Chapter 56 : Live

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Your group was divided in three: two who went in the left and right tower to pull down the drawbridge's lever while yours was to climb the courthouse until reaching Luffy. Zoro stormed inside, using his swords to slash across the Marines and formed a tornado that sent them flying around the room.

"Watch out with the wind, Pot Plant" you swore, grasping your hat before it flew away. "Seriously, you with your ridiculous power..."

"Oh shut it, there isn't too much of a crow here" he replied and a thick mark appeared over your head.


"Ah?! What is that?! Those heads?!" exclaimed someone from the Franky Family behind you, pointing at the giant with three heads behind the bar. "He's like that three-headed watch-dog I heard about in a story!"

"He's Cerlickus!" said another.

"It's CERBERUS " cried out Zambai.

"How noisy! Be silent! This is the place of sacred Judgement!" yelled one of the heads across the room, slamming his mallet. "I will now decide upon what verdict will rule your fates!"

"All right, guys. For now, try to get to the roof where Straw Hat-san is. Yokozuna and some others will prevent reinforcements from breaking in from the door" told Zambai, turning to your comrades. "We'll watch your backs, so just rush forward for now!"

"Got it" responded Zoro.

"Look at that. It looks like a trial has begun" cut Nami.

"Ignore it, it's too much of a pain. Which way is it?"

"Straight ahead. There is a staircase on either side. We can go upstairs with those! "

The swordsman nodded, and jumped toward the Marines who positioned their weapons to aim at the pirate hunter. However, they froze on the spot at the sight of Zoro holding his swords at each sides, a dark shadow hovering his body.

"Embima Yonezu.... " grunted the male through the sword between his teeth, before dashing forward and slicing the crowd of people. "....ONIGIRI"

While the Marines were falling all around you, you walked toward the judge with three heads who gulped at the scene unfolding in front of him. The iron ball was trailing behind your feet, and you readjusted it over your shoulder.

"The path is cleared. Let's go!" said Zoro as he continued to run toward the staircase with the others following behind.

"Hold it, hold it, hold it!!!" snapped repeatedly Sanji, catching up with your group. "Out of my way, reindeer and idiot swordsman! In this dangerous enemy territory, I'll be the one who clears Nami-san and (y/n)-swan's path! "

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