Part 5: The Aftermath

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You head down the stairs helping up the hostiles that you took down during the exercise. As you exit the front door you see Six standing there with her arms crossed and that same emotionless expression on her face. "That was quite impressive Y/N. being able to stay unseen for the majority of the operation. Your skills should be very valuable for this team. As of now you are official activated as a member of team Rainbow. Be ready to be deployed at any time." she stated. "Will do ma'am" you say before she walks off.

You remember the mental note that you made yourself at breakfast about going to get some ingredients to make something. You check your phone and see that there is a grocery store about 5 kilometers from the base. You decide to walk there as you don't have a car yet. As you approach the gate you feel your arm get pulled from behind. You swing around, and realize that it was the green haired woman again, Ela. "You're supposed to come help me with my mines, remember?" she tells you with a stern voice. "Of course. I'm just going to the grocery store to get some ingredients for my place. I'll be there at.. Oh, let's say...7:00?" you tell her. She slowly nods in agreement and then moves quickly back towards the base. On your way to the grocery store, you realize how peaceful it is. You just take in the cool summers air of the English countryside. You notice the green fields and the forests and it reminds you of home. You feel at peace walking, something you haven't felt in a long time. As you return with your groceries, you notice that it is only 5:30 and that you had walked quicker than you thought. You decide to try to make something for when you go over the Ela's place to help her with her mines. You decide to make some of your mother's chocolate chip cookies. Something that you always loved as a kid. You go through the process of making the dough and set it in the fridge for a bit to let it rest before cooking. While the dough is resting, you decided to go and take a shower to clean yourself up from your earlier activities. You change into something nicer than your BDU. you wear some nice jeans and a red collared shirt. You then start to cook up the batches of cookies. While they were baking you decided to go and get your tools ready. You bring a lot of your electronics stuff like your soldering iron, and wire cutters. You decide then to bring your laptop in case it is a coding issue. Just then you hear the beep of the oven going off telling you the cookies are ready. You open the door and the smell of heaven fills your room. It brings you back to when you were young, patiently waiting for mom's cookies to come out of the oven, and then almost burning your tongue because of how hot they were. You are incredibly pleased because they also came out perfect. Firm on the outside but soft and gooey in the middle. You pack up the cookies in a tray and head out for Ela's place.

You arrive at Ela's place at 7:00 on the dot. You knock on the door and hear something from inside the room. "Come in" she says. You open the door and step inside. As you do so, you hear a faint explosion above you as your vision and hearing are impaired. The feeling was quite uncomfortable and took you by surprise, causing you to almost drop the cookies you made. You grunt in pain as the effect starts to lose its grip on you. "The hell was that!" you ask. "That is the problem Y/N." you hear Ela say from the living room. You notice that the place is itself quite a mess with various pieces of clothing and plates along with silverware strewn around the room. Ela moves in to see you and notices the tray in your hands. "What are those?" she asks, raising an eyebrow. "Oh these? I decided to make some cookies for us to have while we're working on your stuff." you reply with a smile. "They should still be warm? You want one?" you ask, holding the tray out to her. She takes a small one and examines it. Then takes a bite. You could see her melt away in the flavors of the cookie. "Those are incredible!" she says. The comment took you by surprise. This Ela that had emerged was different than the one you had encounters with before. She was smiling and happy, instead of the cold, secluded person that she displayed herself to be previously. "I guess chocolate is the quickest way to a girls heart." you think to yourself. She leads you into the living room in which she has her mines set out on the table with some tools around. You place the tray on the table near her, incase she decides she wants more cookies. "So what exactly seems to be the problem with these mines. They seem to be working fine." you state picking one up and examining it closely. "The effect does not last nearly as long as I want it to." she explains. "So how exactly does it all work?" you question her, setting down the mine. As she goes over exactly how it works, you begin to take out your tools. You start heating your soldering iron and open up your laptop. "Well seems like we've got some work to do." you state with a smile. "You might be more than I bargained for." you add. This caused you and Ela to share a laugh. You and Ela start to diagnose what is going wrong with the mine when you notice that she has gotten closer to you. You had started sitting near each other but now, you were arm to arm with her. You ignore it and start to take apart the mine to examine them for internal damage. luckily, you decided to bring a multimeter. You start prodding the wires to test if there were any breaks. You come up on one that seems to have some fault in it. "Did you build these yourself?" you ask, trying to create small talk as the room had gotten quite quiet. "As a matter of fact, I did!" she beamed proudly, starting to eat another of your cookies. "I'm very impressed Ela. this is some complicated stuff and the design is simply elegant." this causes her to blush a bit. You decide to try to replace the wire with some in your toolkit. You start to solder the new one on after taking the old one off. "Be careful Y/N." you hear Ela say. "They are quite sensit..." she got cut off by the mine detonating. The explosion scared you and caused your hand holding the hot soldering iron to slip and go straight into your left hand. The hot soldering iron caused second degree burns on your hand and caused you to start to swear and yell because of the pain. After the effect wore off Ela notices your hand and stares, wide eyed at the blisters starting to form on your palm. "You were saying Ela." you say jokingly looking at her as the pain started to go away for the moment." This caused Ela to laugh. Something you hadn't seen her do much of yet. She then leaves for a bit, with you still holding your hand from the pain that was now returning. Ela then walks into the room with a first aid kit and sets it down on the table. "You need to rinse that off with some cold water." she says grabbing your arm and dragging you to the kitchen. "Wait a minute Ela..." you way trying to get her to stop but just then she puts your hand under some cool water, causing you to yell in pain. After a while the water started to sooth the pain in your hand. Ela dragged you back to the first aid kit. She began applying some polysporin to the burn and began to wrap it in some dry gauze. "You don't have to do this for me. I can do it myself you know." you say, trying to get her to stop. She doesn't say anything and just smiles and continues her work.

You finish the soldering job, carefully this time, and spend the rest of the night working on the code in the mines to try to better optimize them. You notice that Ela had gotten close to you again. This time she started to lean against your arm. You look down at her for a second and just smile. You continue your work on the code until about midnight. At which you look at over at Ela and realize that she had fallen asleep with her head on your leg. You again smile and start to quietly pack you stuff up. "I wonder how long she's been out for?" you think to yourself. You decide to write a note to leave for her telling her what you finished on her mines and how they should be working better now, and how she can keep the rest of the cookies. You then carefully pick her up and bring her to her bed. You lay down carefully and pull the covers over her. You could have sworn that you saw her smile, but couldn't be sure. You then grab your bag and head back to your place. You reflect on the events of the night on your walk back. "Does she like me?" you ask yourself. "She was almost like a different person tonight." you think as you enter the room. You can't figure out her feelings for you or yours for her for that matter. She captivates your mind for the rest of the night before you finally drift off to sleep.

(The next part is going to be an operation with two of you. I'll try to keep the parts coming. Be sure to let me know what you think of it so far!)

The Other Side - Ela Bosak X Male ReaderМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя