Chapter 21

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Camila's POV

It's ironic really how my first taste of freedom led me all the way back here, I mean I've officially come full circle. Usually people like to stay away from the place they were imprisoned against their will but it seems my mind had different ideas. I may have lied slightly when I told Lauren I knew what was happening to me, I knew in a loose sense of the word about the changes I was going through but not as to the why. However, sat back on this dank floor, running the chains through my hands I finally remember and boy do I feel stupid. But to be fair none of this could have been avoided and I'll forget about it all again in the following days leading up to the next time this is going to happen. I have to make that clear, it will happen again and there is nothing we can do about it except be precautious and make some kind of preparation so I don't try and tear off their heads again. That's assuming that I'll even still be here in five years, they could kick me out tomorrow or I could do what I was I was planning to do ever since I arrived here and get out of their hair.

I wish I could feign innocence, pretend that I don't remember every single second of what happened when I was trapped in that form. But that just wouldn't be the truth. I do remember, I remember it all; trying to break into the house, the terrified looks on all of their faces, summoning a pack of wolves to my aid and almost taking off several of their heads. It was as if I did it all myself, I had a front row seat to their narrowly escaped massacre, the sight, the smell, the pain... I don't think I could ever forget that feeling. But despite all of those things I can't stop my mind from picturing probably the most important event of the night; Lauren, ingeniously stuffing raw meat into her pockets and high tailing it out of there. Oh my god inside I was a complete mess, a mixture of sadness and anger and doubt but then suddenly this wave of happiness came out of nowhere and before I know what's going on I'm chasing Lauren into the forest. Now that was definitely something worth remembering, she risked her own life to help protect her family and did it all with the power of food. I'm no novelist, but I think that would was definitely something for the history books.

You know, the whole time I was watching I wanted to be there fighting alongside them. I wanted to stop the evil wolf and protect the house and keep them all safe. I realised that I wanted to be a part of something; I'd been on my own for so long I had forgotten just what kinds of good company a person can keep in their lifetime and arguably I had found the best kind a person can get. I'm not talking about the Jauregui's specifically, even though they are probably good contenders for Vampire family of the year, I mean the type of people that they are. Kind, selfless, warm-hearted individuals, who look out for you, support you and hold your best interests at heart. Those are the kinds of people that you want in your life and those are the kinds of people who keep slipping through my fingers. Maybe I should just befriend some mercenaries or thieves or something, the good always die young and the spiteful refuse to let go. I mean if you want to measure that statement up against real life statistics on my classroom at my school alone, 3 Vampires managed to kill twenty four students. I don't even want to begin to compare that to the rest of the school quota so I hope you see my point.

Thus, while they're probably still running around without a care in the world, those innocent people left this world too quickly, too soon. I'm starting to think the world favours Evil, why do you think every day's a battle? You know that apocalyptic scenario everyone's wishing for, well you can stop wishing because it's already here.

Anyway, that's enough doom and gloom for one afternoon and enough self-hatred for the next few weeks. Now we have to decide what to do next, do we walk back to the Jauregui's with our head held low in shame and beg for forgiveness or do we just leave? Just go, can I do that? I mean I'm better... okay well I was better, I'm a little scraped up now but that's nothing a day in bed couldn't fix. I hurt them again, I keep hurting them, when will they draw the line on how much they can take? I know Lily didn't stir up this much trouble, how much do you want to bet she was a bloody angel because I'm willing to stake my life on it. To just walk out of the life forever doesn't exactly sound life a breath of fresh air, I already got my do-over so what do I hope to achieve by leaving. I know deep down, they wouldn't resent me for my decision, they'd suck up any opinion or thought they had just for me and let me go without another thought. Well, all of them except Taylor that is, god she would fight until the bitter end. I'd be maybe halfway out the door even that and she would think of some strange and complicated reason for me to stay. Or something simple, like the weather, I can't leave that day because it's raining, something hilarious like that.

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