Part 25: Revelation

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Ela stood at the door, frozen in place, making her presence known. "You can deal with this by yourself." Doc said heading for the door. "Good luck, comrade." Kapkan added, following Doc out of the room. The door was then shut behind Ela, leaving just the two of you in the room. Ela was still frozen in place at the door. Her face was pale and drained, almost like she had seen a ghost. In a way she did. "I'm back." you say quietly trying to break the silence that was now lingering in the room, like a fog between you two. Your words seemed to lift the fog, as she started to move towards your bed. She was still in shock from seeing you alive. As she stood over your bed, she reached out and placed her hand on your cheek, seeming to check if it was really you, and not some dream. As her hand moved down the gruff skin of your face, that had not been shaved in two weeks, emotion returned to her face. She then lifted her hand away from your cheek, and slapped you. "I guess I deserve that." you replied, rubbing your cheek. The pain in your cheek was still fresh, when she changed her mood, and placed her lips on yours. It was such a sudden change, that you were not expecting. The only thing that pulled her away from you was her need for a breath. "Don't you ever leave me again!" she exclaimed to you. Her voice was cracking, and her eyes were tearing up. "I did what was best for you." you replied quietly. "Don't sacrifice yourself for me. If I lose you it's not a life worth living!" she exclaimed before breaking down into tears. You stretched out your arms, indicating for her to come closer. You pulled her in and comforted her. You then began to think about what she had just said to you. Her words made you realize how much you meant to her, and the trauma that your actions had on her. She had broke down in your arms from the realization that you were still with her. It started to put things in perspective for you. You were not just important to her, you were a necessity for her. The embrace was comforting for the both of you. She eventually cried herself out in your arms, and began to quiet down, and relax. For you it was comforting knowing now full well the emotions and feelings that Ela had for you. After a long, silent, embrace, you two broke up, where Ela took the seat next to your bed. "When I was out, there were times that I regained semi-consciousness at random points in the 2 week span." you began. "I heard bits from different times in that frame. The one that made me want to come back more than anything, was you reading to me." you admitted with a coy smile. "So you did hear that then?" she replied with a slight blush on her cheeks. "I don't know why I didn't make you read sooner. You voice is so soothing and calming, that it makes that book come alive." you said reassuring her. "How far did you make it in the book?" you question. "To about chapter 3. I didn't get far. I started a couple days ago." she replied. "Do you want me to continue?" she asked raising an eyebrow. "That would be splendid." you replied. She picked up the old book, and began to read.

After a couple hours of peaceful, and immersive, reading had passed, there was a knock on the door. Ela placed the bookmark in the book, and headed to open the door. There was a bit of muttering before Ela and her sister emerged from around the corner. Zofia's right arm was still in a sling. "I'm back." you say to her with a smile. "Good to have you back." she said. She moved over to the other chair on your left side. You two chatted for a bit before Ela disappeared to go and look for some food for everyone. "So, what's happened while I was out with... you know." you said quietly. "I gave the info to Six, but a couple of days ago, Echo and Dokkaebi disappeared to somewhere." she said to you. "What was in the transferred files?" you ask. "Nothing but garbage, it was all a bunch of random letters and corrupted files. Something must have happened during the transfer that screwed them up." she replied. Well we know for sure that it is now one of them behind it." you add. "How long have you been here?" you ask her, trying to change the subject. "Since you got in. I decided to stay here with Ela." she said. "I've never seen her more destroyed and broken than when you first got here." she began. "What you did, left a mark on her. As I said before, she has never had anyone like you in her life before now. The thought that she might have lost you crippled her." she said. There was a pause, as you both reflected on what she had just said. "I think you two are perfect together." she added. "Thanks?" you said with a confused smile. "How long have you two been together?" she asked "I think it's going to be six months soon." you said. "I joined Rainbow in about the beginning of May, and it's going to be November in a couple of weeks so... yeah about 6 months." you added upon searching the depths of your mind. The door opened again revealing Ela who was now much happier that food was on the way. You all ate a nice dinner together and talked. It felt good to eat again. Although your body still had to get used to eating solid food again, after being on an IV for 2 weeks. After dinner Zofia left and returned to her hotel that she was staying in, leaving the two of you alone again. "Why don't you head off and get some sleep, Ela, you look exhausted." you said to her, placing your hand on her cheek. "I'm going to stay here. I'll sleep in the chair." she replied with a smile. "Don't do this to yourself. Go get some rest in an actual bed and come see me tomorrow." you said to her. "Besides it's not like I'm going anywhere." you said pointing to your casted legs with a chuckle. Reluctantly, she agreed to leave you alone for the night. As she closed the door, a quiet fell over the room, like a morning dew falling over a field of grass. You reflected on the events of the day, and drift off into a sleep.

The next couple of days were quite boring. You were immobilized in your bed with very little to do. You and Ela took turns reading the books that you two had started together, played some Pokemon, and you were even lucky enough to get a T.V. brought to your room to watch some movies on. But as the days turned into the first week of you regaining consciousness, the list of things to do was becoming quite scarce, and boredom was a serious threat now for both you and Ela. Every now and again you would get a visitor who would drop in and say "hi", and the nurses came in every hour or so to check on your machines and your well being. However this did not stop those long periods where nothing interesting happens. The boredom was starting to get to you and you were getting more and more anxious to get up and move around some. The hours seemed to drag on forever on some days. Although Ela's presence made things better, you could see that she was starting to feel the effects as well. It was now the last week of October. The summer warmth had all but feld, and the trees had blossomed into their beautiful oranges, reds, and browns. The sight made you wish you could walk amongst the trees, and breathe the cool, crisp fall air. This did not make the waiting any easier. When the two of you were doing different things it got very quiet in the room. You started to spend some time programming and learning a new coding language. Ela, meanwhile, began to draw a lot. She drew a lot of nature. She drew the trees and different places that she remembered or places that she made entirely up. Her art background was beginning to show through. Her pictures were incredible. She managed to capture every detail, every shadow, and every proportion perfectly. You began to watch her more and more as the days went on and on. You observed her technique as she masterfully moved her pencils over the page. There were a couple of times that she caught you looking, but said nothing and continued her work. On the first day of November, she was drawing the view outside your window. From your window you were able to see a river, across which, there was a small forest, with a couple of houses scattered in amongst them. It was a pretty cloudy day. The grey clouds cast a dark shade over the forest and the river. You were working on your laptop when you noticed she was drawing again. Entranced by her work, you began to watch her drawing come alive on the page. You sat and watched her with a smile, as the trees began to take shape, and the houses began to appear. She noticed you were watching her but said nothing again, assuming that you were just taking a glance. This time you continued to watch her for some time, as she began to add the details to the water. "You like watching me huh?" she finally asked. "I knew you drew from back in France, but I never knew that you were this good." you said to her. "I wish I could draw well." you added, trying to make some conversation. "I bet you could, It's not hard." she replied. "Says the person with a Fine Arts education." you countered. "That doesn't mean anything." she said with a laugh. "I just can't get shadows or proportions right, and I end up making mistakes and ruining the drawing." you said. "In art, there are no mistakes, just happy accidents." she replied with a smile. This gave you some confidence to give it a try. Over the next couple of days, you and Ela spent most of your time drawing. She gave you many helpful pointers and before long you had started to make some stuff that was actually decent. Those were the days that passed the quickest, and before long you were about halfway to being out of your casts. Your recovery was moving along quite well.

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