First Fight. Louis (for the_note_ninja)

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Haley!!!! The request list is now 10 people long.

Louis can you please just be honest with me?" I begged following him.

He still looked upset, "Now is not the time."

"So you will tell me later?" I hoped.

Me and Louis were friends for years before we started to date. And I still had other guy friends and Louis is jealous of them. He claims he knows that I trust him and he trust me but then why does he act the way he acts about it.

He thought for a moment, "We will see." He continued pulling me out of the club and we stopped at his car, "Why do you keep being friends with those morons?"

"Remember at one point you were one of those morons." I said leaning against the car. He was their friend too at one point.

"Yeah now we are dating. Do you plan on dating one of them?" He said quite mad. "I mean when we weren't dating you treated me the way you treat them now. So I do feel like you really only started dating me to spare me you saying no." He opened the door for like a gentleman would do, "Now would you like me to drive you home?"


"Do you want a ride home or not?" he asked again sadly.

"Louis?" I asked ready to cry.

He looked away and kept the door open waiting for me to get in, "Please Haley are you ready to go home?"

"Okay." I said brokenly but getting in the car anyway.

The ride home was quiet and Louis even left once I got to the house without even a kiss goodnight. I stayed up for a couple of hours hoping Louis would call but nothing came of it.

I woke up the next morning still waiting by the phone and there was still no calls. Instead of waiting on him it was my turn to call him.

"Haley? Why are you calling me?" he questioned shocked.

"Louis I don't know what you think happened last night but we need to talk in person." I did love him and he needed to tell him gave to face.

"I told you how I felt and now it's over. So if-'' I cut him off wanting him to hear me out.

"But I never told you how I felt." I whined, "Stay at your place we gotta talk face to face for this."

I hung up and went over to his place and saw that he had not left so he still did have faith in us. I walked to the door and he was there quickly, "Louis listen I don't know why you would think that I would want to date any of them. I love you not them and even that almost break up won't change that." I said walking in not even stoping to say hi.

"I know that I just get jealous. Wait! You just said I love you!" He said looking shocked.

"Yeah I thought it was obvious but after last night I thought wrong." I said nervously.

"I love you too!" he said giving me a kiss. "I just get jealous sometimes."

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