer rat that I could plant on Echo and Dokkaebi's computers so that I could monitor what they do on them. If they decide to contact anyone suspicious, then we'll at least know about it." you say to her. "Are you sure that's legal?" she asked concerned. "Well, not really, but this is serious stuff here. I think that the potential values of this information outway the questionable means from which we retrieve it." you say to her. "If nothing comes up I'll terminate the rats. But if we get something..." "It could be huge." she said, finishing your sentence. "I'll send you the master program so that you can see what's going on as well." you add. "We're like Sherlock and Watson." she says jokingly. "I'm definitely Sherlock." you say to her, jokingly. "We'll see about that." she says. You then decide that you should head back to go see Ela. She would probably be upset at the amount of time you've been away.

You enter the room to find it completely quiet. Ela must have left to go and do some stuff. Probably some shooting to get back into it after a 2 week vacation. You unpack your laptop from your bag and sit up on the bed and begin to make a small rat that would be undetectable and almost impossible to get rid of. After about an hour of work, you had something you could use. You decided that the best way to get it onto the computer was through an email. You could attach some pictures of the paper research that you and Ela had done on the plane and pretend to be sharing that with Echo and Dokkaebi. However one of the files would contain the picture and the rat that would spread itself across the hard drive once opened. You sent the emails to Echo and Dokkaebi and a different one to Zofia with the application to view what the user was doing on their computer. Almost immediately the rats came online and you had views of both Echo and Dokkaebi's computer monitors. Now all that was left to do was wait and see if anything happened.   

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