His mum hate you. Louis

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I watched as Louis ran in and back out his house. He had to be quick but not make any noise or his mum would catch him and he would be sure to get into more trouble. Louis had this great idea that we should leave school half-way through and he had been caught by his mum and he was in trouble. Instead of being a good kid like anyone else would do, he was making it worse by going out with me tonight.

But I went along with it, "So where to Lou?" I asked as we hit the road.

"Anywhere you want." he said laughing, "Sorry that sounded cheesy."

"Yeah but so does sneaking out." I reminded him.

He was thinking for a few seconds before he had a better one, "Only if its a girl sneaking out to be with her boyfriend."

"Right or if ANY of their parents might catch them. So what does your mum think you are doing? Mine knows that I went out with you tonight."

"What were we talking about again?" he said after we were both laughing hard so much that our stomachs hurt.

"You know what but you just don't want to look stupid." we were too busy laughing to notice that someone had appeared next to Louis's window.His mum.

And she was not happy.

"Louis," she said calmly but you knew that under that was her anger that could kill. "go inside, Y/N go home." not an ounce of emotion in her voice.

This was going to be bad, really bad.

Louis's POV-

Y/N stayed out in the car as my mum escorted me back into the house.

Neither of us said anything for a while' just sat there staring at the other waiting for the other. I had nothing to say even if I did its not like she would even care or listen.

"Louis, you know that I don't like her. Why do you let her drag you down?" she said with a fake sweet sympathetic sound.

"Drag me down, how? As much as you hate it she makes me a better man." I was slightly offended that she would say that about the girl that I loved.

"Skipping school, sneaking out, and whats with the tattoos?" gesturing to my whole body.

"Always did both never got caught and just turned 18 so I can get them without parental consent."

Emphasis on parental did not go unnoticed either, "What is that supposed to mean, Louis William?" crossing her like it matters.

"Well parents are happy when their kids fall in love. You act as if she is a spider that needs to be smashed."

"Louis, its not that you are in love, it is just her. Other then looks what else does she have?" 

"Brains, kindness, funny, my heart, quirky, and perfect. Everything." I whispered.

"Now you just sound like a love sick child." and she laughed, "One day, son, you'll get over her. It won't last." then she walked out the living room like she did not do anything wrong.

Your POV-

Louis walked back out the door and bacl into the car. I thought his mum would make him stay home and instead we were leaving together.

"Loubear?'' I whispered, watching him. He still had not said anything. "Lou?"

"Y/N, I'm fine. Just so glad to be 18 and grown up for once."

"Why? What happened to never growing up and getting as job and instead stay kids at heart?" I said feeling my heart break.

"If it comes to living with my mum and growing up. I'd take growing up, so I don't have to hear about how much she hates the woman that I love."

"Lou, are you sure, I can keep my distance from her."

"No, never, I always want you around." he said pulling over into movie theater lot.

"Thanks Lou, but you know I'll have to just till you get all your stuff out." he nodded even though he did not seem pleased, "then you can have me when ever."

That lightened his mood, "Can't wait."

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