Part 35: Repairing

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The plane ride was quite uneventful, and it was quiet and boring. Even after the connecting flight, there was very little talk between you two. There was no one else besides Ela with you. The time that you two had spent apart began to show. She seemed much more introverted and kept to herself mostly, only glancing up to every now and then to look at you. Despite everything that you had together, you couldn't help but get the impression that you two were both incredibly changed people. When you left her, it must have made her double down on her philosophy that she can trust no one. You also felt yourself more reluctant to open up to her again, fearing that if you did, losing her would be unbearable. Thus you decided to keep mostly to yourself. You didn't try to talk about how she had been after you had left. A couple hours into the flight, she fell asleep in her chair. You didn't notice at first but you noticed that she still had your grandfather's watch on. You gave a slight smile, knowing that she still at least cared about you. You then decided to busy yourself with some of the information that had been gathered on the white mask operations. The first thing you familiarized yourself with was the bio-weapon they had obtained. The file did not state where the weapon had its suspected origin, however from what it stated, it would require some sufficiently advanced country to make it. The file stated it was some strain of smallpox, that would be immune to the standard vaccine. Smallpox was incredibly contagious allowing it to spread to every part of the world in a matter of weeks. The naturally occurring disease was eradicated in the 70s due to vaccinations. Because of this most people did not have a vaccine because of the herd immunity. Even if the vaccine was pumped out in mass quantities, it would be ineffective against this weaponized form. You had read about bio warfare before, and it seemed that most countries would not use something like this, as it has too great a chance to backfire on the country that deployed it. If the white masks truly wanted to release this, it would be safe to assume that they have some kind of antidote or vaccine along with it, to ensure their survival. All of this made your skin crawl. The thought of almost everyone in the world being wiped out in a matter of weeks, was destruction on a scale beyond anything you could imagine. The next part of the file contained possible targets. All of them were places where many people would be gathered. There were sports stadiums, airports, and public gatherings. Even if they infected one person, it could spiral out of control in an instant. You guessed that this would not be a normal attack where everyone goes in and shoots everything that moves, but it would be someone isolated. Someone trying to find a method of dispersal. This meant that air systems would be primary targets. You continued to read until the you felt a jolt as the wheels touched the ground at Heathrow airport once more. You gently shook Ela's arm to wake her, and you both exited the plane and headed for the UH-60 that was awaiting your arrival.

The ride was again quiet, but the pilot seemed happy to have you back aboard. You watched as the now green hills of the English countryside rolled past, until eventually, Hereford came into view. The helicopter touched down and the side doors were swung open to reveal some old friends. Kapkan, along with Doc were among the many who were quite happy at your arrival. Kapkan greeted you with a shot of Vodka as it was later in the afternoon and you and Doc exchanged a handshake. It was good to seem them all again, and they seemed just as happy to see you. You walked together and moved down the corridors, until you reached the meeting room. Inside you were shocked to find some new operators. There was an American, who was about as tall as you were. He had a small beard and appeared to be built very well. There was also a British officer. She was a bit shorter than the American, and she was also bald. She seemed to be quite crossed at something or another. Nonetheless you all took your seats, once everyone had arrived, Six began the briefing. It was nothing more than you had deduced accept for the fact that they had somehow narrowed down that the point of attack was going to be a major airport somewhere. The most likely points of attack were, Atlanta, Beijing, and Dubai airports. All of which are the 3 busiest airports in the world. An attack at any of these would spread the disease like wildfire in a drought. You all would be split into teams that would each go to their respective airports to keep watch. You were placed with the new American, Maverick, along with Ela, Kapkan, Rook, and Buck. You would be sent to Atlanta, which is why you had 6 operators in your squad. You were given operational control of the team, and you were all dismissed.

After the briefing, you decided to go over and greet the American. "Maverick isn't it?" you asked as you approached him. "Mhmm" he said. "Cipher, I'm your team leader I guess." you said extending your hand for a handshake. He took it but didn't say anything. He didn't seem to be a man of many words. Nonetheless you continued to talk, and he started to get more comfortable, you both talked about your service. You found out that he is Delta Force. "Were you at Bartlett after the attack?" he asked quietly. You then remembered that he was part of the squad squad that relieved you after Zofia was shot. "Small world huh?" you replied. You both then had to break off, you needed to talk to Six about where you were you were staying for the night, as you still had your bags with you. You spotted Ela talking with Zofia so you decided to try to slip through and get to Six's office. As you were leaving the door, you were halted by someone grabbing your collar. You turned around and saw that you had not escaped the gaze of the older Bosak sister. "Trying to sneak off huh?" she asked. She seemed angry. Behind those glasses you could tell that there was some serious emotion. "I just needed to talk to Six about where I can put my stuff down." you replied calmly. She then pulled you into a hug. "I'm so sorry about what happened." she whispered in your ear. You just closed your eyes, to silence your emotions. "Thanks." you replied. She let you go and it seemed that she didn't really know what to do after that. So she just walked off to go and find her team leader.

You knocked on the door outside of Six's office before opening the door. She was on the phone with someone, and it seemed quite heated. There was a lot of disappointed and anxious talk going on. This was the first time that you had seen Six genuinely stressed and nervous about something. After about a minute, the call ended and she finally noticed that you had come in. "Ah, good to have you back Cipher." she said, taking a deep breath. You didn't say anything in response. "I have a lot of work to get done Cipher so if you could, make it quick." she said placing her hand on her head. "I just need to know where I'll be staying." you said to her lifting your bag to show her you still had your stuff. "Uh, just take your old room." she said before the phone rang again, and she was back in another heated discussion. You were satisfied with the answer, and hauled your stuff back out to the living areas. It was very quiet moving down the corridor, as everyone was presumably elsewhere to work out more details with their teams. You pulled out your key chain and unlocked the door. Your old key still worked perfectly. You opened the door, and were greeted with a room that was not exactly empty. It had seemed that someone else was living here. The place was a mess, everything was all over the place and it was not in the state that you had left it. "Hello." came from the kitchen. "Hi, Ela." you said closing the door behind you. It now made sense to you why everything was a mess. Ela must have just stayed in your old room even after you left. "What are you doing here?" she asked emerging from the kitchen. "This was where I've been told to stay." you replied. "I see you've taken up residence." you added. She didn't reply but looked down trying to avoid your gaze. "If I'd known you were coming I would have cleaned a little bit." she said now realizing how messy the place was. As she moved to clean things up, you dropped your bags and began to help her. "Nothing I'm not used to." you said sarcastically. After a couple of minutes things were much cleaner. You placed your belongings back into their respective positions, and tossed your decryptor onto the desk in the corner that had been cleaned off. Most of your tools that you'd left, were still hanging on the desk. "You want something to eat. I was making something in the kitchen." she said to you. "Actually now that you mention it, I'm quite famished." you said following her into the kitchen. She had been trying to recreate some of your Macaroni and Cheese you used to make. You tqo sat down together and began to enjoy the food. You ate quickly as the food was quite good. "How'd I do?" she asked. "I'm impressed." you replied. "You're almost there." you added. You two talked and began to get acquainted with each other. "So how have you been holding out?" she asked you. "Better. Getting away from it all really helped clear my mind." you replied. "What about you?" you asked. "Alright I guess. I've been really focusing on my training since you left." she said. "I see you've also been working on your cooking as well." you said finishing the bowl. You both continued to talk while cleaning the dishes. After that was done, you decided that you needed to start working on plans with your team. This was your first assignment as a team leader, and if you messed it up, billions could die.

(Sorry for not uploading last week guys, I've been super busy with school, as I have a research paper due soon. I'll try to get back on schedule for the coming weeks but there might be some gaps in uploads as things are going to be getting much busier. Sorry again for not uploading, and have a good one!)

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