╟ Chapter 153: Mink Tribe ╢

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"Luffy is already gone..." came the stutter of Usopp, sweatdropping at the sight of his missing captain.

"Nothing surprising there..." grunted Zoro, walking toward the wall. "Did you see anything up there? Like the shitty cook?"

"No. Only a deserted city..." you informed. "If there's anyone here, they are inside"

What was left of the doors that held the gate together were now laying on the ground, completely destroyed. Judging by the cracks that marked the concrete and the walls around the entrance, something massive pushed its way through. Ahead of you, the path and the trail that led further to the forest looked strange too. It was too wide to call it a normal route, and the trees around were bent unusually.

"This is some pretty serious destruction!" breathed in shock Franky. "And it's still fresh. Are Sanji and the others gonna be okay?!"

"Hm. Let's proceed with caution" smirked Zoro, unsheathing one sword.

"What?! We don't really know the residents here and we have other enemies?!" cried out the sniper in panic.

It was a hard task to walk through the forest on an elephant's skin. Your heels kept getting stuck into the cracks of the wrinkly back, and some spots were so soft that they would sink. The deeper you entered the forest, the more it smelled like gas and gunpowder.

You brought a hand over your nose, coughing a bit. Usopp was freaking out behind you, teeth chattering as he trembled on the spot. You all came to a sudden stop when you felt like you were being watched.

"Someone's out there..." you mused, taking a defensive stance.

"I got this" spoke the swordsman, his grip on the weapon tightening.

It only took a moment before something came out of the bushes. It was faster than what you first expected, but Zoro was quick on his feet too. He swung his sword forward to slice down the foe, but it suddenly jumped in midair and above the man with a surprising agility.

Now that you had a good look of the opponent, you saw that it was some sort of female, bipedal rabbit. Her dark eyes glared right through Zoro before she shot her fist forward, claws clashing against the dark blade. Electricity came out at the impact, the two facing each other in a silence battle.

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