Part 41: End

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You described to her in detail what Six had told you. You told her about the bio-weapon and how it had been disposed of, along with how your team made it out fine. You also told her that the other teams had not seen an attack as of yet, and that you were the only ones hit. "Well that's good news." she said to you. "You scared me Y/N." she started. "You passed out and I thought I had lost you." she said to you. "I don't remember you losing consciousness, before I did." you replied. "I fell under right after you did, I barely had time to try to shake you back awake." she replied. "Well, we're both here now." you said to her. "It seems like you and me both are going to be here awhile." she said back to you. "What do you plan on doing after we get out?" you asked her. You remembered her saying that she'd retire if you both made it out of the airport alive. She didn't know that you had already informed Six that you wouldn't be coming back. She sat and pondered the idea for a while. "I don't know yet." she finally replied after a couple minutes of silence. "What about you?" she asked. "I've already told Six that I'm leaving." you replied. "Oh..." she said surprised and disappointed looking down at her lap. "I told her that Rainbow seems to be in a great strategic position right now, and that they don't need me anymore. That coupled with the fact that I almost lost you." you added. She was touched by your remarks, but remained silent. "You don't have to decide right now we've got plenty of time before we're released." you added. She remained silent. You were quite unsure of what she was thinking. You hoped that she would come with you but, you knew that she loved her job, and that you couldn't force that away from her. "It's a big decision Y/N. I want to make sure that I have time to weigh the consequences of my decision." she finally replied. "I completely understand." you replied back. "So what are we going to do to kill the time?" she asked, changing moods in an instant. "Well we can continue to read for now." you suggested. "That's fine by me." she replied. She pulled her covers up and made herself comfortable. You opened to the page where the bookmark was, and began to read.

It was a quiet afternoon. Nobody accept the occasional nurse came in to check on you to. You spent your time reading and laughing at the book. You finally finished your first book together that day. "We finally did it." you said closing the cover. "Only took us a year." she replied sarcastically. "It's nice though isn't it?" you said back. "What is?" she asked. "The fact that we can sit here and enjoy this quiet activity in spite of all of the craziness of our lives." you said, smiling and looking up at the ceiling. You looked back down at her, and your eyes met. "How do you find so much appreciation in things of such little importance?" she asked. "You have to appreciate the small things, because without those, life is bland." you replied to her. She simply smiled and placed her head back into her pillow. You checked your phone that was on your lap for the time. It read 10:00 pm. "It's getting quite late. I'm going to get myself to bed." you replied to her as you began to slowly wheel yourself to the door. "Good night Y/N." she said from behind you. "Good night." you replied back before a nurse came to your aid and wheeled you back to your room. You lay in your bed and look out the window into the clear summers eve. Soon you were sound asleep.

Within the next couple of days, you were able to get walking with the help of some crutches. You spent most of your time up and about trying to keep your muscles active, and healthy. But when you weren't walking around, you were with Ela. You spent most of your time with her, reading, watching some television, and some movies. Although you had plenty to do, that same urge to go and do something was building again. You started to think more about the cabin in Canada where you spent your time after leaving Rainbow the first time. You wanted to be out in the clean air, and back out in the quiet, where you didn't have to worry about whether someone was going to kill you or not. You began counting down the days until you would be able to leave and return.

Over the next couple of weeks the news could talk of nothing but the airport attack. There was speculations over why it happened and where something like this might take place next, but none of that interested you. You wanted to know if there were attacks anywhere else. But the days turned into weeks and there was still no word of anything from the other teams. Zofia had told you that there was no sign of anything happening, and that she was quite frankly getting bored and less sure each day that there was even any threat anymore. You were starting to think the same, although you still doubted that the white masks would put all their chips on black. You knew that the war against them was far from over, but it seemed that the battle you had won must have had some effect as there was no word from the news or any information from Six for that matter. They seemed to have dropped off of the grid for the time being.

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