Chapter 4

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I must be going insane. That's the only thing that can explain it. I didn't shift back, no matter how draining it was to be like this, I was resolute on staying in my wolf form since it offered a security I so desperately needed. I had just agreed to walk back into a house filled with the very thing I loathe more than anything else on the planet. Also, all the progress I had made in my recovery was out the window along with my pride, but I would deal with that when I changed back. For now I made my way back into the house and walked the hallway to my room before closing the door with a loud bang. I nudged the wooden desk that was against the wall and pushed it across the floor with an equally loud scrape and propped it against the door before hopping onto my bed. My wolf form was the only thing that prevented me from having nightmares but didn't exactly help with the sleep part of sleeping. For some reason I could never sleep through the night, like an insomniac I would wake up every few hours and it annoyed me to no end.

When I woke up after the allotted time my wolf form granted me, I noticed the desk was pushed back against the wall and a small coffee table had been placed beside the bed. On top was a plate and on it was what looked like a steak cut up into medium sized pieces. Next to it was a bowl filled with water and I've never been happier. I practically leapt off the bed and got to work on the tender stake before lapping up the water. However that's when the familiar need to pee came on stronger than ever and the bedroom door was closed. I don't care if it's a little strange to pee as a wolf, if you've got to go then you've got to go and I really, really had to go. I could scratch at the door and hope someone would hear it, but that was sort of pathetic, I'm a Werewolf not a common house pet. So I opted for the window, this time the plan would work since I wasn't trying to get away and I was just small enough fit through. I landed firmly on the grass beneath me and walked off a little toward the woods before finally relieving myself. Say what you want but I have no shame and I really don't care, I'm part wolf, it's natural! That's when the sound and sight of water came to mind and I instantly ran towards it before splashing around. A few concerned voices came from inside and it made me laugh that they thought I'd run off.

'She's gone again, quickly we need to-' but the concerned father didn't need to finish his sentence when he stepped outside and saw me playing in the stream. 'Never mind, she's out here'

'Out where- what's she doing?' Taylor asked her father.

'Having fun it looks like' Clara chuckled. Lauren appeared beside me, and I looked up at her with wild eyes, I was getting a shower one way or another, and I had a feeling she knew what I was doing. However I soon discovered my method wasn't really working and I looked for a more effective way to get myself clean, that's when my eyes locked on the waterfall upstream. I knew they would be concerned if I just took off toward it, I don't know why I cared but either way I found myself pushing Lauren in the direction of it and it didn't take long for her to get the hint. We raced up there and the second the large pool of water came into view I dived in like an over energetic child. After a few moments I 'wolf' paddled over to some rocks just under the waterfall and stood directly beneath the running water. I cannot describe how good it felt, no matter how short lived, I couldn't stay this way forever but I was going to enjoy it for as long as I could before I changed back.

'Happy now?' she giggled and if I could have replied, I think I would have screamed in joy because I have never felt better. For a short moment I didn't even care that she was a Vampire, the reality of it would hit me soon enough, but I could live with that for now. Once I was done, I moved back to where she was standing and noticed something seemed to have her attention and when I followed her eye line she seemed to just be staring at the waterfall, and honestly I couldn't blame her. But I wanted to go back and I couldn't go without her since that would raise a few questions so I did the best thing I could to get her attention. I pushed her in the pool. She jumped up quicker than a jack in the box and when her eyes narrowed in on me I made a run for it. I almost took out her sister on the way back and instead watched humorously as Lauren slumped into her instead, and I left the two to untangle from each other while I returned to my room. This time making sure to leave the door open, I shook myself off and slumped back into bed. That was enough excitement for one day. I know Lauren stopped by my room but she didn't do anything when she noticed I was asleep which I was very grateful for.

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