╟ Chapter 144: A Feeling ╢

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The dolls couldn't do much as they were being swapped like flies by Robin's gigantic hands and the punches in the face by your dragon claws. They were pushed back and out of the way while Bartolomeo continued to hold his barrier ability on the makeshift staircase for Luffy to climb on.

The fanboy had to hold it until your captain could reach the fourth level with Law. Cavendish was dealing with the nutcrackers who dared to approach him too close. Gladius remained at the back with his arms crossed, patiently waiting for the appropriate time to land a hit.

"(y/n), careful!" shouted Robin when a doll appeared right behind you. "Mil Fleur: Gigantesco Mano!"

An arm sprouted next to you and grabbed the doll in its hand, restraining its movements. Another one was crawling toward the archaeologist and you were quick to act by leaping over her and crushing the nutcracker's back under your weight.

They stopped moving all of a sudden, their limbs freezing and went completely still. The dolls were engulfed in light and shrank in size. It revealed a bunch of soldiers who looked clueless about what just happened.

"I thought they were giant toys...but each of them was actually made up of eight people" said Robin.

"Sugar's ability, right?" you asked, and the woman gave a nod in confirmation.

"They turned their own soldiers into toys?!" shouted Cavendish, outraged. "How could they do that to their own people?!"

"No way...Sugar passed out again?!" Gladius spat in irritation.

"It was terrible!" sobbed one of Doflamingo's men.

"We thought we'd live as toys for the rest of our lives!"

"That wouldn't be! We were gonna turn you back as soon as the battle ended, of course" told Gladius in a fake reassuring tone.

"T-That's what I thought!"

"Good to hear that!"

"I'm relieved!"

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