Part 22: Promise

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Ela arrived about 10 minutes after your call. You were quite surprised to see her so early but were pleased nonetheless. "Are you ready?" you ask her as she approaches you standing next to solid wood door. She just wrapped her hand around yours tightly and gave a slight nod. You gave a quiet knock on the door, before entering. You see Zofia laying on a bed, hooked up to an IV. She was drained physically but mentally, but she looked as sharp as a knife. Ela greeted her in Polish and went over to give her a hug. You remained quiet in the back of the room and let the two have their moment. After a short discussion in Polish, that you still could not understand, Zofia turned to you. You both didn't say anything at first, but just locked eyes. "Welcome back." you said to her before offering your hand for a handshake. She took your hand and pulled you towards her with great force, where she wrapped her arms around you in a hug. The embrace was short, but indicated her gratitude in full. "I guess I owe you another one." she said jokingly. "Not at all, just doing what was right." you added. "I'll leave you two alone for a bit." Ela said before heading of towards the washroom. "We got the guy alive." you said to her. "I'll have to pay him a visit." she said with a chuckle. "That could be arranged quite easily, he's just down the hall." you replied. "I shot up his left arm and shoulder pretty good, when I pulled you to safety." you added. "You get anything out of him?" she asks. "As a matter of fact I managed to. I just finished the interrogation before Ela called to tell me you were awake." you start. "Turns out that, they have a big operation going down in some warehouses by the docks. I sent Doc off to go and get the info off to Six, and who knows from there." you continue. "Hopefully we'll be able to strike soon enough." you add. "God I wish I could join you guys." she added. "You need to rest." you replied to her. "Did he spill anything about the mole?" she asked quietly. "Not a thing." you said to her. "Well at least now you have some time to watch over Dokkaebi and Echo's rats." you added quietly. "I just need someone to bring over my laptop." she said to you. Just then Ela came out of the washroom. The conversation of rats and moles ended there. You three talked some more about other stuff for a while before you got a call on your phone. "Hello?" you said. "I need you to report back to the base now. We're going to hit the warehouses tonight." Six said over the phone. "Alright on my way back now." you said before the line went dead. You look over to Ela who was waiting to see what the call was about. "We've got to go." you said to her. You could see the disappointment in her eyes, but she got up nonetheless. You said your goodbyes and headed back to base.

It was about 2:00 in the afternoon when you got back to base. The sunny morning that you woke up to had become cloudy and dark. It almost looked as if it were going to rain. You enter at the gate, showing your I.D before being waved through. You make your way immediately over to the C.O's office. Once you opened the door, you saw everyone else from your squad and, to your surprise, Six was there, standing behind the C.O's desk. You and Ela quickly moved to the desk so that the debrief could begin. "Alright people, this could be one of our most decisive blows in this campaign. Because of the scope of the operation. I've got a second team being flown over as I speak. You team is responsible for warehouse 5 as a primary objective. Look for intel and anything else that could prove useful. Try to remain undetected for as long as you can, we don't want them to purge all the info they have. As a secondary objective, I want you guys to try to keep a lookout for any high ranking officials if you get caught. Try to capture but if they resist, weapons free. Also Cipher no longer has his decryptor with him. I need you to keep a lookout for it. If it's there, this could be another crippling blow to their operations." she said. "This was big. Probably Rainbow's largest operation to date. "The U.S. military is responsible for warehouse 6. We attack in the cover of night. Any questions?" she asked. "Do we have blueprints to work with so we can do some planning?" you ask. You were given some basic blueprints from when the warehouses were used, but it was nothing concrete to go on. The white masks could have drastically changed the layout in any way they saw fit. "We'll have helicopter evac in case anything goes south." Six added. Your team was then dismissed and left to make up a plan of entry. You decide that you and Ela will try to take the second story overlook that provided almost full coverage of the bottom floor, leaving Doc, Echo and Dokkaebi to clear the bottom. You take this opportunity to set something else up. You call Zofia and tell her to watch the rats carefully, if information was going anywhere in this operation, it would be either to Rainbow, or to one of the computers that Dokkaebi and Echo had, in order to preserve the information gathered in those warehouses. Zofia agreed and had gotten her laptop sent over by someone. At least that way, if information was going to move somewhere, you could at least see who the mole was, if they tried to get the information to their own systems. After your planning you head off back to your tent to do some maintenance and cleaning on your Vector and Glock-18, to ensure top performance. You sat down at your tent and began to calm yourself for the storm that was about to come.

After your weapons were spotless, and your ammo was loaded into your vest, you lay down on your bed and calm your mind. You empty your mind of non-essential stuff, and focus purely on the mission details. There was still some time before Team 2 arrived, so you decided to go and kill some time by reading a different book that you had packed. You decided to start to read 'The Fellowship of the Ring' by J.R.R Tolkien. This was not a book that you and Ela were reading together, so it was something that you could read to stop your mind from wandering into worrying speculations. You sat up on your bed and read for quite some time before you noticed your door open. You look up from your book and see Ela has come to pay you a visit. "Are you reading without me!" she snapped, seeing a book in your hands, but not knowing what book it was. "I wouldn't dare do such a thing. It's a different book. I'm just trying to take my mind off of the mission for now." you reply to her, showing the cover of your book. She calms down and approached the bed and climbed basically on top of you again so that she could fit on the bed next to you. You sat together with each other for some time, enjoying each other's embrace. "I want you to promise me, that you'll be safe." she said breaking the silence. "You know that's a promise that I can't keep." you said to her. "But I'll do everything in my power to make sure no harm comes to you or myself." you add. She looks up at you with worried eyes. "I don't want you to end up like Zofia again." she said, tightening her grip on your chest. "I promise you that we'll make it out." you said, trying to comfort her in any way, even if it meant making a promise that you could not hope to keep. Both of you knew the stakes quite well. This operation especially, could very well be your last. Because of this realization, you two laid in each other's embrace and shared a passionate kiss, before it was time to begin the attack.

You two grabbed your weapons and suited up in your vests. Your plate carrier, was much bigger and heavier than Ela's making you much slower than her. You two climbed aboard the second humvee where Doc was waiting in the back. In the front two seats, were two U.S. military personnel. Dokkaebi and Echo were both in the Humvee behind you guys. The convoy of vehicles must have totaled 8 humvees and 2 transport trucks. It was now dark outside. There were no interior lights in the humvee. Because of this you pulled down the NVG's that were mounted on your helmet. The NVG's were binocular, unlike the monocular ones that you had used in previous tours. You were quite pleased to have depth perception back on your side. You rode down to the river roads and turned onto the old abandoned part of the harbor. In the green glow of your NVG's you saw the warehouses in the distance. "Com check." you say over the radio to your team. Everyone replies with a check, even Zofia, who was now able to communicate only with you over your coms in a special side channel that you had made in your tent before you started reading. You stopped a good distance away from the warehouses. They sat alone in a desolate landscape of concrete and old shipping containers. There were large apartment complexes to the west of the buildings. Posted there, were several Delta Force snipers and Glaz, the Russian sniper from Rainbow. They would be responsible for making sure that there would be no outside patrols left to inform the forces inside of your approach. You, Ela, and Doc dismounted your Humvee and regrouped with Echo and Dokkaebi. The operation was now fully underway. 

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