He tells the public you're dating. Niall

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You've been dating Niall for about a month. Neither of you have said anything. Today he went out to get dinner and you were walking with him. A few directioner's came up to Niall for pictures. None payed much attention to you they even asked for you to take them. Soon the paps arrived and started to get all over him.

"Niall what are you doing?" one asked.

Another asked,"Want to tell us anything?"

More run up and you get pushed farther and farther back. Niall was getting more crowded and he tried to push out to you.

"Please can you back off?" Niall asked but no one listened, "Please I'm trying to get to my girlfriend."

Telling them that they went more crazy,. All were asking, "Can we meet her? Who is she? Is she famous?"

"No please. Can you please stop crowding me? I want to find her." he finally pushed out and started to walk with you.

The paps being the paps still followed asking both of you questions too. "So what's your name?" "How long have you and Niall been dating?" "Are you a directioner?" "What do you do?"

You answered a few, "My name is Y/N. We have been dating only a month. Yes I'm a fan. I go to school and I work."

Niall was holding your hand and watching you the whole time. But he let you handle your self. When you finally got back to his place he finally spoke, "Wow. That was amazing. How did you not get overwhelmed?"

"Oh you know watching my wonderful boyfriend when he has to handle them." giving him a small peak on the cheek before almost leaving.

Almost you almost left but when you got to the door it was still crowded, "But you know sometimes they can be a little too much." So you sayed behind with him until most of them left.

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