Part 24: Wake up Call

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You open your eyes and are greeted with an all surrounding white light. There is nothing in the distance as far as you could see. Just white. There was no also no sound. Wherever you were, it was unsettling to you. "I hoped I wouldn't see you soon." a voice said from behind you. The voice was familiar and calming, but your instincts forced you to rapidly turn around and greet the person with fists raised. You drop your fighting stance as soon as the image of the person registers in your mind. All you could do, was run to his embrace. The person who had greeted you was your grandfather. As you two embraced, tears began to stream down your face. The sight of him, the sound of his voice, and the comfort of his arms, all brought back incredible memories, and the realization of how much you missed him. After regaining your composure, you pulled out of the embrace. "If you're here then that means that means that..." you said, trailing off, not wanting to finish your sentence. "I'm afraid so." he replied. "I saw what you did in that warehouse." he started. "You've grown beyond my expectations Y/N." he said. "I'm proud of you." he added. That sentence caused more emotion to stir in you, though you were able to contain yourself this time. "You've seen everything then?" you ask. He gives a nod and a slight smile. "I promised, didn't I?" he replied with a slight chuckle. "One thing's bothering me Y/N." he began. "The promise you made to your girl." he said to you. That hadn't even crossed your mind since you made it back at your tent. It was just then that you thought of Ela. The pain she must be going through must be unbearable. The thought was painful to you as well. You were able to try to reassure yourself with the fact that you saved her as your last act on Earth. "I taught you a lot of things, but to go back on a promise was not one of them." he said disappointed. "As much as I wish I could have kept it, there was nothing I could have done. It was either myself, or both of us, and I decided that she deserves to live above all else." was your reply. "I know what you did, and it was the greatest act of valor I have ever seen. But you have a promise to keep." he said. "But how can I do that from here?" you ask, looking around at the all white background. "Your time isn't up yet." he replied. The background slowly started to fade to black, almost like a movie transition. "Wait, what?" was your only reply to the events that had began around you. "I'll be waiting Y/N, go live the rest of your life." he said, as he too began to fade away. These were the last words he spoke to you, before the background became completely black.

You feel yourself unable to open your eyes. The weight of your eyelids was too much for you to handle. You had some consciousness in you. But it faded and appeared at random times. You were able to catch small bits of conversation from people whom you didn't recognize from their voices. "Shit, this guy's still alive." one said. "Get the stretcher we're headed to the hospital. Radio ahead and warn them of our arrival." another said. This was one of the times that you lost consciousness. It appeared again at a some different point in time. How much time had passed, you could not guess. There were different people talking now. "I'm sorry, ma'am we've done everything we could. He's stable for now, but he might not live. If he does there is a good change he may never walk again." one said. "I don't care what you have to do. Keep. Him. Alive." a female voice said. The sentence was cold and threatening. But you did not have time to process who it could be before you lost your semi-consciousness. It appears again at some other point in time. The weight of your eyelids still too much to allow your eyes to open. It was the same female voice from before, this time her voice was calm and soothing on your ears. She was reading something. "I am leaving everything to him, except of course a few oddments. I hope he will be happy." the voice said. "How come you're reading to him?" another female voice said. "This was the book he was reading the last time we were together." the first explained. The realization of who was reading to you, hit you like a dump truck. Only one person could have known that information. The person reading, was Ela. You were quite upset at yourself for not recognizing it sooner. Her soothing voice was one of kind. You now wanted to wake up more than ever. However it was not time yet, as you drifted back to your unconscious state. This time when you regained control of your hearing, you had more control over your body, your limbs no longer had such a serious numbness and you felt more aware. It was quiet in the room at the moment. You still had no idea what time it was. You could hear the slight turning of pages from inside the deathly quiet that was your room. Someone was with you, but who they were, was still a mystery. Your eyelids were still quite heavy, but you had gone off of your hearing for long enough. You decided that it was time to open your eyes, and face what was ahead.

The task of opening your eyelids was tasking on your body. You put all your energy into opening your eyes, and eventually small cracks of light began to hit your retinas. The light was quite bright and painful, but you persisted nonetheless. After what felt like an hour, you had managed to slowly open your eyes enough that you could see the world around you. The opening of your eyes, was like pulling yourself out of a well. You felt free now and full of energy. You see that you're in a hospital room, there is nothing on the wall in front of you. You slowly turn your head over to your right. In doing so your body responded sluggishly, and you let out a slight grunt at the stiffness of your neck. You saw the person who was reading next to you. "Look who's back from the land of the dead." he said looking up from his book. Your vocal chords had not been used in some time, as the only noise you managed to make was a slight grunt to his remark. "Take it easy Comrade." Kapkan said placing his palm on your head to stop you from moving. "How...Long...Have...I...Been...Out?" you managed to say, trying to warm up your throat. Your voice was a bit raspy and tough to understand, even for you. "About 2 weeks I'm afraid." was his reply. This stunned you. Your small bits of conversation that you had got had been over 2 weeks. You stare at Kapkan lost in the thought of being asleep for such a large amount of time. "What happened?" you ask him. Your voice was starting to return to normal. "Well a MEDEVAC chopper saw you go flying off the roof and went in to collect your body, when they found you, by some miracle, still alive." he said. "They took you here to try to save you." he continued. "You were on the table for 15 hours." he added. He paused there, letting that sink in. "Doc tells me, you broke your spine at your waist, almost all your ribs, and both your legs in several places." he explained. "How you survived is beyond any of us. But you are not going to be working for some time now. Doc says it'll be a miracle if you ever walk again." he added. "Where's Ela?" you ask him. "She has gone to get some rest. Zofia and I were lucky enough to convince her to leave you at all." he explained. "She has barely left your side since you arrived here." he added. "She almost punched the doctor for not letting her see you right away." he said with a chuckle. He continued to fill you in on the events of the previous 2 weeks. Apparently your decryptor slipped away again, along with a considerable amount of information on their projects. However despite the ambush that your team encountered. Kapkan's team, managed to bag a high ranking officer. "At least the mission was not a complete failure." you said to him.

You slowly began to regain feeling in your arms. They were quite stiff and hard to move from not being used in 2 weeks. A nurse came in to, probably, do her regular checks on you. She was quite surprised to see you awake and moving a little bit. Your hands were quite shaky and grabbing things was not something you were willing to try yet. The nurse then left you and Kapkan alone and promised to phone Ela and Doc and let them know you were awake. "So why the hell are you of all people doing here with me?" you asked Kapkan. The question now only coming to your mind "I didn't want to, believe me." he said with a chuckle. "I got chosen to help with security for your sorry ass." he added. You both shared a laugh. Laughing was immensely painful because of your ribs. After a couple minutes of silence, Doc entered the room. "Good to you see you alive my friend." he said walking up to the foot of your bed. "I don't know how you survived Y/N." he began. "My team and I were able to get out quite quickly, we moved to the south away from the building. And then we saw you go flying off the roof." he continued. "From that height you should have been killed instantly." he added. "Thanks for lifting the spirits Doc." you say sarcastically. "I'm telling you how it is." he replied. "I was able to pull some strings to help you out a bit." he began explaining. "As I'm sure you know, you broke your spine just above your waist. You may never be able to walk again. But I managed to get some new experimental technology implanted in your spine." he said. This intrigued you. You perked your ears up and listened intently. "It doesn't repair the nerves it acts a bridge, bypassing the break and transmitting the signal from your brain to your legs as if nothing happened." he said. "Ela signed of on the treatment, as we could not reach your parents." he added. "So how long before I can begin to walk again?" you ask, dreading the waiting that came with your last injury. "I'm afraid that will be some time. You're going to be in a wheelchair for at least 6 weeks. From there we'll see. But you're not going anywhere for the foreseeable future." he said, to your disappointment. There was some commotion outside in the hall. The sound of fast footsteps, drawing ever nearer. The door then was swung open revealing none other than Ela.

(Ok guys. Thanks for accepting the new upload schedule and sort of break. I think I've got a solid grasp on where I want the story to go and how It's going to get there for some time now. I also wanted to thank you guys for the incredible support on the last chapter. I see you guys liked it as much as I did. As I said before, my upload schedule is going to be changing to Fridays and Sundays. I want to give you guys more to read, but with school and work, it's just not possible. Thanks for understanding, and stay tuned.)

The Other Side - Ela Bosak X Male ReaderOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora