Chapter 37

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Camila's POV

Just as Lauren spoke three seemingly ordinary girls walked up to the table and stopped quite a distance away from us. It was almost like they were afraid to come any closer or a bomb would go off or something and then it hit me, I'm the bomb and not in a good way. Lauren must have told them to be careful around me which makes me feel kind of bad. I mean I appreciate the fact that we haven't said two words to each other and they're already trying to make this easier for me, but the last thing I want is to be treated like glass. I've spent months putting myself back together; I'm not going to break.

One of the girls was a tall dark skinned beauty with deep brown eyes and black hair, and beside her stood another tall tan woman with thick brownish blonde hair. Then to perfectly complete this trio, beside the two was a much shorter girl with similar blondish hair, she was even smaller than me. Maybe the Easter bunny has a twin? Don't say that out loud.

They were all looking at Lauren as if asking permission to approach and when I looked at her too and noticed she was waiting for my approval I huffed and rose from my seat. The girls appeared to be quite startled by this action and Lauren reached her arm out like she thought I was gonna run but instead I bounded straight up to the three gawking strangers and introduced myself.

'Hi, I'm Camila' I greeted politely and even threw in a small wave. Now typically one would return the gesture and give their name, however clearly that wasn't going to happen here since the threesome were looking around me and at Lauren like they were completely unprepared for this situation.

'And you are?' I continued slowly. Maybe I broke them? It was just silence for a while, like literal no one moved or spoke or anything dead silence before Lauren got up and stood next to me.

'It's okay guys, she's handling it a lot better than I thought she would' she informed them and simultaneously they each released a large breath like they had been holding it in this whole time.

'I was gonna say Lauser, this doesn't look like the scared little wolf with her tail between her legs that you described' the tall blonde finally spoke. Scared little Wolf seriously...

'Scared little wolf Lauren?' I said directing all my attention to the sort of guilty looking raven haired girl.

'In my defence I thought you were going to be a nervous wreck today' she explained.

'Thanks for the bout of confidence' I sighed somewhat angrily. I don't know why but it sort of bugged me that she thought I couldn't get through this, I mean I've been out in public among thousands of people; but I'm supposed to have trouble speaking with three of her close friends?

'Anyway' the shortest one of the group piped up and extended a hand in my direction. I could feel Lauren's eyes on me but I ignored them like I would have ignored whatever she wanted desperately to say next.

'Hi Camila, I'm Ally it's nice to meet you' she greeted and I shook her hand before releasing it and folding my arms across my chest and looking up at the other two. They paused for a moment, looking between Lauren and I before Ally nudged the girl next to her.

'Oh right yeah, erm I'm Dinah and this is Normani' she smiled.

'So what are you guys?' I asked. I figured if they knew what I was I should at least know what they are too.

'Us? Oh w-well-' Dinah started but was cut off by Normani.

'We're f-friends!' she exclaimed.

'Good friends' Dinah nodded.

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