Part 37: Challenges

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You touched down in Atlanta around 4:30 in the afternoon Atalanta time. You felt the warm air fill senses as you stepped outside the doors in order to get a ride to where you'll be staying. You were brought by car, to a small complex of houses about 5 minutes away from the airport. It was quite loud outside due to the proximity of the houses to the airport. However inside it was incredibly quiet. The silence took everyone by surprise. "A lot of work was done to make this complex quiet by the previous owners." your escort stated. It was also the complex that the CBRN and other special forces groups would be staying. This also meant that there were not enough places for each person, so partners had been assigned by Six before hand. You all gathered outside before the partners were read off. Buck would be with Maverick, Rook would be with Ela, and you would be with Kapkan. This however seemed to displease the Polish operator. "No." she replied to you after you finished reading the names off the list. "Excuse me?" you asked. Everyone else also turned to look at her. It was not uncommon for her to challenge authority, but to you this was not significant enough to cause a fuss over. "I said, No" she replied. "What do you mean no?" you asked. "I don't like these arrangements." she answered. "This is not something that can be discussed." you replied. She was getting more and more frustrated. Everyone else had stepped back after the first words came from Ela. "Tovarisch, it's fine. I'll switch. We all know she wants to be with you." Kapkan said. This cause a stern look from you, but Ela did not break her gaze. She seemed to ignore the comment, and was solely focusing on you. "Come on comrades. We have to be back at the airport for 6." Kapkan said breaking from the group, taking everyone with them. Ela broke your gaze and headed off for your place. You gave a heavy sigh, grabbed your stuff and headed off towards the house.

You entered the house. It was as quiet as a church mouse. Ela's stuff was on the floor in front of the door. You picked it up and brought it into the bedroom that was to the left of the door as you entered. You placed both your bags on the bed and you began unpacking your clothes into the closet that was provided. On the desk that was facing away from the bed and next to the door, were 2 large gun cases. You popped the clips on one and opened the lid to see your Vector and your G-18 inside along with several mags for each. You closed the case and put it next to the bed. You opened the other one and saw Kapkan's rifle and pistol along with their respective mags. You closed the clips, picked up the case and headed for the front door. As you opened the door, it was stopped by Ela, who had snuck up on you from somewhere. "Where do you think you're going?" she asked. "To return Kapkan's guns and retrieve yours." you replied lifting the gun case up a bit. "Be quick." she said. You went and knocked on the door to Kapkan's house, and explained to him the situation. In no time you had Ela's gun and were heading back to your place. "Good luck." Kapkan said. Before closing the door. You gave a wave and headed back to your place. You opened the door, and again there was complete silence. You headed back into the bedroom to place the gun case next to Ela's stuff. When you entered the room you saw Ela unpacking her stuff. "Got your guns here for you." you said placing them down next to her stuff. She didn't say anything. You could tell that she was still angry at the confrontation you had previously. "Why'd you try get me away from you." she asked as you started to move back towards your bag. "When did I do this?" you asked quite unsure of what she was asking. "You tried to put with Rook." she snapped at you. "Those were not my arrangements." you started. "I was just following the arrangements set out by Six." you continued. "I didn't think it was such big deal." you added. "Do you not like me anymore?" she asked. Her expression had turned from anger to sadness. "There should be an Olympic sport for jumping to conclusions." you thought to yourself. "Just because I didn't change the housing arrangements doesn't mean that my feelings have changed towards you." you replied. "Look, we don't have time to be arguing and fighting over something as petty as this." you began. "If we don't do our jobs right, we might not be alive for much longer. So it's time we put this aside, and focus on the bigger problem at hand." you said. With that you went back to unpacking your stuff from your bag.

The Other Side - Ela Bosak X Male ReaderOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora