Part 29: Threats

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The next couple of days were quite busy and thus, there was little time for you to sit down by yourself and look over the data that had been given to you. Nonetheless, Christmas was extraordinary. The food was almost as good as your mother's but not quite and there was enough of it to feed a village. It was also the first Christmas that you had spent together with someone other than your family. You had been thinking about Christmas for some time and put a lot of effort into thinking what you would get Ela. You finally decided on something that you knew that she would greatly appreciate. You decided that, because of the rate of fire on her Scorpion being so high, she could use some more bullets. So you got her some magazine extensions that pushed the number of rounds in the magazine to 51. She was shocked and overjoyed at the gift which made you quite happy and satisfied, knowing that all the time spent looking and thinking was worth it.

However, during the time spent with Ela and Zofia's family, you were not completely idle. There were times that you were able to sneak away and get some reading done. Unfortunately, there was so much data that was pushed off the servers that it was hard to find the important stuff. You read some stuff about shipping manifests for weapons and explosives, as well as various types of chemicals and lab equipment. This information did provide some information on where the white masks were getting their weapons and supplies from, which you quickly passed off to Six. Some of the other stuff that you had read included some documents on various companies in which the white masks laundered money through. All this was important, as it would help you to strangle their operations, but you kept looking hoping that you might come across something that would possibly give you a clue on where and when the next attack will be, and what happened to Echo and Dokkaebi. On the 28th of December, you had some free time as the girls were talking about stuff that didn't interest you, and Zofia's husband was out to get some food and groceries. As you scrolled through the files and quickly read the names on your dark screen, one name stood out. It was a hidden folder inside the file called DETAILS. It was labeled INTEL. You opened the file to look further into what could be inside. The first of the files that you opened, contained almost all information about every operator in Rainbow and other Special forces groups around the world. The question of how they got all the information, rattled around in your mind. The next folder contained various buildings and attractions. It contained details on them, including the nearest police stations, number of exits in the buildings, security forces inside, and the approximate number of people inside. These places were more than likely targets for possible attacks. The locations spanned the globe from, the United States to China and Japan. A wave of shock fell over your body as you realized how big the white masks actually were, and the influence that they had over people. Finally, in the last folder, there were several names of white mask agents. It was quite extensive, however, to your dismay, there was no mention of Echo and Dokkaebi. There was one name that stood out to you though. Gabriel Nowak. The name spun your head in circles. It was so familiar and yet so distant. Then it came to you. Gabriel was part of the old Rainbow team established by John Clark that took down the Horizon Corporation. Gabriel, from what you remember, snapped and betrayed Rainbow, killing several field officers and many more civilians. His dossier for the white masks was quite extensive. It contained operations and activities throughout the globe. The most recent of which were conducted in Japan and Korea, but there was no information on his whereabouts in the world. This caused even more alarms to go off in your mind. If Echo or Dokkaebi had been in contact with Gabriel than that could mean serious trouble for everyone. All this information, you passed off to Six. You kept digging and found nothing more of interest to you, but as you set the laptop down on the bed to get up for some water, something changed on the screen.

As you saw the change in your peripheral vision, you swung around to see what had happened. It was a message that had been sent to you. It was from someone whom you did not know, which raised even more suspicion. You didn't dare click any of the links that were sent from in the message for fear of them containing any sort of RAT. But you opened the video message that was sent with the original message. The video started and it showed a man in a white mask in front of the camera. "Good day Cipher, or Y/N as I should say." he began. "I'm giving you an opportunity that you should carefully consider. It is a gesture we do not extend to just anyone." he said pacing around in front of the camera. As he backed up, 4 people came into frame, there were 2 more white masks behind 2 hostages, with bags over their heads and their hands tied to the chairs on which they sat. "Your quantum computer has given us so much valuable information that I feel that it is only fair that I give you this choice." he continued. "My superiors and I have determined that you would be a great asset to our cause. So I offer you a choice." he said stopping in the middle of the frame. Something wasn't right and you could feel it. You knew that he had not shown his hand yet, but you didn't want to him to show it, as something about the hostages looked awfully familiar. "Join our cause and fight with us in establishing a new world. Or..." he paused for a few seconds. "These hostages, whom are most dear to you, shall be executed before your eyes." he said again. This caused your heart rate to increase, although you did not show your fear, in case they had your webcam on. The white mask then gestured to the other two behind him, and with a single wave, the bags were pulled off the hostages heads. Yours suspicions had been confirmed and heart dropped into your stomach. They had your parents hostage. Your mother was bruised but fully conscious. The look in her eye showed pure fear as you had never seen before. Her eyes were red and her cheeks wet with tears. You father, was beaten worse than your mother, he had a large cut at the base of his forehead, no doubt from the stock of a weapon, and various other bruises and small cuts from a fight. He was only semi-conscious and seemed to not really be able to comprehend the situation in its entirety. "A man's bond with his parents is incredibly strong. Think carefully about this decision." he stated looking directly into your eyes. "You have 2 days to decide." he said sternly before the camera was cut.

You sat frozen on the bed, trying to comprehend what had just happened. You looked at the screen in part horror and part anger. But one thing crossed your mind. If they had said to get in contact with them, then that means that email address connects to something presumably near the white mask safe house. You then remembered that you had a way of tracking from where emails were sent from. It was something that Rainbow had set up with almost every government in that had the ability to send and receive emails. All of this went through your mind, which was using all available brain power to figure out a way to get out of this situation in a way that benefits you. You then heard the creek of the door opening to your left. But you did not look up from the screen. Your brain did not have the time or energy to move your muscles. "Hey, Zofia and I are going to..." Ela began to say. She trailed off seeing the state you were in. "Y/N?" she asked trying to get your attention. You quickly shifted your glance over to her eyes and the look of concern mixed with fear and horror on your face, caused her to recoil. From that one glance, she knew that something serious had just happened, and flipped to her other side. "What's happened?" she asked calmly and professionally. You slowly turned the laptop towards her, gesturing for her to come closer and see for herself. You played the message again for her and at the end she was almost as shocked and horrified as you, but tried her best to hide it from you. "What are we going to do?" she asked. "I don't know yet." were the only words that you were able to conjure up. "I need to send this to Six. I need computing power and lots of it so that I can maybe get the basics of some plan down." you said after a long, chilling silence. "Hey Ela are we still..." Zofia said entering the room. You both gave the same look to her, which triggered the same reaction as it did for Ela. You showed Zofia the video, and you all sat in a silence, stunned at the situation that had presented itself. You sent the video to Six with the the request for all the available computing power she could muster in order to find where the message and video were sent from. "Whatever you need Y/N, we've got your back." Zofia said as you closed the laptop. As you did so what strength you had, and the adrenaline, wore down and your emotions took an iron grasp on you, and you broke down into tears. The thought of losing your parents, and it being your fault and your carelessness that had got them in this situation was too much for your brain to handle. You sat in the embrace of Ela, who became like a rock for you to lean on, and tried to clear your mind. One thing was for certain though, there was no way in hell that you would join the white masks. But the more you thought about the situation the worse it seemed. It was going to be a difficult 2 days. 

(Alright guys. First off, sorry for not posting on Friday night/early Saturday morning (eastern time) like I normally do. It is Thanksgiving weekend here in Canada and I have been out and about visiting Family and thus have had little time to sit down and write this chapter. Sorry again. I also wanted to thank you guys in advance. I bet you can guess what has happened. We will be reaching 5000 total views in a very short time. At the time of publication, we are at 4986 views. So thank you guys so much for continuing to read this story. Have a great weekend and Happy Thanksgiving guys! Cheers!)

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