Chapter 18

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Taylor helped me off the ground as I clutched my stomach with my free hand while Clara took the bags from Mike and quickly placed them in the kitchen. Lauren stood motionless across the other side of the room with Chris stood at her side, the expression on her face was a mixture of anger and guilt probably from getting caught doing to me what I 'apparently' did to her.

'Well?' he asserted.

'She tried to go outside so I had to stop her and-' she tried to explain.

'She's injured Lauren, how could you be so reckless as to hit her that hard or at all for that matter. Do you want to give her another broken arm or make her bed ridden again?' he said angrily. 'I don't care what may or may not have happened yesterday, nothing warrants this sort of behaviour, I can't believe-'

'It's alright' I croaked out and steadied myself so I wasn't leant against Taylor. Lauren was just trying to do what she thought was right, she shouldn't be punished for that.

'No it's not Cam-'

'If I was in her shoes I would've done exactly the same thing. And I told her to try and stop me; I'd say she did a pretty good job wouldn't you?' I joked slightly and patted him on the shoulder.

'We're not done with this conversation Lauren' he said pointedly before turning to me. 'Why were you trying to go outside?'

'I wanted to take another look at the tree, see if we missed something'

'What do you expect to find?'

'Honestly I have no idea' I admitted and he nodded his head.

'Come on, I'll take you. Taylor can come to' he suggested and led the way out. Taylor pulled me onto her back so we could cut the journey there in half and dropped me off beside the tree. Mike walked the perimeter while I physically retraced my steps just the way I had recalled them earlier. Halfway through, I had an idea and asked Taylor to stand as far away as she could but still have me in her line of sight. I wanted to test whether it was possible Lauren could have been near me without me picking up on her scent or the sound of her footsteps. Gradually Taylor came closer and closer and for a while I couldn't smell or hear her but at a certain range which was still quite a large distance I caught wind of her. Even if I was distracted and you cut that distance in half there's no way I couldn't have known she was there. My next test was the tree; I chose one of a similar height and width with the hopes of making a similar crack. Mike offered to be the test subject or 'replacement Lauren' but Taylor insisted it should be her because she's closer to Lauren's height and build.

At first my heart wasn't in it but I knew I had to do it and after a few 'kind' words from the youngest Jauregui I mustered up all my strength and pushed her forcefully into the tree. But no matter how much I tried the stubborn tree wouldn't budge.

'C'mon Mila, I'm getting bored here' she sighed dramatically.

'Well if you have any suggestions I'm all ears' I huffed in frustration.

'Speaking of ears, a tail, a terrifying set of pearly whites-'

'I can't shift; Lauren said I was in my human form when I attacked her'

'I'm not saying you should wolf out, just get mad like you did in the house' she explained. Just the mere mention of what went down in there made my jaw clench up, Lauren's probably throwing a fit right now and giving Chris an ear full. I feel a little bad for him. Whatever, she's just mad I'm going to prove her wrong and I am so going to rub it in when I do especially after everything she's put me through, I didn't hurt her but she sure as hell hurt me. 'Wow there you go Mila, what were you thinking about just now?'

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