Chapter 95

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No One's POV 

After a lot of tedious walking and a lot of complaining about the amount of tedious walking, someone decided to get sarcastic and go on a thirty minute monologue about the marvels of Technological advancements in the 21st century; the most important being the invention of 'these things called cars'. Camila then went onto explain that Keana, Tyrus and the rest of the Wolves took all of the cars and that walking was the safer option since it was less 'likely to attract attention than a gas guzzling four by four'. Said person then went on to point out that everyone in this little group was a supernatural creature that possessed the power of moving at great speed and couldn't understand why they were being forced to walk like a common human. This time Sofi decided to step in and take it upon herself to defend the humans since none were currently present, and highlighted that breaking the sound barrier would probably draw more attention than the aforementioned 'gas guzzlers' that were previously discussed. 

It's safe to say Dinah lost this argument and remained silent for the rest of the journey. That is of course until the group finally decided they had gotten close enough that it was safe to split up and went their separate ways wishing the others luck as they departed. Sofi more or less gave her sister the 'If i come back and find you dead, then i'm gonna bring you back and kill you myself' speech that every devoted family member gives their loved one's on reoccurring suicide missions. Of course Camila hit her with the 'Emphasis on the if part' and walked away with a dead arm and a bruise on her shoulder. That was obviously not the time for snarky attitudes but she knew her sister meant well and hugged her tightly with the good arm she had left. They had a plan; what could go wrong? It's not as if they've always had plans in the past that didn't pan our or anything. But no one actually died, so their track record's pretty good in comparison. 

Once they paired off and finally finished their heartfelt goodbyes as if they weren't all going to end up at the same place eventually in like a few hours, Lauren decided now was as good a time as any to give Camila something that she had held onto after their little spat. 

"So Camz, i er- have something for you" she said, reaching into her pocket and holding whatever it was tightly in her fist so Camila couldn't see it. 

"For me? What on earth could you possibly have to give me?" she laughed and looked interestedly in Lauren's direction. 

"Well I just got to thinking, you were always at your most powerful whenever the silver- Karla, came out. The first time i got a good glimpse of your strength was when you attacked me that day in the woods outside my house and trust me i'll never forget it' Lauren recounted fondly. 

"So the thing you want to give me is metaphorical?" Camila surmised since she knew it was impossible to bring that side of her out again and took Lauren's clenched fist as a sign of her demonstrating strength. It seemed logical to her at the time anyway. 

"No you ninny. I wanted to give you this" She clarified and dangled the pendant in her fingers in front of Camila who looked a little puzzled.

"You kept hold of it? Why? And also you do realise all that thing does it let Karla speak through me, she can't fully take hold unless i want her to and trust me when i say, i really don't want her to" she replied, stopping to look at Lauren in an attempt to understand what was going on behind those green irises of hers. If she knew one thing it's that Lauren never did anything without having a good reason for it so she decided to try and push her scepticism to the side for a minute and hear the girl out. 

"Yes i did and i understand why the last thing you'd ever wanna do is put this necklace back on. I also know that you disagree with Karla a lot of the time but you've got to admit she's smart, and she's tough and she protects you more viciously and with more determination than both your sister and I combined. That's why i think it wouldn't be so bad to have her around, if anything goes wrong in there i know that no matter what, you have back up from somebody who literally doesn't take shit from anybody, least of all that ass Dedrick" Lauren explained and as she did took Camila's hand and placed the pendant into her empty palm. 

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