╟ Omake: One Piece Movie - Stampede ╢

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A/N: Clothes inspired for this chapter -

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"Ahem! 'To all my dearest pirates! A mix of enemies and allies exchanging toasts can be fun. Anyone is free to come and go as they please. We invite you to this world's largest banquet, the Pirates Fest! Sincerely, Buena Festa, Festival Pirates Captain.'!" Usopp read the letter out loud, and he couldn't contain the excitement with each word he read.

"I CAN SEE IT!!" Luffy shouted from his seat at the head of the Sunny, throwing his arms in the air.

"Festival!" Chopper added with enthusiasm.

An enormous pirate festival suddenly held once every few years. It was said that rare ships, food, weapons, information, and such from around the world could be found there. Pirates from different seas gathered there to party or exchange goods. A black market for pirates, if you were to be honest with yourself. A few days ago, your crew received an invitation with an attached Log Pose at the bottom of the letter.

To the surprise of none, Luffy was beyond delighted to set off on a new adventure after so many boring days at sea. While you were glad that you wouldn't hear him complain for a while, you thought this sudden party was...weird and way too coincidental that you were around the right track for it to happen. But a party remained a party, and where there was free booze and an opportunity to form new memories, it didn't take much for your comrades to accept.

"Furthermore, this time around, as entertainment, a-" Usopp continued to read, only to be interrupted by both Luffy and Chopper jumping on his back.

"Gold Roger, the King of the Pirates-" added the reindeer.

"-related treasure hunt is planned" the sniper finished contentedly.

"Sounds like fun!!" Luffy's eyes were sparkling.

"Hunt for the Pirate King's treasure!"

The trio of infants couldn't stay still for a second. Nami gazed at the Eternal Pose, lost in thoughts. She was on the same wavelength as yours when she first received the letter. Too good to be truth, she would say. An irk mark appeared over her face as the trio continued to chant about their pirate hunt, whipping her head in their direction:

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