Another guy flirts with you. Liam

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I cannot believe that this was happening. I looked at my dress and I heard the music I knew that it was time to go. When the doors opened that only thing I could focus on was Liam waiting for me at the end of the isle.


 "Y/N! Hurry up!" Liam yelled up the stairs.

"C'mon Liam we have all day." I said coming down the stairs, "Her birthday is tomorrow."

"I know." He siad but he only shook his head, "I just want to get her the right thing you know."

"Liam your mum will love it." I took his hand and led him out. "So what are you getting her?"

"A necklace that she has wanted for I don't know how long." he said pulling out of the parking lot.

I watched as we drove down the street, "What does it look like?" 

"It is.."  he looked deep in thought, "You know what I'll show you when we get there." he looked out the window, "Here we are."

Someone was willing to help us as soon as we got inside. Liam was right it was beautiful. "Right this way sir." the cashier said leading him to the register.

I stayed behind looking at a few pieces, "Hello beautiful." a voice that was not Liam's said behind me.

I turned to see some guy I have never seen before, "Umm Hi?" I looked over at Liam who was not noticing what was going on.

"So what are you doing here?" he asked stepping closer to me.

I took a step back, "Getting a gift for my boyfriend's mum." empathising the word boyfriend.

"Oh a gift for his mum and nothing for you?" he said crossing his arms.

"Maybe I was going to surprise her or let her chose her own?" Liam said appearing next to me.

We were surprised and jumped when we saw him. "Really I don't see her chosing or you with a box." he said before wondering away.

Liam looked down before he started toward the door, "Liam, are you okay?" I asked following him out.

"No." he said with a huff. He got into the car beside me. He was going to put that he was putting on the consul when it spilled. "Shit." he said getting down quick to grab his stuff.

I spy with my little eye a little box that looks like a ring. I think to myself, 

End of Flashback~

Standing there I was surprised that he had gone through with it

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