Part 9: Recon

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You awoke around 8:00 by the light creeping in through the cracks of your blinds. You look down at your chest and notice that Ela is still sound asleep. You lay there for a bit, admiring her. You then carefully maneuver you way out of her grasp to start getting ready for the day. You start by going to the kitchen. You pick out some eggs from the fridge along with some bacon. You get two pans and the toaster out. You begin to scramble some eggs in one and heat up some oil in the other for the bacon. You put some bread in the toaster so it would be ready when the bacon was done. The smell of a full breakfast began to fill the place. When you finish, you place the stuff on a tray and take it back to your bedroom. You begin to boot up your laptop as well. As you enter the bedroom, you are happy to see Ela still asleep. You place the food down next to her and gently kiss her on the cheek to wake her up. She slowly opens her eyes and looks over at you with a smile. "I made breakfast for you." you say to her picking up the tray and showing it to her. "You did this for me?" she asks surprised but excited. "Of course." you say getting back into bed next to her. "I also got my laptop ready so we can play some Pokemon while we eat." you say placing the laptop on just in front of the tray with all the food on it. "You're the best!" she said giving you a kiss. You two ate and played some more. You managed to beat the final gym leader, completing your badge collection. "What do we do know?" she asked you. "We train some more. Then we go to take on The Elite Four and The League Champion." you said with an epic voice. This caused her to laugh at you. "That's something for the plane though." you say, disappointing her a bit. "I'm sorry but we have to get ready it's almost 9." you say to her while picking up the tray to go and do the dishes. After the dishes were done, you go through your morning routine of a shower, brushing your teeth and changing out of your PJs. You pack the last of your toiletries in your duffel bag along with your PJs. You then take a seat on the bed and wait for Ela to finish getting ready. "You ready to go?" she asked prompting you to get up. You two head out, closing the door behind you, and you walk down towards the taxi, holding hands. As you walk through the halls, you pass a group which contained Echo, Dokkaebi, Kapkan, IQ, and Twitch. "Where are you two headed off to?" IQ asked, raising an eyebrow. "We're headed off to C/N to do some recon. Apparently there is some white mask place there that has gone quiet." you explain to them. You carry out a small conversation with the group before Ela pulls you away to make sure that you get to the flight on time.

Your plane ride was quite uneventful. You did some reading together and began to train up a Dragonite you had recently acquired. You landed and got through security relatively quick and grabbed a taxi to the hotel that was provided for you. When opened the door to the room you weren't all that impressed with it. There were two beds, a small TV in front of both of them and a small bathroom off of the entrance. You then noticed that there was stuff laid out on one of the beds for you two. You noticed that there were files on the building along with some blueprints. You then noticed the two weapons on the bed. There was a Glock 18 that you used in your previous op, and another specialized 9mm handgun that had a green laser sight and a small red dot on top. Ela then moves to it and begins to examine it for an dirt. She then places it down on the bed table and begin to unpack her stuff. You look down at your watch and realize that it is about 4:00 pm. "Hey on the flight in, I started to do some research on the area around here. Why don't we go and do some exploring for a bit. I also found a nice restaurant that we could head to to grab something to eat." you propose. "Is this going to be our first date Y/N?" she asked excitedly. "I... I guess it is?" you say with a sly smile while scratching the back of your head. "Let me go change!" she said dashing off to the bathroom with her bag. The speed of her caused you to blink twice. You then get changed into a nice pair of jeans and a black button up shirt. A couple of minutes later, Ela appears out of the room in a red dress. You weren't aware that she owned such nice clothes. "Wow" is all your mouth managed to say. "Stop staring. Let's get going." she said jumping on top of you. You pick her up and carry her over to the door where you grab your wallet and the room keys. You set her down outside the door and you two leave the hotel together and begin your exploration.

The town was quite nice. There were many small shops dotted along the main street. It kind of reminded you of your hometown in a way. You felt a wave of happiness rush over you. You realized that you were exploring a place that reminded you of home with a beautiful woman, who loved you as much as you loved her. You walked down the main street for a while before finding your restaurant. You look around the area, an old habit from your special forces days. You feel that something is not right. Something seems out of place. You notice a panel van at the corner of the road, idling. You were then pulled by Ela into the restaurant. She seemed really eager to get on with your date. You quickly forget about the van. You and Ela sat down in a corner table with a view of the street. Your waiter then approached you and handed out the menus to you. "This stuff is quite expensive, are you sure we should eat here?" she asked concerned. "It's sweet of you to be concerned, but it's my treat." you said grabbing her hand, reassuring her. She smiled back and you two placed your orders. You had a nice meal and talked some more about past operations. You learned of her time in Iraq as a PMC. You told her about your time in Afghanistan, raiding Taliban safe houses. After dinner was done, you paid the tab and gave the waiter a decent tip and headed back to the hotel.

Once you two arrived back at your room, you headed for the bed. Ela went to the bathroom to change and clean up. Your mind goes back to the van you saw in the street. It didn't sit right with you. You then notice that a piece of furniture is out of place. The bed table was moved slightly forward. "It would be awfully late for room service to come by..." you think to yourself. You pull out the bed table and notice something stuck on the back. You pick up the small black box and see a little antenna on the top. It was a bug. "This isn't something that Six would use." you think taking a look at it. "This is older tech." you realize. You then remember you have your decryptor with you. If this was a bug, then you could trace where it was transmitting to. You open up the computer and begin the trace program. As you start it you leave the bug on the table and knock on the bathroom door. "Ela can I come in. I need to check something?" you say. "What's up?" she says as she opens the door. She has nothing but a towel on. You only gesture for her to be quiet, by placing your index finger on your lips. You then begin searching the bathroom for more bugs. You find one more behind the mirror, which you noticed was slightly crooked. You hold up the bug to Ela. her eyes widen as she immediately realizes what it is. You pull out your phone and type "This is not Rainbow tech." You deactivate this bug and tell Ela quietly "Get dressed and packed we're getting out of here." You then leave to go and check the trace program. While waiting, you encrypt a message to Six. "Mission compromised. Room bugged. Send help." You pressed send and as you did Ela came out of the room and began packing her stuff silently. You checked the decryptor and saw that it had popped up an address. The same address of which you were meant to investigate with Ela. Someone knew you two were coming. This means that Rainbow is compromised. You then see some shadows move under your door and realize that something big is coming. You head back to your computer to type another message to Six "Bugs are White Mask. Rainbow compromised. Send immediate backup. They are coming for us." you quickly type out before you notice more commotion outside. "Ela, grab your gun. It seems like we have visitors." you say whispering to her. Her cold mission, side comes out as you two ready for a fight.

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