Part 17:

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The next couple of weeks were quite soothing and relaxing for both you and Ela. The trip helped you to set your mind straight and clear your thoughts, something that you desperately needed. You were able to start to forget some of the things cluttering your mind from the last operation. You hadn't heard anything from Zofia, whom you knew would contact you the moment she found something out. The news had also been very quiet. There hadn't been any incidents since your capture 2 weeks ago. The white masks had gone silent again. You weren't quite sure if that was good or bad.

On the last day of your trip you went through the morning routine of getting up, making coffee, and breakfast while listening to the news, and sitting outside. It was starting to near the end of summer. The sun was setting earlier, and the days were not as hot as they had once been. The being said, there would be many people out on the beaches and in public places enjoying the last bit of sun the season offered before winter came with a vengeance. Nonetheless, you had gotten up and began to make some scrambled eggs with Ela. You and your mother had done a lot of cooking with her over the last 2 weeks and she had picked up some skills and had become quite the competent cook. You and her prepare breakfast for everyone. Some scrambled eggs, with toast, some bacon and an orange slice. A good balanced breakfast. You and Ela sat out on the back porch and watched the forest. There was a stronger southerly wind today. After finishing your breakfast, you and Ela went for a run through the forest, something you had adopted so that you wouldn't lose your conditioning over the 2 week break. You two ran the trail at quite a quick pace, and stopped at the lake, for a swim. The cool water was quite nice after a long, fast run with her. After a bit off swimming and relaxing you two head back for the house to have a shower and get changed. You head up to the bathroom to take a quick shower. After the shower you change into some nicer clothes, one thing is different though. Usually Ela is waiting outside for you to finish. "She must have found something to do." you think to yourself as you head downstairs. You see that the TV is on in the living room, with everyone gathered around. The looks on your parents faces are that of pure terror, while Ela sits there with her eyes closed and hands on her forehead. You look up at the screen and read the headline. "Chemical attack at Massachusetts university." You close your eyes and remember what you saw in that facility. You place your hand on Ela's shoulder. She looks up at you with her professional, cold eyes. You two share a nod and go to grab your bags from your room. It was time to get back to work.

After saying your goodbyes to your parents, you and Ela make for the airport. On the way there, you feel your phone go off in your pocket. It was an unidentified number. You pick it up regardless, knowing that whatever it is, it was probably important. "Hello?" you say. "Head for the airport, a C-5 Galaxy is tasked with bringing military supplies to England. You're to hitch a ride." the voice said. You recognized it as Six immediately. There was a profound sense of urgency in her voice. "Already moving." you reply. "Good." was her response before the line went dead. "Was that her?" Ela asked. "Yep, we have a plane ready to take us to England." you say to her. She replies with a slight nod. You continue to play over the events that the news described. You never thought that the white masks could be so powerful as to have several chemical weapons plants. Even after you took the one down, they were still able to carry out the attack. What made things worse was that they still probably had your decryptor. This made them even more dangerous. With that kind of power, encryption wasn't a problem. They could have access to information whenever they wanted it, and in this business information was more powerful than any firearm. You get to the airport and are given an escort by the military. This allowed you to bypass security and head straight for the plane. In about 10 minutes the galaxy was pulling up off the runway. Your vacation was over.

During the flight, you and Ela managed to get yourselves a table that you could use. You began gathering all the information you could from police reports of the factory you were held in, to recent news reports of the attack. The police had done quite an exceptional job in their reporting on the factory. They had determined from the hazmat team that the chemical that was being used was nerve agent called Sarin. The gas was incredibly lethal. The more you found out, the more chilling it was. During the time that Rainbow had been preoccupied with the New Mexico events, the white masks had been manufacturing Sarin in labs like the one you saw in the factory. "This is some next level shit." you say to her. "How did we let this go under our noses?" she asked. "Probably some bureaucratic shit about funding and personnel for Rainbow." you said. You two continued your work until you landed in Heathrow. At that time, you two packed up your stuff and headed for the helicopter that would take you to Hereford.

As the helicopter approached the landing pad, you notice a lot of commotion outside on the ground. There are many SAS soldiers running around to different buildings. The attack has obviously got the British government involved. No doubt some Rainbow operatives would be sent over to help out with recovery, being that Rainbow is technically under the CIA. You touch down and hop out of the side door and head over to your place on grounds to drop off your stuff. You and Ela move through the crowds of SAS and make it to your place. You both throw your stuff on the bed and begin to unpack. After a couple of minutes of unpacking, you hear a knock at your door. You go and open it up and to your surprise, it's Dokkaebi. "Hey, haven't seen you in a while." you say to her. "I could say the same for you. You straight straight up disappeared for the last 2 weeks." she says slightly annoyed. "Did you need me while I was gone?" you question, noticing her emotions. "Yeah I needed some help with something new I'm trying to make." she said disappointed. "I'm sorry to disappoint. But I'm sure you know what happened with Ela and I on our recon operation. I just needed to get away for a bit. To clear my mind. I hope you understand." you reply to her. She just nods, still visibly upset. "Hey, why don't I come over to your place and we can work on it for the rest of the afternoon. I just got to go see Six first about the whole gas attack thing." you say to her. "Alright. A real shame what happened." she said, seemingly satisfied at your offer. "Terrible. I'll be over later." you say to her closing the door to your room. "It's odd that she came over so quickly, she must have seen us land or something." you think to yourself. "Who was that?" you hear from behind you. "It was actually Dokkaebi." you say to her. This draws her attention up from her dresser, and she looks at you with a raised eyebrow. "It's nothing like that." you add seeing the disapproval on her face. "She came over to ask for some help with some programming. I'm going over to meet her to help her out as she's apparently been waiting ever since we left." you explain. This seems to calm her down. "It's the least I can do." you add. She slowly nods, still not really liking the meeting. "We should go see Six." she said. "I was just about to say that." you say with a chuckle, opening the door.

Six's office, was as it always was, deathly quiet. The computer monitors behind her were lit up with several different reports on the chemical attack. "Reporting for duty ma'am." you say as you approach the desk. This causes her to turn around for a second before returning to her monitors. "Good, you two are back. Rested I hope." she said. "The attack in the U.S. caught us all off guard. I'm sending you two along with Zofia, Doc, Echo and Dokkaebi to assist in the relief efforts. Orders from the director of the CIA himself." she said. This caused you to raise an eyebrow. This was serious if the director of the CIA wanted you guys there. "I'm sending 6 of you this time, in case your orders change and we get some new information." she said. "Be prepared to move out tomorrow at 0700 hours. Dismissed." she said. "Yes ma'am." you both said with a salute. You return to your place and grab your laptop. You say goodbye to Ela with a kiss, and head off for Dokkaebi's place.

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